Reaction(s) From the 34 Yard Line

it’s the Jet Sweep RPO baby!! All this jet sweep and QB run threat also works to get single coverage on Key or Brown on the right side.


And it likely sets up D-linemen to get trapped leaning or going heavy on the left or right foot. We had some trouble in the first quarter gashing the middle, then all three backs went for ten or more between the tackles before they called it for lightning.
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CI Wrestling Thread #56

Thought the show was solid, per usual. Would like to see a world title change at one of these none big four events at some point. They were talking up Gunther as a future legend afterward. I mean, sure, but that doesn't mean we need him and Cody to have a grip on those two titles for a year plus. Not every world title reign needs to be seen as a legendary feat. One of the greatest moments in Raw history saw Mankind win the title with a ton of outside interference.

I won't read any Gunther match slander though. That was an old school, wear-you-down match and he won with a gd sleeper. Felt like I was watching a wrestling tape from 1982 and that's a compliment. Either Orton or Owens needs to go heel now though. SD has been on sleep mode recently and Cole said something about Solo up next for Cody after he won. Uh, no.
Solid but predictable
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