Your Thoughts on the New Board Format?

Thought I ought to get the ball rolling on this idiocy. On second thought, if Willie had shown up for the final four the Cats might have pulled off this highly improbable feat.
So the bans have been lifted and the trolls are out in full force
I like having the smilies available via tablet, and being able to quote also. Will have to see about posting pics later. :cool:

Gonna have to get my Avatar and Sig. back too.
My only complaint is the amount of wasted space on short posted, like the one I am quoting. Wish there was a minimal theme option that would remove avatars and user stats. Oh and the purple.
I used to use the mobile site on my desktop because I hate all the wasted space.
I thought I would hate it but I honestly like this much better. Probably because its much easier on tablet users like me. I could not even quote a post with a tablet on the old design.
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Oh gosh... I knew there was a reason why I've been only trying to talk NBA basketball lately.
Just curious... when was the last time the format was altered to such an extent?

Can't answer that question but no doubt not the first time since 2002 when I joined this site. I like that new feature by the way. And yes I did understand "hackwithtech's" comments. Rival's is a business and to survive in today's high tech world means to change. Been that way since I started with it in 1981.
Yea, I remember you. You were a turd. LOL Just kidding. I don't know you from Adam.
I think this is a classic example of make-work inside somebody's IT department. I've seen the same phenomenon lately on the websites of ESPN, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, and NBC News, etc. So unnecessary.

All these sites are simply modernizing to current trends. The old site was cutting edge... in 2002.

Responsive web design, use of media in threads, more sophisticated markup, and a cleaner design are how web pages are expected to behave. Now, as a developer, I know there are a large group of people resistant to change. However, the previous site was built in a legacy web framework that hasn't been supported by Microsoft in about a decade. They had to modernize.

As a regular poster on the national board, many were resistant at first, but you'll find it is better.... and you can post YouTube videos in threads. THIS IS AWESOME
You guys are nuts. So much more you can do With the new technologies. So many improvements and learning from the previous gen.
Are we now the Big Purple Nation? How in the world could Rivals screw THAT up? There was no guy in the room who said " Uh, dudes..that's not Kentucky's color, is it? I mean, isn't it, like BLUE or something?"
Ha! I note that YOUR colors are a perfect shade of blue, John. This site wasn't done by college students. It was done by a professional web designer, who didn't know UK from the Ukraine. Rivals was purchased by Yahoo! for about a hundred million, right?

So it's not a question in my mind of small guy being overwhelmed with tweaking his work and he will 'get to it' when the important stuff gets 'fixed'. It's the contractor not having any idea that Kentucky is BLUE!!! Blue, purple, yellow, it's all the same in India!
You can blame colors on the idiots that compromised on sRGB. A blue looks purple in that color space. Also, everyone's monitors are calibrated differently. It may look more purple to you than someone else. If you want to get really aggravated, try printing the color. You will get a whole different color.
Turns out the website design was put together by two English guys, who don't know American sports from Chop Suey. Their bios claim they are big British soccer fans. Follow the link on the bottom of the page. They simply had no idea about Big Blue, Kentucky or the tradition.
Looks purple with certain people's avatars appearing correct on my iPhone too. I like the new format so far but the color "tweak" should make all the difference