Zagoria: Bam Bam Hopes to Visit UK; Not Committed to Package w/ Smith

I know Harry played at Wesleyan and with him leaving, I was saying that Christian will be the new force in North Carolina. Greensboro Day will be solid but I think Christian will be tough to beat!! And ukrjr1 let me know when you get your email!!
- Tyler? No idea who that is.

- They may be the force for a team in NC is a powerhouse for long periods.

- I have not received any email. Even check the Spam folder.

- I'm not going to argue anymore. You guys keep making up scenarios where Smith, Bam, and Giles all come to UK.
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At no point in time have I indicated that any of the NC kids will attend UK. I live in Winston-Salem, NC and I'm sure I've heard all the rumors you have. The rumor in WS is that Bam & Dennis will attend NC State and Adidas is the big reason for it. The rumor in WS is that Harry will go to Duke. Those have been the prevalent rumors for awhile now and they very well come true. But I've also heard how Dennis likes L'ville (they too are Adidas and Rozier was one of his favorite players to watch this past year) and I've heard that Bam is smitten with UK!! Now all these kids wants the UK offer and they're overwhelmed with joy when they receive it cause that signals they may be a pro!! Kids know that Cal only brings in pros so an UK offer means they too may play in the League. Plus Cal is the best at relating to these kids. I spoke to Harry at a high school football jamboree Friday pushing Wake (that's my team) and he said that he's connected with Manning and he likes him. When I told him "yea everyone says you're a Dookie" he said "man I don't know". Then I said, "what you may go to Kentucky?" And he responded, "Cals my man!" Now from my short convo I didn't gain any insight but he gave me the impression that he's open. He may go to Duke but I truly feel his mind isn't made up yet which is why he's taking his visits.
I live in Winston-Salem and have relationships with a lot of the coaches involved. I played ball for several of them and have maintained a relationship with them the past 10+ years. Others are heavily involved with shoe companies and the NC grassroots efforts.

These aren't random rumors that I'm hearing. Adidas is one factor, but not the deciding one. Other things are in play. And as others have said, when I get info about an NC player, it's usually really good.

I have always said that Duke will probably get Giles, but Wake is a darkhorse.
Well there's alot of rumors here in North Carolina concerning all of our high profile recruits. The latest rumor I've heard is that Raliegh Word of God has hired Brian Clifton as its head coach. And it's been rumored that Bam will transfer there. Now this is John Walls alma mater and Brian is Johns former "guy"!! If all of this is true then Cal is definitely in the running for Bam!!

You have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know whether or not Smith Jr and or Bam will go to NC State or somewhere else, but Clifton is the main reason UK almost didn't get Wall. Cal banned Clifton from being around Wall or the team while he was here. If Brian Clifton has anything to do with this recruitment we are SOL.
I emailed you twice, with no response other than $1,000 is too rich for your blood because of your job etc... evidently you weren't confident enough to lay ACTUAL money down at the time but am glad that you are mature enough to come here and expect everyone to tell you how all knowing you are for picking where a kid goes to college.
Hahahahaha, FLASE. Not one email. Still want to make the bet? I offered to put money up, you chickened out.

Don't have $1000 lying around to put in queue, has zero to donwith confidence...essentially, I was offering to put my money up front, you wouldn't...which is why you never emailed me.
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Boy, a couple of people in this thread are pathetic.

Do you really need so much validation and are you really so self-absorbed that you need to bet $1,000 to prove who knows more about a 17 year old kid's decision on where he's going to college??
Also, you know Clifton is an Adidas guy...right? That's why Wall signed with Reebok (owned by Adidas).

It was the main hang up keeping Wall from here. An agreement was reached and UK got Wall.

Fox is our PG target.

I think UK will probably get SKJ.
I've been wondering for a couple years now what happened to Reebok, as in did they make a bad business decision or simply fall out of favor. I even planned on posting a thread on here asking if anyone knew. And now you have gone and answered the question for me. Thank you.
Why drag it out?

1. You get more attention being uncommitted. It can raise your profile.

2. Why not take a couple free visits if you are 17/18 years old? You get treated like royalty for a few days with some hot coeds.

3. It would be a little suspicious if NC State all of a sudden gets two top ten players.

4. It brings more attention to your program. Coaches will sometimes ask players to hold off committing because it gets other players noticed and the programs are in the spotlighted longer.

Is that what you are after Attention?