Your Thoughts on the New Board Format?

I really like the alerts feature. HATE the purple, but i'm sure that will be changed soon due to all of the complaints.
I thought I had been redirected to another page and was about to exit when I noticed some recruiting news. When did this new formatting take place?
Definitely a step in the right direction. I may actually view it on my phone now. New image/video features are nice as well. Color is dreadful though. I'm sure they'll get that fixed....:D
Sucks. The old board wasn't broken, just needed tweaked.
I feel like this board needs a mascot. Fake Barney perhaps?

I thought I had been redirected to another page and was about to exit when I noticed some recruiting news. When did this new formatting take place?

Just a few days ago. Its not so bad once you get used to it. Now if we can just get our blue back.
I think it's refreshing . . . going to take some time to get used to. Anybody found any neat features that might not be so apparent (i.e. posting a link and title it something so it doesn't show as the web address)?

The styling sucks...not enough contrast with the lights and darks, the user name is light grey but joined date is black...bassackwards.

The purple just plain sucks...
One thing I really like is that old threads don't disappear into cyberspace after five pages anymore. I was curious and just checked to see how far they actually go back and it's all the way back to January.
I think it's refreshing . . . going to take some time to get used to. Anybody found any neat features that might not be so apparent (i.e. posting a link and title it something so it doesn't show as the web address)?
Use it with IPad. Like this format much better.....
Just curious, but those of you who hate it are you using the Chrome extension? If not, try it out. Makes a big difference on the visual end. But you have to agree that the functionality is way better now.
I think it's refreshing . . . going to take some time to get used to. Anybody found any neat features that might not be so apparent (i.e. posting a link and title it something so it doesn't show as the web address)?
I'm still wearing bell bottoms, hate change, don't like it.
Its nice, just needs some tweaks.
1) darken the box outlines / lines between posts
2) After I hit post reply, take me back to the main board, not the post
3) change the purple back to UK blue, its way off
4) Freeze the entire header so I don't have to scroll to the top to click 'rupp rafters'

I do like the new format but its hard on the eyes. You cant see the lines / out;ines between the posts
Huge improvement on mobile. Liked the look of the old one better on PC but old board was slow, buggy, and poorly maintained.
I love it on my phone, but it will take some getting used to on my laptop. Also, with the Like feature, I can lurk better.
It is a change and some of us don't adapt quickly to change. I was comfortable with the old site and I will get comfy with this one.
On mobile, it's far to easy to click someone's screen name instead of the topic. I don't care about anyone's profile.
I have been here since 2003 and on the other board around 1998 or so before losing my account and then registering on this one. I like to post and chat. I like it just fine and it works much better with my Iphone and Ipad. Since I am not a paying member I don't complain about free.
Right now...I totally hate the entire format! But that's probably due to the fact I'm just not use to it yet. Right now I miss the old format.
Here is the yahoo/rivals email response to give feedback on the message board.

My feedback was to change the color to Kentucky Royal Blue.

appreciate your inquiry regarding colors on the Kentucky website. I'll be happy to clarify the situation.

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