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The ESPN stream is f'ing garbage. It's timed out 50 times in the last hour. Meanwhile, they're all watching it at my wife's office and one of the TVs is right next to her desk. :mad:
Zach Johnson is hateable because he looks like he could play the asshole in every 80's movie ever made.
So whoever made those "BOAT UP" hats must be crushing it. No less than 8 in my timeline this weekend. Seem to be real popular with the Prime Lounge LDawgs.

One of my wife's old best friends and another dude. (Courtney Fleming & Josh Hicks) They've been saying that forever and finally made it into a product last year.

And yes, that's exactly the crew.
One of my wife's old best friends and another dude. (Courtney Fleming & Josh Hicks) They've been saying that forever and finally made it into a product last year.

And yes, that's exactly the crew.
I'm telling you, Richie, there's a fortune out there waiting for you in Collide, #NOLAYUPS and Line in the Sand merchandise.
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The Josh Hicks? Used to play softball with him. Known him since he was a little kid. Good dude but seems like he might have douched out over the years.
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4-6 majors in his career.... Maybe. Not long enough. Doesnt do anything special...
Who said he doesn't do anything special? I said exactly the opposite. Also never said he wasn't long enough. It's on page 97-99 if you'd care to go back and refresh rather than go by what it was spun into.

If anyone acts like they predicted this type of career or run they'll lying little bitches.
Maxx... You may be on to something but the beauty of GYERO are the inside jokes that only people here get.

Although I do believe a hat or tee that simply reads.. " FALSE" could be a hit.
73, you had some nice quotes in my local paper today....The News Enterprise in E-Town. Y'all beat a damn good team to win it. My kid is on the etown 7u team. Fern Creek got us in the finals yesterday.... After we had beaten them 10-0 in pool play. Good luck in regionals.
Who said he doesn't do anything special? I said exactly the opposite. Also never said he wasn't long enough. It's on page 97-99 if you'd care to go back and refresh rather than go by what it was spun into.

If anyone acts like they predicted this type of career or run they'll lying little bitches.

Sorry, that was cawoodsct that said that in the Tiger Woods thread.
Thanks catchaser. Pretty cool article for a 9U game. ETown has a really good team...hasn't lost much at all in the past 2 seasons. Talked a long time with their coach after the game. Told all of the kids to keep their heads up. Great organization down there.
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They actually had a good bit of that stuff at the marina for sale. Glasses straps, coozies, tshirts... "Boat Up" on the front, then the marina stuff on the back. Pretty smart actually.

First time I saw that was in Louisville during the NCAA tourney. In that crowd, I think Anth's assessment was correct. Chicks were pretty hot though...IMO.
Who in here besides Boat would wear a trucker hat or anything with a saying on it like that? Takes a special kind of douche...
You are grossly underestimating the number of special kind of douches in this country, IMO. And their ability/willingness to spend money on stupid stuff, IMO.
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Again, people talking about golf that don't understand it because it's not like other sports. Even at the best run in golf history the most dominate player only won 3 out of every 10 majors. I love Spieth but I don't think he has dominate the game talent. Rory does, but I question if he has the mentality to do it at that level consistently.Even with Rory that still leaves a lot of tourneys out there up for grabs.

Now the overall quality of young talent that doesn't really remember Tiger being Tiger is the most dangerous thing.

For everyone's sake we should all be cheering for Tiger to win another major. It would be awesome to watch. He'll get the swing back together but he'll never dominate like he once did. We all know that. Tons of golfers go through this type of thing, it's just not meticulously examined ad nauseam. I still maintain he wins at least 1 more and probably a couple. I still think Phil has one in him and as long as he hasn't completed the slam he's going to keep trying.

Players that have won 2 Majors in a year. Good golfers but I wouldn't say they dominated the game for 10 years.


You are grossly underestimating the number of special kind of douches in this country, IMO. And their ability/willingness to spend money on stupid stuff, IMO.

Notice I said "IN HERE" as in "out of the GYERO crowd." You think you're going to see SAE out and about with a "FALSE" tank top?
You are grossly underestimating the number of special kind of douches in this country, IMO. And their ability/willingness to spend money on stupid stuff, IMO.

Yup. It's like hipsters, but with disposable income.

We are legion.
Exactly. He's dominated a season. I'll hold out on the decade although man I think he's even surpassed most peoples wildest expectations. Never said he had average talent oranyoftheother numerous things othershave spun it to. Pretty rare to dominate golf for an extended period of time. What 5-6 guysinguys in guys in history have done that? And yes Faldo is more than a good golfer.
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