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Bill Russell
Boston Celtics center Bill Russell holds the record for the most NBA championships won with 11 titles during his 13-year playing career.


Not to knock Lebron but lets not act like he just ran through a gauntlet. The Hawks overachieved all year long. Coach Bud is building a system with team ball but they still need a guy that is a cut above what they currently have.

That said, Lebron can put the GOAT talk to bed over the next few seasons. I definitely agree with BBDK, you would be a GD fool not to take Lebron to build a team around. The one thing I think MJ holds over Lebron that may never change is his killer instinct but no one elevates the players around him like Lebron. Dude started out 0-infinity a couple games back and works his way back to another ho-hum triple double.

Besides, Lebron doesn't have gambling issues that led to anyone's death. That's kinda a big one in and of itself. So the ONLY knock on him is The Decision, which is f'ing hysterical considering what he made Cleveland up until that and they turned on him with perhaps the greatest meltdown in the history of sports.'re Cleveland, you should have helped that mofo pack, check him in at the airport, send him Christmas cards, etc... He's bigger than the city so if you are dense enough to judge him by what he did for an hour and ignore the 99% of good that outweighed that, you're a bitch, plain and simple.
It almost feels blasphemous to not say Jordan. That's a testament to the man's mystique. LeBron's accessibility has hurt him in this debate IMO. We are immersed in LeBron. You can see him play every other day. He's all over social media, SportsCenter, pretty much everywhere you look. Seeing Jordan play was an event. It was one of two games nationally televised the entire week and always against some other superstar. He'd show up in commercials to sell you shoes or sports drinks, but even then he was portrayed as a demigod. No athlete of this generation will ever enjoy that kind of aura.

For me, I still say Jordan because the man was psychotic. If LeBron were a contemporary and considered better, imagine the lengths Jordan would go to to overcome the perception and defeat LeBron. He'd sacrifice every other aspect of his life to beat LeBron at basketball. Now if you stuck *that* in LeBron's body, then this wouldn't even be a debate. It would be like asking who is taller Shaq or Kenny Smith. The answer would be so obvious, no one would bother to ask the question.
* i dont think you can say hes better, but you can say lebron is about jordans equal. totally comfortable with that at this point, although i still lean towards jordan.

counterpoint for jordan -- had he not retired, he would have won EIGHT straight titles. thats sick.

counterpoint for lebron -- his team is immediately the best in the east, regardless of which roster you put him on. thats so far beyond what you can say for the next-best players in the league (davis/curry/durant/harden/etc) that its silly.

* started game of thrones the other day. eek. im all in, and ive only made it thru 4 episodes. what a great show. i want to read all 75,000 pages worth of the books now. fantastic.

* i think russell is the most accomplished player in nba history, but you just cant compare eras. not because players are so much bigger/faster/stronger nowadays, but because the sport was in its infancy when he played. the game was barely relevant, actually. like a minor league sport. huge strike against.

* reds with a walk-off to end a 9-game losing streak. watched every pitch of that ridiculous game. ugh.

highlight = lorenzen may end up being a beast. good stuff, big-time athlete.

* my sleep patter is on fleek right now. early to bed, early to rise. knocking out the morning workout/run. booyah.

* showkilla -- i think you look great just the way your are. youre beautiful inside and out. if you want to drop some pounds, i would encourage you to get plugged into a good exercise routine, clean up your diet, and really just enjoy yourself all the way thru. im behind you 100%, even though youre perfect the way you look now. a nice guy like you, just know gyero has your back, buddy. youre the best!!
Let's not act like Jordan rolled the competition with an All Star team. Players 5-10 in minutes played from the 1996 Bulls team:

Luc Longley
Ron Harper
Steve Kerr
Bill Wennington
Jud Buechler
Randy Brown

...Or you know, people say Jordan because he was the best and won 6 titles despite losing two years in his prime.

James has two and had to jump on a bandwagon to get them.
For me, I still say Jordan because the man was psychotic. If LeBron were a contemporary and considered better, imagine the lengths Jordan would go to to overcome the perception and defeat LeBron. He'd sacrifice every other aspect of his life to beat LeBron at basketball. Now if you stuck *that* in LeBron's body, then this wouldn't even be a debate. It would be like asking who is taller Shaq or Kenny Smith. The answer would be so obvious, no one would bother to ask the question.

Lebron may in fact be a better basketball player, but this is why Jordan's #1 for me. Of course, it's also what turns gyero off about him as this place celebrates "cool" more than competitiveness when it comes to basketball.

...and there I go God damn it. F basketball.
It almost feels blasphemous to not say Jordan. That's a testament to the man's mystique. LeBron's accessibility has hurt him in this debate IMO. We are immersed in LeBron. You can see him play every other day. He's all over social media, SportsCenter, pretty much everywhere you look. Seeing Jordan play was an event. It was one of two games nationally televised the entire week and always against some other superstar. He'd show up in commercials to sell you shoes or sports drinks, but even then he was portrayed as a demigod. No athlete of this generation will ever enjoy that kind of aura.

Had the roles been reversed, I could see the accessibility hurting Jordan more than Lebron and by a lot. He would be getting twice the attention because you probably have a new story weekly about something gambling related or maybe a Tiger Woods type fall from grace from the philandering. It's not that the off-the-court stuff is the biggest of deals but I could see MJ having major issues with someone up his ass everyday looking for dirt.

I just think it's ridiculous what people key in on in regards to Lebron. It boils down to a TV announcement. He's a big, goofy kid and oh by the way, the most dominate player in the game bar none. That alone, his haters not having any real dirt, probably leads more people to go Jordan > Lebron. But again, Lebron could rattle off a few titles and there will no longer be a debate.
Wouldn't matter if Jordan had 27 titles.

If I was starting a team, I'd take LeBron over anyone, ever -- which is how I arrive to my conclusion with LeBron. It's really as simple as that.

Jordan has plenty of things over him, sure. I'm still taking LeBron. Can certainly understand the opposite argument.

The most hilarious part though is how insecure Jordan people are over LeBron. It's UofL/UK level type stuff, TS. They're certainly (or will be) in the same conversation, at the very least -- Jordan humpers will lead you to believe he's Shandon Anderson.

Fwiw, I don't think Kobe is far behind either.
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It's cool. Hakeem was picked over Jordan. Worked our for both the Rockets and the Bulls. Can't go wrong either way!!!
...Or you know, people say Jordan because he was the best and won 6 titles despite losing two years in his prime.

James has two and had to jump on a bandwagon to get them.
Eh. Bulls management surrounded Jordan with Pippen, Grant, Rodman, etc. Cavs management surrounded Lebron with, who, Mo Williams? Lebron wanted to play with better players. I can't fault him for that. He was wasting the prime years of his career dragging a bunch of scrubs around.
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Eh. Bulls management surrounded Jordan with Pippen, Grant, Rodman, etc. Cavs management surrounded Lebron with, who, Mo Williams? Lebron wanted to play with better players. I can't fault him for that. He was wasting the prime years of his career dragging a bunch of scrubs around.

This. Chad's argument is among the stupidest. What professional athlete doesn't want to play with good/better players?

Magic had Kareem, Worthy, etc -- playing for one of the best organizations in sports

Bird had McHale, Parrish, and a host of great NBA players -- playing for the best organizations in sports.

MJ was constantly getting good players to help him out. Same for Duncan & the Spurs -- always had a great supporting cast.

...LeBron got his fill, and is now back in shitty Cleveland running shit with a hobbled Kyrie Irving & a bunch of NBA rejects. A few titles there, and his legacy is set.

-Congrats to the NBA, btw. This finals is going to be UNREAL.
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Ultimately, I think Lebron is a more complete player than Jordan, but it'll be hard for me to ever think of someone besides Jordan as the GOAT.
Well he didn't grow up an HVAC heir cruising the streets of Louisville in a Monte Carlo. He was born a poor coon ass in the bayous of Louisiana. He went straight into the Air Force from high school. Served proudly until he unfortunately got medically discharged (not from anything related to crab island.)

Based upon his time to marriage from last grade completed, I'm well under his timeline.

I've thought about the tennis club Cawood, just didn't really know if anywhere that didn't aggressively recruit Anth was worth joining.
that was directed at you not him.
If you're picking a team today with players in their prime, you take Lebron, and I can't argue with that. That said, the next guy takes Jordan of course, and then his team probably finds a way to beat yours because Jordan is on it, and he doesn't let them lose that game. And that's the argument for Jordan.
Also funny how people completely dismiss ATL, just b/c they're ATL. They won 60 games, had the 2nd best record in the entire league, and have 4 All Stars. They're a good team, they're just not gonna stop LeBron.

On the other side, easy to glance over how historically good Golden State's year was. 67 wins, one of the best regular seasons of ALL TIME, in a stacked conference. Incredible, really.

NBA sucks
KSR's guest host lineup during Matt's 2 week vacation: A few of those days will be really good...

Monday, June 1: Will T. Scott
Tuesday, June 2: Sklar Brothers
Wednesday, June 3: Jay Bilas
Thursday, June 4: UK Football Coaching Staff
Friday, June 5: Tim Couch and Jared Lorenzen

Monday, June 8: Jon Rothstein
Tuesday, June 9: Matthew Mitchell
Wednesday, June 10: Josh Hopkins
Thursday, June 11: Seth Greenberg
Friday, June 12: OPEN (Waiting on Paul Finebaum to confirm)
Sidenote: If a guy named Johnboy with a boat named "Dirty Slut 2" is getting serious about life before you, time to reexamine things.

So getting married is the only way to be serious about life?

I guess graduating from professional school, buying a house, having a career, investing in a retirement fund, running ultramarathons, and developing a strong credit card game are just for the posers.
- Agreed on Jordan people. F Jordan people.

- Definitely looking forward to this Warriors-Cavs final.

- "Draft Day" is one of the more ridiculous movies I've ever watched. With that said, I kinda enjoyed it. What can I say- I'm a Costner honk.
I give Boat a lot of shit, but seems like the dude has life figured out.
In terms of aura, personality and marketing Jordan >>>>> Lebron.

CoolCat said it best, it was an event to get together to watch Jordan.

In terms of being a complete basketball player, Lebron = Jordan.

Their stats are so similar it is ridiculous. Shooting % is identical. Lebron is better from deep and Jordan was better from the line. James is a little over a rebound and assist better per game and Jordan averaged over 2 more points per game for his career.

They are both the best players of their era.
among gyero'ers, which men are most likely to wear capri pants at some point?

hankshaker, for sure. then anth.
Why was it an "event" to watch Jordan? I saw him play 3-4 times a week growing up.

Did you all not have WGN?
jordan drove ratings and attendance, and when lebron plays, nobody really cares. i think thats what he was saying. tough to disagree.
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