Lol, wait, you're saying my state with legal weed for personal use, sucks because they can test blood AND urine for a weed ovi, but your state which only tests blood, but doesn't allow legal personal use, is better?

Ok, then.

Makes sense.
KY sucks too. We're better on the DUI issue, wherever you are is better on the personal use issue. Both suck on the reverse. Not hard. Policy.

Observations on the Cats and some others

Agree on tough yards back need. BUT, both Patterson & S-K listed over 200#. So not small.
Patterson had some nice inside moves and seemed to move the pile when hit. But, again, it was Southern Miss, not TN, TX, Ole Miss, etc. Didn't realize both of those backs were > 200 lbs. Looked smaller than CRod, for sure, and Davis but maybe the 'eye in the sky' camera angle has something to do with my observation. Certainly, Traynahum is plenty heavy/big enough, just have to see if he's good enough.
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Ok, we found the disconnect. KY law is only blood. Your state sucks ass.

Lol, wait, you're saying my state with legal weed for personal use, sucks because they can test blood AND urine for a weed ovi, but your state which only tests blood, but doesn't allow legal personal use, is better?

Ok, then.

Makes sense.


Florida is solidly red state despite there being many Hispanic people here. Decades ago it was solidly blue when there were far fewer Hispanics here. You accuse democrats of race baiting but that is exactly what you are doing here. Claiming that the “white” states should secede. Just total stupidity.
And oddly.... Trump polls higher among Hispanics who migrated legally than any president since Reagan.
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CI Wrestling Thread #56

Solid but predictable
Yep. I'm not sure Triple H is into taking chances but I really want heel Orton vs Cody. I know Cody will be champion rolling into Mania but there's no reason why he needs to hold it that long. It's okay if he got tripped up and stabbed in the back before next spring, losing the title, having a hot feud, and then winning it back right before Rock strolls in again.


When did you stop beating your wife?

How is pointing out how much better a candidate & Prez Reagan was than Trump help Dims? You somehow don't think I think Trump is better than Harris though he's heavily flawed? Just when have I supported Harris over Trump?

As for your betting, you still haven't addressed the bs point you made below.

Where do you get that it's not against the rules or whatever to film there? Or are you making sh!t up again? So because Harris didn't show up, Trump gets the right to film being there?
I know it's not against the law because I've seen dozens of videos there and nobody has ever been arrested for it. Now if someone tried to film a movie or commercial there I'd say that would be inappropriate but all they did was point a phone at him while he participated in the memorial at the request of the parents. The fact you still hold Trump to a higher standard than the sitting President and VP is why evenyone on here wonders if you're real.

College sports are dead.

If college sports are dead, I guess I was watching ghosts last night dressed in UK baseball uniforms beat ghosts dressed in Tennessee uniforms. That'd make for an interesting spooky cartoon short from 1939.

SCOTUS ruled 9-0 against the NCAA on the basis of NIL so besides a minor tweak here and there (which likely won't be made because the NCAA has chosen to stand on the side of the road like they're waiting for a bus) NIL isn't going to change. Money rules the world and it's already bought championship teams in every sport for decades. Let's not pretend this has ever been Hoosiers with it's midwestern charm.

As far as scholarships go, they've always been a one year contract. Locking an athlete into a four year contract is so out of touch with reality that it's hilarious.

Some are now doing to college basketball what they do with life. "Life was so much better and wholesome and this and that when I was young." Really? Was it? Was every town Pleasantville and did no one ever lock their doors at night? That's a nostalgic fantasy. It's Mayberry.

What's happening isn't perfect by a longshot but when you begin the topic with "College sports are dead." then I'm going to laugh because they're certainly not and those who believe that will likely be here a decade from now saying the same damn thing. And the players are criticized a lot. But it's hard to imagine the pressure because you need to practice a lot, and also you have to study. And combining it can be hard. Of course, nowadays, there are a lot of useful resources that help, but still, I don't play sports. I still have lack of time sometimes, so I use a lot of extra resources. This page always helps me when I have difficulties with topics for opinion essays and those ideas are amazing. And it actually saves me some time, which I can dedicate to something else. So, I can only imagine how hard it all is for student athletes.

I agree with your points. College sport is for sure not dead. Games are going to be played; players are getting ready. But of course, college sports will always be criticized, I think.
What about contract - it's even hard to imagine geving a contract for 4 years, it's not possible. Well, technicaly it is possible, but that idea is awful.
