You can change 1 outcome

2014 because it's the only one where I was old enough to care or was actually a UK fan (I didn't grow up one, I became one when I went to college).

1975 because it changes UCLA's championship lead from 11-8 to a much more manageable 10-9.
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You had 2014 but that season doesn't bother me . For that team to make the finals was maybe the best non title winning experince of my 40 years of being a UK fan. Now 2015 is the one for sure. If we go undefeated and win the title we are considered the best team of the last 40 years probably. 97 would be second. Just don't care much about something that happened when my parents were 15 years old ( 66 ect)
You had 2014 but that season doesn't bother me . For that team to make the finals was maybe the best non title winning experince of my 40 years of being a UK fan. Now 2015 is the one for sure. If we go undefeated and win the title we are considered the best team of the last 40 years probably. 97 would be second. Just don't care much about something that happened when my parents were 15 years old ( 66 ect)

But if Duke beats us for the natty and ends our perfect season....I'd be begging for a time machine to go back and sabotage the Wisconsin game.
I have to say '14. Neck and neck with '97 but time heals all wounds so '14 with a recency bias.
My favorite year of change is not listed (Kentucky vs. Georgetown), however, with what is given I would take 1997. That was a Championship we gave away because we would not play our best player (Anderson). That was not just bad shooting or bad referring. We just gave it away.
Have to disagree, Nazr missed all his free throws, had he made just ONE, we win. But, he redeemed himself the next year helping us win.
2014.. most recent.. would have stopped Duke and topped Indiana for most wins by an an unbeaten team
I like all of these answers, but I would pick '66 because of the racist label UK has unfairly been stuck with because of that game.
We beat Duke in the Final Four, in 1966, they were lilly-white (as were many teams in 1966). Had Duke beaten us and then lost to Texas Western, does anyone honestly think that Duke would be the bad guys we've become to be by the media and Hollywood? Not a chance IMO.
75. Only 13. First team that I really followed. First time that I remember
being upset that the Cats lost.
Tough one.

66 I would actually change the F4 win over Duke than the Final loss to TW. Let Duke be forever known as the racist lily-white school!

97, a 3-peat is very appealing. But if we win in 97 does Pitino still leave, does it somehow hurt our chances to win in 98 so this not a 3-peat

I might actually vote for 15 (instead of 14), we win that Wisc game, Duke doesn’t beat us! 40-0.
I would vote 84 against Georgetown. Bowie deserved a championship and we would have won the finals.
We beat Duke in the Final Four, in 1966, they were lilly-white (as were many teams in 1966). Had Duke beaten us and then lost to Texas Western, does anyone honestly think that Duke would be the bad guys we've become to be by the media and Hollywood? Not a chance IMO.

I disagree. Duke only became media darling after K. He might not have even accepted the job if they had that perception placed on them.
None of it exists in a vacuum, obviously. I'm not sure 98 wins it all if 97 does. I'm not sure the guys (and/or Cal) come back in 15 if 14 finishes the job.

I think 75 is the obvious answer from a historical perspective. It's the most value per change.
The question was if you could change just one outcome, not two.
Not a choice but I wouldn't mind 2015. Undefeated season and another Cal title. 97 pretty tempting though.
of 66 75 97 or 14

Im going 66. Feel like Rupp deserves 1 more
Very close call between '66 and '70. Throw in '92 and '15. Time does tend to heal old wounds, so 2015 is probably my final answer. Very hurtful loss still to this very day...we should have been 40-0 champions and ordained the greatest team in the history of college basketball.
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Kentucky has never had an undefeated National Champion.
We came close in 2015, but no cigar.

The only other team that finished undefeated (25-0) and could have won a
National Championship was the 1954 basketball team with Hagan and Ramsey.
They were stopped by the NCAA because said NCAA did not anticipated
graduates on the basketball court. NCAA corrected the problem the next year.
14 with 97 a close second. I was not born in 75 to recall or comment. Do we read about that game in the paper or is there video? :)
The way I interpret the OP, would be a one game scenario. Change the Wisky game to a win and no guarantee we beat Duke, I think we would, but we don’t know. So I chose to use the championship games for my choices.
The question was if you could change just one outcome, not two.

I'm not changing two outcomes, I'm saying that changing one outcome means it's unlikely that what we know historically turns out the exact same way.

If 2011 cuts down the nets, maybe Jones/Lamb go pro and the AD team falls short, for example.

I'm using that reasoning as more support for choosing 75. If anything, it makes another title in that era more likely, whereas the alternative choices all have potentially negative ramifications for other title winners.

If you're saying that the hypothetical means all these games exist in a vacuum and nothing else would change for our or any other program, I'm still taking '75 because it sends Wooden out a loser and closes the all time titles gap.
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75, because it kills two birds with one stone. Takes a title away from UCLA in addition to giving another to UK.
I agree with you for the reasons you give, however the greatest heartbreak for me was the 1966 team was the best "small team" I watched and they were the walking wounded in that title game.
I believe they would have won 8 out of 10 games against Texas Western if they were well.
I'm not changing two outcomes, I'm saying that changing one outcome means it's unlikely that what we know historically turns out the exact same way.

If 2011 cuts down the nets, maybe Jones/Lamb go pro and the AD team falls short, for example.

I'm using that reasoning as more support for choosing 75. If anything, it makes another title in that era more likely, whereas the alternative choices all have potentially negative ramifications for other title winners.

If you're saying that the hypothetical means all these games exist in a vacuum and nothing else would change for our or any other program, I'm still taking '75 because it sends Wooden out a loser and closes the all time titles gap.
Right . . it's called a musing. And you are changing more than one outcome: you are musing twice. And what makes no sense whatsoever is that while musing a 97 win might change the future 1 year later, you seem highly confident that a 75 win could not possibly change the future 3 years later.
Even if Kentucky had won in 66 I still think the story would have eventually turned into a negative one for the Cats. 75 because sure would have been nice to send Wooden out with a loss especially to Kentucky.
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