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Everything is awesome with UK basketball right now. We've gone to four F4s, two NC games and won a title in the last 5 years. We're coming off a 38-1 season. We just had a recruit visit who could possibly make us the favorite again next year. Life is awesome as a UK fan.
He's recruiting. Jesus, some of you are insufferable. Kind of necessary considering we missed on a lot of our targets this year and the summer circuit is coming on. If that's the worst I have to deal with in my final four staple of a coach, I'm feeling pretty good.

Me too, I'm not mad in the least, and I get was he's doing.

Still gets on my nerves sometimes, and I can't hardly even bear the thought of listening to our coach talk, ever. Pre/Post game, ESPN spots, promos, twitter, etc.

If he didn't make his same points 35x, it would be less annoying. Pretty sure recruits/everyone knows where he stands at this point w/ regards to getting kids to the NBA. Jaylen, Malik, Stephen, Antonio, Chiek, and the boys must have missed the message.

I'm jacked up about next year, and I love our coach. He also annoys me sometimes. I can say that about basically everyone else in my life that I like/love as well. Why is that a big deal to some of you?

If that bothers you or anyone else, GGP, and quit being hyper-sensitve raftards, b/c that's exactly how some of you are acting to the slightest/insignificant "criticism" (which it really isn't, save maybe Mattox, but what's new there)

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We won't get Murray. The staff took him to Tony's to eat last night and according to GYERO reviews they Marcus took a shit on his plate and punched him in the mouth for not asking for seconds.
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Well he's been here long enough to know it's not going to happen. He's full time with that stuff. Block it out or get pissed, your call. In the mean time I'll look for the best recruiter in the game, hell of head coach and fits perfectly into our program BUT also has a laid back compatible approach to a bitchy portion of gyero. Should be tons of candidates looking to step right in.
Too bad Cal doesn't Tweet like he coaches. Get a 4 Tweet lead and then just sit there and hold the mobile device without ever attempting another communication.
Me too, I'm not mad in the least, and I get was he's doing.

Still gets on my nerves sometimes, and I can't hardly even bare the thought of listening to our coach talk, ever. Pre/Post game, ESPN spots, promos, twitter, etc.

If he didn't make his same points 35x, it would be less annoying. Pretty sure recruits/everyone knows where he stands at this point w/ regards to getting kids to the NBA. Jaylen, Malik, Stephen, Antonio, Chiek, and the boys must have missed the message.

I'm jacked up about next year, and I love our coach. He also annoys me sometimes. I can say that about basically everyone else in my life that I like/love as well. Why is that a big deal to some of you?

If that bothers you or anyone else, GGP, and quit being hyper-sensitve raftards, b/c that's exactly how some of you are acting to the slightest/insignificant "criticism" (which it really isn't, save maybe Mattox, but what's new there)


Mattox declared that our coach was "unlikable." That's where I had a problem. I completely disagree with that.
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Me too, I'm not mad in the least, and I get was he's doing.

Still gets on my nerves sometimes, and I can't hardly even bare the thought of listening to our coach talk, ever. Pre/Post game, ESPN spots, promos, twitter, etc.

If he didn't make his same points 35x, it would be less annoying. Pretty sure recruits/everyone knows where he stands at this point w/ regards to getting kids to the NBA. Jaylen, Malik, Stephen, Antonio, Chiek, and the boys must have missed the message.

I'm jacked up about next year, and I love our coach. He also annoys me sometimes. I can say that about basically everyone else in my life that I like/love as well. Why is that a big deal to some of you?

If that bothers you or anyone else, GGP, and quit being hyper-sensitve raftards, b/c that's exactly how some of you are acting to the slightest/insignificant "criticism" (which it really isn't, save maybe Mattox, but what's new there)

Any coach will get annoying if you consume as much of their persona as we do of Cal's...that's why I basically just ignore the guy in the offseason. Hell, I don't even listen to much of his stuff in the regular season, it's redundant and I don't need to. If you eat too much at the plate, that's on you.

You know who needs to hear that message? The next 16 year old phenom who hasn't been drinking from the big blue water tank for the past 7 years. This shit is new to him.
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I'll take team PTI/WCC in this one.

Keep going to FF's, kicking the shit out of our rivals, and recruiting stupid talent...I'll skip over your twitter feed. Deal? Deal. Thankyouverymuchdrivethrough.

Not me, I want Cal GONE. G.O.N.E. Sick of his Tweets, personally. I'm pissed beyond belief and absolutely fed up with this charade.

John Pelphrey ftw
Mattox declared that our coach was "unlikable." That's where I had a problem. I completely disagree with that.

So. I don't particularly like him. He's annoying. It doesn't mean he isn't great at his job. I just have little use for his timeshare selling, motivational personal trainer personality.
Travis is a good dude, and if you disagree you are a UK Hater and need to switch schools imo. You're either a UK fan ALL IN, or you aren't. It's that simple folks.

Trav is actually a super positive/good tweeter. Makes me feel for him a bit...I mean, they HATE him out there.
So anyway, about that schedule...

I don't think it's that big of a murderer's row. Duke. Louisville. Kansas. A bunch of teams we should beat. The big games are really well spread out. I like that. Really looking forward to the Kansas game on January 30 to break up the miserable SEC schedule. Hope this Big 12/SEC Challenge scheduling sticks for that week of the season.
So anyway, about that schedule...

I don't think it's that big of a murderer's row. Duke. Louisville. Kansas. A bunch of teams we should beat. The big games are really well spread out. I like that. Really looking forward to the Kansas game on January 30 to break up the miserable SEC schedule. Hope this Big 12/SEC Challenge scheduling sticks for that week of the season.

Besides Duke- who'll be rebuilding more than us at that point- we'll have time to grow before things get real in December.
Maryland has a very good team next year, their starting 5 is pretty stacked -- but them being the Vegas favorites is exactly why I'm still very optimistic about next year. I mean, it's kinda hard to take that seriously.

Not sure who else I'd pick...not them, just b/c it's Maryland. UNC, I guess, but they are no picnic either. Duke? UVA? UK? Kansas? Gonzaga? IU? (lol) Cal? (lolololololol)

People talk about CBB being "down", which it is....but this past year was pretty damned good. The Elite teams of last year Marcus Welby be NBA teams compared to the Top 5 entering *next* year, TS.

WIDE ASS OPEN. There will be 20 teams with a chance to win the title next year, I don't see ANYONE who can separate themselves, or even an 'elite' top 4-5 like last year with UK, Duke, Wisky, Zona, UVA, etc.

We have as good of a shot as anyone, with or without Murray, TS. And WITH him, we're the favorites in my book.

Maryland has a very good team next year, their starting 5 is pretty stacked -- but them being the Vegas favorites is exactly why I'm still very optimistic about next year. I mean, it's kinda hard to take that seriously.

Not sure who else I'd pick...not them, just b/c it's Maryland. UNC, I guess, but they are no picnic either. Duke? UVA? UK? Kansas? Gonzaga? IU? (lol) Cal? (lolololololol)

People talk about CBB being "down", which it is....but this past year was pretty damned good. The Elite teams of last year Marcus Welby be NBA teams compared to the Top 5 entering *next* year, TS.

WIDE ASS OPEN. There will be 20 teams with a chance to win the title next year, I don't see ANYONE who can separate themselves, or even an 'elite' top 4-5 like last year with UK, Duke, Wisky, Zona, UVA, etc.

We have as good of a shot as anyone, with or without Murray, TS. And WITH him, we're the favorites in my book.


Completely agree with all of this. Good job, BBdK. Excellent post.

RE: Maryland. I'm not convinced Turgeon is a great coach yet. We'll see. He has the pieces this year.
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I've beaten this horse plenty lately but I'm just absolutely pumped at the thought of AP back to roaming the baseline catching dump-offs and soaring for weak side offensive rebounds as a 4. Boy is gonna eat this winter, y'all.
Considering all the game changing and season altering plays AP has under his belt, I doubt anyone could find fault with your fantasy. They'd be nit picking if they did.
Yup, at least on the floor/in-game...

Dude was our leading scorer that trip, and had Bilas all but ready to claim him an All American. He was in his perfect role on that trip, and he thrived in it.

With multiple PGs (potentially 3) in the starting lineup, and Skal for the defense to worry about/deal with, he should be in his element on that baseline.

He could potentially average 13-15ppg shooting 70% from the field if we used him like I wish we would.
- Watched the "Making of the Entourage Movie" on actually looks pretty good. Although Haley Joel Osment's character seemed annoying AF.

- E-cigs are the worst, respect smokers much more.

- Raleigh is a lot of fun...I don't get there as often as I should. Very cool young professional crowd/scene. A lot of great restaurants microbreweries.

- I want Murray about as bad as any player we've recruited in Cal's tenure. Kid would be a perfect fit.

- Willis will never be a major contributor.

- I guess I'm in the minority...but I love listening to Cal, even if it is Chad said, it infuriates our rivals and I like having a coach who constantly has our program talked about year round.
Really looking forward to next season. Can't wait to fill out my mock draft errr bracket.
The Bahamas hardly put AP in perspective. What was he averaging in the real world pre-injury? His performances in those few games are more indicative of what one can expect from AP coming back. At least by using those real games, and most of his others, you wouldn't be setting yourself up for disappointment like you would using only the Bahamas games. But hey, AP has always shown flashes, this year could be his year.
Exactly. He was lost in the shuffle (no pun intended), while "shuffling" around on the perimeter with his little two-step catch-dribble-pass move.

He's a garbage man & defender. On the right team/lineup, he would absolutely CLEAN UP as the 'forgotten man' amidst a star-studded attacking he did in the Bahamas.

He's never gonna be a guy who creates his own, which is why he'll never make it in the NBA.
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If used correctly as we're talking about, absolutely. If he's a 3 man/wing, absolutely not.

Assuming he's fully healthy, If he's not around 9-11 ppg, minimum, on next year's squad...he's being criminally misused, plain & simple.

Considering we have 3 'big' men, (counting Alex), I'd say odds are good he'll be in his natural college position more often than not...and he has 2 elite attacking PGs to deliver the ball.

I mean, if you get 2 dump-off dunks/layups, a putback, a bucket, and a couple FTs, you're at 10ppg already. I don't think that's outlandish at all...would think that would be pretty easy considering the makeup of next year's squad.

Look around, points have to come from somewhere.
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Wow Anth is one cranky dude these days. Chill brah.

We're 35ish:joy: you just turned 34, already milking the "I'm a dad, I'm going home at 930"

Sorry you're missing Vegas this year. I was just there. It's awesome. Nola pretty cool too, this 3-1 at Razoo right now is wodie. Not sure yet what I'm doing with my two weeks off next month either. I'll keep us posted though.
If used correctly as we're talking about, absolutely. If he's a 3 man/wing, absolutely not.

Assuming he's fully healthy, If he's not around 9-11 ppg, minimum, on next year's squad...he's being criminally misused, plain & simple.

I hope you're right, believe me, I do. It's just his body of work tells a different story, and I'm not willing to dismiss that and pin all my hopes on the mystery of AP finally getting solved next year. Can't do it.
Just saying, might want to watch the cats meow live feed in the next 10-15 minutes
The Bahamas hardly put AP in perspective. What was he averaging in the real world pre-injury? His performances in those few games are more indicative of what one can expect from AP coming back. At least by using those real games, and most of his others, you wouldn't be setting yourself up for disappointment like you would using only the Bahamas games. But hey, AP has always shown flashes, this year could be his year.

You missed the point. He played the 4 in the Bahamas.
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