Your Thoughts on the New Board Format?

reignof cats

Apr 4, 2012
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Rupp Rafters - Basketball Forum
The place to be for discussion of the nation's all-time winningest basketball program and seven-time national champions.
Kentucky has won the ncaa title 8 times people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got on here and can't stand it! It looks like a mobile version of a site. They should have put an option to have a "classic" view to show things like they were prior. Everybody's avatars and sigs are gone also. Sucks
I think this is a classic example of make-work inside somebody's IT department. I've seen the same phenomenon lately on the websites of ESPN, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, and NBC News, etc. So unnecessary.
The new look sucks, the guy up there must have helped design it.

As for what I don't like..... You know when you just "don't like something".... This is that way for me, just my opinion.

The old way was easier to navigate, and just plain easier on the eyes..... And purple? At least they are smart enough its not red or orange.
The old design listed us on Rupps Rafters as seven-time champions also. They just carried it over, rather than correcting it.
Much better! The old site was outdated, and was a pain to use. When viewing this site I use my phone 95% of the time, so this is a major improvement for me.
I love the new delete post and report button. Gonna be wearing that report button out on Troll's now. :D
I was prepared to hate it, but I'm really digging it. So far, the bugs appear to be at a minimum and the functionality is better than the previous version.
Please change color to blue, and update the national championships to eight.
The complaint is that they have us listed as "seven-time national champions".

I'm sure UNC is listed as having 20 titles now, knowing our luck.
I think this is a classic example of make-work inside somebody's IT department. I've seen the same phenomenon lately on the websites of ESPN, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, and NBC News, etc. So unnecessary.

Actually it's not "make-work", it was absolutely necessary for all Rivals properties to do this in line with Google's new SEO requirements for mobile that go in effect TODAY. If didn't make this shift, their organic traffic would suffer and that would mean less ad impressions and higher subscription fees to justify greater PPC dollars spent.
Actually it's not "make-work", it was absolutely necessary for all Rivals properties to do this in line with Google's new SEO requirements for mobile that go in effect TODAY. If didn't make this shift, their organic traffic would suffer and that would mean less ad impressions and higher subscription fees to justify greater PPC dollars spent.

I thought I was decently tech savvy, but I didn't understand any of that.
Where you could go directly to any SEC school, Indiana, NC, Duke and Louisville site. Unless I am missing it. I know you can hit colleges and find it but not as quickly.
I thought I was decently tech savvy, but I didn't understand any of that.

I'll be glad to explain. Today is Mobile-geddon for every digital marketer out there because Google is changing their natural search algorithm to factor mobile friendliness. A mobile friendly site uses a responsive design that has an optimized design for all mobile devices, tablets and desktop computers. Organic traffic is your typical natural search traffic from Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc. There is paid traffic as well, which you see either on the top or side of all the natural search results. Organic traffic is FREE, which makes it golden for marketers to bring in traffic and possibly harvest new leads. If Organic traffic decreases significantly, revenues from banner advertising and subscriptions could decrease significantly.

In order to keep the fixed design, Rivals would need to lean on paid advertising significantly more and this would cost them more per lead and per subscription. Less banner advertising views will likely happen as well, which decreases revenue.

This is why it all happened TODAY and why it is absolutely necessary.
Mobile version is all shot to crap. Anytime you try to click on anything, it randomly redirects you to another Rivals network. Have only came across one other poster with this complaint, so I'm not sure if it's the case for everyone. Maybe it's my cell that's all shot to crap. Who knows? But looks like only desktop/laptop for me.