To put things in perspective here. I watched an interview with K and his wife in 2015. They were asked what the biggest, most program defining win of his entire career was. They both said, without any hesitation, that it was the win over Kentucky in 1992.
Not ANY of his FF wins, title wins or any other win. A win over a program fresh off probation, when duke was defending champs. (This should tell everyone which program truly “moves the needle” and it isn’t duke university). A win that they wouldn’t have even got had the officiating been even. When Cawood Ledford calls out the terrible officiating in a game, you listen. He was the furthest thing from a homer that ever lived.
He said that the one official took UK completely out of the ballgame in the first half with three calls. He also said that they simply weren’t gonna call any fouls on duke. Hell, Mashburn fouled out and might’ve had one of two actual fouls. The rest were absolute phantom calls. Cawood literally commented on the horrible, one sided officiating that entire game. I was floored actually. It is what it is, though.