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Dewey's southwest bbq chicken pizza is my favorite pie on Earth.

Chad, Senate is awesome. The mussels appetizer is really good. I had the pork belly grilled cheese. I ate it. Was satisfied.

Mercer is another good spot on that strip.
He just needs to go away for a while. You don't have to engage with/react to the fanbase every GD day. We'll be OK. And he just needs to stop it with this "our goal is to get players drafted" nonsense. That's great, and I know what he's getting at, but people don't want to hear it after a disappointing end to the season. It amazes me that he doesn't get that and is still blabbing about it.
intelligent fan can separate the two:

coach cal results vs coach cal coachspeak

the former = awesome
the latter = ugh

you just gotta live with it, and the more you tune it out, the better (which isnt easy)
I love Calipari. I think he's a great guy. I have no clue why you guys let his marketing bullshit bother you so much. Unfollow him on Twitter.

UK fans will bitch and moan about anything.

Great idea. I'll just unfollow Calipari on Twitter and as a diehard Kentucky basketball fan I will instantly be completely insulated from all his bullshit. No way any of it will seep back to me.
He just needs to go away for a while. You don't have to engage with/react to the fanbase every GD day. We'll be OK. And he just needs to stop it with this "our goal is to get players drafted" nonsense. That's great, and I know what he's getting at, but people don't want to hear it after a disappointing end to the season. It amazes me that he doesn't get that and is still blabbing about it.

You think he's doing this for the fans? lol

Unfollow him on Twitter. Pretty simple. Actually, just get off Twitter completely. You avoid a lot of bullshit.
Great idea. I'll just unfollow Calipari on Twitter and as a diehard Kentucky basketball fan I will instantly be completely insulated from all his bullshit. No way any of it will seep back to me.

Well, CoolCat, hopefully he's gone soon, UK will take a step back and we'll get to enjoy your sunny disposition some more.
My favorite is the fans that seem to think that in the heat of a crunch time game its his "get the players to the NBA rhetoric" dictating how he is coaching the game.

We've all seen him, he wants to win the game as much as any of us in that moment. Its funny much of the fan base can't separate that at all.
I honestly pay no attention to it. Doesn't affect me at all.
Honestly, I blame it all on Twitter. I look at GYERO and I see the people most at peace, most content and most rational as the non-tweeters. All you Tweeters are always on edge, eating your own, not enjoying one of the three greatest eras of UK basketball.
Chad's being stupid, per usual.

Pretty sure most of us here WORSHIP Calipari as our basketball coach...and simultaneously are nauseated to hear his redundant bullshit -- smart fan is capable of both.

It seems like a simple concept. Win like Cal. Have Rich Brooks personality.

And I didn't even see the Cal Tweet. I saw the 500 Tweets reacting to it and the damned SBNation "articles" already posted.

In 2015 it is impossible to avoid Cal's shtick and be a Kentucky fan at the same time, especially if you live in a local market which will feature it on radio, TV, and in the paper for the next 48-72 hours.

I guess I could go read a book for the next three days and never leave my house or interact with the outside world. Probably need to kill my cell too since I know at least a few friends will be messaging me over this dumbass quote.
- Rich Brooks is a dick.

- I actually enjoy Cal's bullshit because it enrages our rivals.
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Cal's an antagonist and when he speaks it's calculated to get a message across for a specific reason or he just wants to get a rise out of people. He likes controversy and pissing people off.

Can also tell you he really does believe in that his self purpose being the coach at UK is way more than basketball. It's not just talk he's all in on the changing generational cycles, so on and so forth. In person he says the same things you'll hear on Twitter.

Doesn't bother me. Sure as heck beats a mumbling incompetent in Tubby who loathed the spotlight & demands of the job and a drunk hobo in Gillispie.

Also get a laugh how Cal plays the media and opposing fans like puppets constantly pushing their buttons. Touch em.
I love Cal. I also love my wife and children. But every once in a while, I just want them all to STFU.

Yeah, bet it has nothing to do with him being Italian, you racist sonofabitch. If homeboy was anglo-saxon, you wouldn't say a F'ing word. Bro.
seems like there are some foggy memories around here re: rich brooks. not unusual.

do you people not remember how much you HATED his post-game press conferences during our losing years???
yeah, nothing would soothe the commonwealth more than calipari just comfortably brushing off the wisconsin debacle, just casually stating that we probably need to play better, and summing up the analysis with mentions of getting our fannies beaten.

that would do the trick, and everyone would be happy. [eyeroll][eyeroll]
The best part about Rich Brooks was when it wasn't football season or spring practice, he went away. Calipari is the NFL. He never stops or goes away. I'm not talking about the hard work toward recruiting or player development or whatever. I'm talking about the fact that I always feel like he is trying to sell me something. Always. I think a player could drop dead and Cal would have a slogan for the funeral ready to go. Grieve and Proceed.
Sometimes less is more, and Cal clearly thinks he's big enough of a personality that this certain rule does not apply to him.

Was there really a need to reiterate his original statement in that tweet? Just leave it be. Stirring up shit just to be stubborn is pretty senseless, regardless of how right or cute you think you are.
I barely would've noticed whatever he said if it wasn't for you guys bitching and moaning all day in GYERO about it. TS.
yeah, if calipari just fell off the face of the planet for 4 months, didnt participate in social media, and had zero presence other than hanging out at his local fishing hole, i bet johnny wildcatfan would LOVE that.

havent heard from coach cal, and our class is falling apart!!
dude, its all good. he phoned into chris cross yesterday from his pontoon. he was sipping a bud heavy and just caught a largemouth bass. we'll see him again in october.
whew. thank god.
Cal = a beautiful and intelligent girl with one glaring flaw: she won't shut the F U. You have to overlook it, even though it drives you crazy.

And his ego is such that he'll never back off the "players first" stuff. He'll just continue to double down on it, even though most UK fans are sick of hearing about it.
He's recruiting. Jesus, some of you are insufferable. Kind of necessary considering we missed on a lot of our targets this year and the summer circuit is coming on. If that's the worst I have to deal with in my final four staple of a coach, I'm feeling pretty good.
Kentucky's 2015-16 nonconference basketball schedule; times and TV information are TBA, as is the Southeastern Conference schedule:
Nov. 13 Albany
Nov. 14 NJIT
Nov. 17 vs. Duke (Chicago)
Nov. 20 Wright State
Nov. 24 Boston U
Nov. 27 vs. South Florida (Miami)
Nov. 30 Illinois State
Dec. 3 at UCLA
Dec. 9 Eastern Kentucky
Dec. 12 Arizona Sate
Dec. 19 vs. Ohio State (Brooklyn)
Dec. 26 Louisville
Jan. 30 at Kansas
I barely would've noticed whatever he said if it wasn't for you guys bitching and moaning all day in GYERO about it. TS.

There's a huge difference in being the guy that has to be rescued from his own couch on Maury and being an ultra marathon runner. It's called extremes. It is possible to find a nice, healthy moderate alternative. No one is calling for Cal to go into hiding. Just throttle it back a few notches.

For example, the first time Calipari commented on this crap, most gave it the old dismissive hand wank motion, rolled their eyes and moved on. It was a dumb thing to say the way he said it, but we know how he operates at this point and are used to that kinda comment. The bitching and moaning today is because Cal went back and doubled down on the original dumb thing he said earlier in this week almost to the point of taunting his own fanbase.
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