World war thread


Sep 16, 2017
We re in the midst of the beginning stages of a global war. Ukraine is now attacking targets in Sudan. Wtf? Armenia and Azerbaijan are in the beginning stages of a new war. The US just appeased Iran with ridiculous amounts of money for nothing after the last administration killed their chief terrorist. N korea has joined forces with Russia. Soon I expect a China-Russia-Iran-n korea axis to develop. A US led effort to build peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia has blown up this will leading to another Palestinian uprising. A catastrophic clash between Israel and hezbollah/Iran is inevitable. This doesn’t even address the elephant of Ukraine vs Russia. There are about 8-10 other hot spots around the world that will erupt as the dominos begin to fall. The USA thinks it can control all these events but the control is slipping fast. Oh and btw the Indian government pulled off an assassination in Canada. Autocracies are pushing the limits of the west to see how far they can go and there is very little resistance.
OP gonna worry himself into an early grave.

You yourself can't stop or fix anything that's happening around the world but all the best to your rising blood pressure. With your alarmist post you could audition for a cable news network and get the job by the end of the day...IF THE WORLD MAKES IT TIL THE END OF THE DAY BC GLOBAL WWIII.
I’m not worried and my bp is perfect actually it’s low. Thanks for the concern. So the world is descending into a significant period of turmoil and it’s not worth discussing? Ukraine conducting operations on foreign soil like it’s the USA or Israel isn’t a problem for you? India likewise? Russia overthrowing western allied governments in Africa isn’t worth discussion? All of this global upheaval and what’s worth discussing is hunter biden and Lauren Boebert?
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There is, relatively speaking, less 'world turmoil' than at any time in my 60-plus years.

I was born into a world of intense Cold War hatred that not only threatened nuclear annihilation but led to Hot War flare ups in places like Korea...There were proxy conflicts literally everywhere, from Africa to Asia the Latin America, even to Cuba and the Caribbean.

I was an adolescent during a time when Vietnam was on television every night, as Americans and Vietnamese died in a grinding conflict that threatened to spread throughout the region. The Soviets were in ascendancy everywhere, and a direct threat to US stability.

Conflicts in the Middle East threatened to become major wars throughout my early adulthood, and did de-stabilze the US economy in the 1970s.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in the early 1990s ignited a period of chaos that led to wars in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and elsewhere.

Islamic Extremism culminated in thousands of Americans killed on 9/11, followed by terrorism on a global scale and wars that lasted decades in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Meanwhile, many places were fundamentally unstable because of poverty and famine and they threatened to undermine peace in different places, from Somalia to Rwanda to Haiti and so on.

Much of that has faded, from the existential threat of the Soviet Union, to the worst of Islamic Terrorism and even the most dire threats in the Middle East. While places like Somalia and Haiti are still train wrecks, much of Africa and Asia has seen a rise in standards of living that has increased stability.

As for some "axis of evil" among Iran, North Korea, Russia and China, that's actually a pretty shabby confederacy.

Israel alone could destroy Iran's military, and South Korea alone is more than a match for North Korea, if it came to that.

Russia can't handle Ukraine. Putin's misadventure there has exposed just how weak and impotent his military really is. They could barely stop the Wagner group from overthrowing the regime. NATO could be in Moscow in a matter of days in case of a full-fledged war without US armored divisions and the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne.

And China has a faltering economy, growing internal discontent from failing to meet the expectations of hundreds of millions still living substandard lives, and can only stay ahead of these problems as long as world markets for selling mountains of crap stay open. They need a massive war over Taiwan like they need a self-inflicted gunshot to the head.

You can close up the fallout shelter.
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We re in the midst of the beginning stages of a global war. Ukraine is now attacking targets in Sudan. Wtf? Armenia and Azerbaijan are in the beginning stages of a new war. The US just appeased Iran with ridiculous amounts of money for nothing after the last administration killed their chief terrorist. N korea has joined forces with Russia. Soon I expect a China-Russia-Iran-n korea axis to develop. A US led effort to build peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia has blown up this will leading to another Palestinian uprising. A catastrophic clash between Israel and hezbollah/Iran is inevitable. This doesn’t even address the elephant of Ukraine vs Russia. There are about 8-10 other hot spots around the world that will erupt as the dominos begin to fall. The USA thinks it can control all these events but the control is slipping fast. Oh and btw the Indian government pulled off an assassination in Canada. Autocracies are pushing the limits of the west to see how far they can go and there is very little resistance.

It's all good, bro.
The guy posing as a girl that took his shirt off on the Whitehouse lawn has got this under control along with his buddy that wears sweat pants in the halls of Congress. We are a serious country!
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I’m not worried and my bp is perfect actually it’s low. Thanks for the concern. So the world is descending into a significant period of turmoil and it’s not worth discussing? Ukraine conducting operations on foreign soil like it’s the USA or Israel isn’t a problem for you? India likewise? Russia overthrowing western allied governments in Africa isn’t worth discussion? All of this global upheaval and what’s worth discussing is hunter biden and Lauren Boebert?
In all seriousness, your first post is a lot of conjecture with alarmist buzzwords and phrases, much like you'd see on cable news. I'm not saying don't have the discussion. I'm saying beginning a thread by predicting falling dominos all around the world is premature, to say the least. Funny thing is, you won't even be thinking about any of this Saturday at noon when we play Vandy.

If some here can mock an alarmist global warming post, then I'm going to mock one predicting global wars, "catastrophic clashes", and "USA control slipping fast." Chill, Alex Jones.
In all seriousness, your first post is a lot of conjecture with alarmist buzzwords and phrases, much like you'd see on cable news. I'm not saying don't have the discussion. I'm saying beginning a thread by predicting falling dominos all around the world is premature, to say the least. Funny thing is, you won't even be thinking about any of this Saturday at noon when we play Vandy.

If some here can mock an alarmist global warming post, then I'm going to mock one predicting global wars, "catastrophic clashes", and "USA control slipping fast." Chill, Alex Jones.

We're so in control that we have to give Iran Billions of ransom dollars and then lie about it, saying ohhh now that wasn't a ransom payment! That's what I call a superpower!!
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In all seriousness, your first post is a lot of conjecture with alarmist buzzwords and phrases, much like you'd see on cable news. I'm not saying don't have the discussion. I'm saying beginning a thread by predicting falling dominos all around the world is premature, to say the least. Funny thing is, you won't even be thinking about any of this Saturday at noon when we play Vandy.

If some here can mock an alarmist global warming post, then I'm going to mock one predicting global wars, "catastrophic clashes", and "USA control slipping fast." Chill, Alex Jones.

How pathetic is it that we now need 3 hour distractions (UK vs. Vandy) to take our mind off of watching our country turn into a complete s-hole, by design, so government can expand and they can trash it up and turn it blue forever.
There is, relatively speaking, less 'world turmoil' than at any time in my 60-plus years.

I was born into a world of intense Cold War hatred that not only threatened nuclear annihilation but led to Hot War flare ups in places like Korea...There were proxy conflicts literally everywhere, from Africa to Asia the Latin America, even to Cuba and the Caribbean.

I was an adolescent during a time when Vietnam was on television every night, as Americans and Vietnamese died in a grinding conflict that threatened to spread throughout the region. The Soviets were in ascendancy everywhere, and a direct threat to US stability.

Conflicts in the Middle East threatened to become major wars throughout my early adulthood, and did de-stabilze the US economy in the 1970s.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in the early 1990s ignited a period of chaos that led to wars in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and elsewhere.

Islamic Extremism culminated in thousands of Americans killed on 9/11, followed by terrorism on a global scale and wars that lasted decades in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Meanwhile, many places were fundamentally unstable because of poverty and famine and they threatened to undermine peace in different places, from Somalia to Rwanda to Haiti and so on.

Much of that has faded, from the existential threat of the Soviet Union, to the worst of Islamic Terrorism and even the most dire threats in the Middle East. While places like Somalia and Haiti are still train wrecks, much of Africa and Asia has seen a rise in standards of living that has increased stability.

As for some "axis of evil" among Iran, North Korea, Russia and China, that's actually a pretty shabby confederacy.

Israel alone could destroy Iran's military, and South Korea alone is more than a match for North Korea, if it came to that.

Russia can't handle Ukraine. Putin's misadventure there has exposed just how weak and impotent his military really is. They could barely stop the Wagner group from overthrowing the regime. NATO could be in Moscow in a matter of days in case of a full-fledged war without US armored divisions and the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne.

And China has a faltering economy, growing internal discontent from failing to meet the expectations of hundreds of millions still living substandard lives, and can only stay ahead of these problems as long as world markets for selling mountains of crap stay open. They need a massive war over Taiwan like they need a self-inflicted gunshot to the head.

You can close up the fallout shelter.
Your post is a story of escalation that leaves out many important recent developments like China attacking the world with a virus and the ensuing economic chaos that followed. That was the beginning of this global war imo. The escalation continues and it’s chorus us growing. If you think the world is better now than 50 years ago he’ll at least the Cold War offered a measure of stability since it was only 2 big dogs. Now you have China and India joining the big dog ring, and tribalism through out the rest of the world. Not to mention nuclear armed countries now like volatile N Korea, Pakistan, India, Iran soon to join. No way in hell is the world less chaotic than it was 50 years ago. Global Islamic terrorism that has resulted in the USA having unsustainable debt. On and on and on.
In all seriousness, your first post is a lot of conjecture with alarmist buzzwords and phrases, much like you'd see on cable news. I'm not saying don't have the discussion. I'm saying beginning a thread by predicting falling dominos all around the world is premature, to say the least. Funny thing is, you won't even be thinking about any of this Saturday at noon when we play Vandy.

If some here can mock an alarmist global warming post, then I'm going to mock one predicting global wars, "catastrophic clashes", and "USA control slipping fast." Chill, Alex Jones.
Let’s get a few things straight. I don’t watch cable news, and I have never once read or listened to anything alex Jones has said. Hell I don’t live in the USA and haven’t for a very long time other than month long visits here and there. And I’m not predicting anything. Armenia and Azerbaijan are going to war. Ukraine attacked targets in Sudan today. They are threatening to attack Georgia. This is a country who everyone calls a victim and throws money at. Sunday night I sat here with my Ukrainian friend who is a Russian speaker who was forced to leave Ukraine because of zelensky I watched while zelensky declared ww3 has begun and Americans can fight it using Ukrainian troops or if Ukraine loses america can send its own. Then I go back to COVID and the largest biological attack in recorded history. Call me alarmist that’s fine but it’s what’s happening. You’ve lost what 15-20% of your purchasing power since the Chinese engineered virus created a surge in spending. How can you not look at our economic situation and not understand things will get a lot worse before they get better? Economics are perhaps the greatest driver of ware in the last 100 years. Today you should wake up very alarmed. Biden just gave Iran 5 billion for 5 Americans. According to the mossad and European intel Iran could test a nuke at any point now. On top of this you have a war raging in Europe that most of the world is right in the thick of. And your vandy comment is why we are in this mess. Americans have chosen distractions like Boebert, HB, Jan 6, etc etc etc over dealing with the reality so of course the typical American response in this moment is nothing is wrong. Outside of the USA other countries do not share that sentiment.
Turn off the news dude. Go find something else to do.

I suggest running and lifting weights on separate days. Walk everyday.
I spearfish or scuba 4-5 days a week and do a ton of other things. Hell I live on a mountain with beautiful crystal clear ocean only 200 mts. Why would I waste my time in a gym? American thinking there. Here’s my dilemma. My group is made up of people from all over the world and unlike Americans most people want to share their experiences. They want to discuss the world as it is not through an American lense of denial. And like I said before I’m not watching news. I can’t tell you the last time I saw a US news report. Most of what I posted is based on conversations, reading global news and the tea leaves. I have zero anmerican neighbors but I have a lot of Eastern European, French, Scandinavian, hell I’m a first gen American. Americans are leaving the USA in droves to expat havens all over the world. Driving prices through the roof in places you wouldn’t expect like Ecuador. No of course if you’re sitting in your chair in america you live in fantasy land. But you should take note of the people leaving the country enmasse and there is a deep global concern that evidently you don’t feel in insulated america.
The world ends tomorrow 12 Eastern, 11 Central and Mountain Time. Women and minorities expected to suffer more.
Pretty stupid post as no one is talking about the world ending. From experience as an American who left the Country I will tell you many Americans live with their heads buried in the sand until 9/11 or COVID happens.
Pretty stupid post as no one is talking about the world ending. From experience as an American who left the Country I will tell you many Americans live with their heads buried in the sand until 9/11 or COVID happens.
I spearfish or scuba 4-5 days a week and do a ton of other things. Hell I live on a mountain with beautiful crystal clear ocean only 200 mts. Why would I waste my time in a gym? American thinking there. Here’s my dilemma. My group is made up of people from all over the world and unlike Americans most people want to share their experiences. They want to discuss the world as it is not through an American lense of denial. And like I said before I’m not watching news. I can’t tell you the last time I saw a US news report. Most of what I posted is based on conversations, reading global news and the tea leaves. I have zero anmerican neighbors but I have a lot of Eastern European, French, Scandinavian, hell I’m a first gen American. Americans are leaving the USA in droves to expat havens all over the world. Driving prices through the roof in places you wouldn’t expect like Ecuador. No of course if you’re sitting in your chair in america you live in fantasy land. But you should take note of the people leaving the country enmasse and there is a deep global concern that evidently you don’t feel in insulated america.
Nobody said anything about going to a gym.

I predict earthquakes, famine, fire, floods, pestilence, volcanoes, and wars in the future.

You read it here first.

As to you scubaing, what's this all about if you can't scuba?
I’m 100% sure there are too many Americans who have faith that only Trump can save America (and ~ the world)

Nothing anyone else can say or do to change their minds, they enjoy blaming all their worries and concerns and fears on the others, they have their Hero
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Turn off the news dude. Go find something else to do.

I suggest running and lifting weights on separate days. Walk everyday.
I'll raise your running, lifting weights, and walking with a dose of meditation. Getting 8 hours of sleep a night does wonders too. I'm trying to do all of this as I get older. Also trying to eat a bit more healthy though I'll never give up the foods I love and I still drink a little on the weekends (mostly red wine).
How pathetic is it that we now need 3 hour distractions (UK vs. Vandy) to take our mind off of watching our country turn into a complete s-hole, by design, so government can expand and they can trash it up and turn it blue forever.
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Nobody said anything about going to a gym.

I predict earthquakes, famine, fire, floods, pestilence, volcanoes, and wars in the future.

You read it here first.

As to you scubaing, what's this all about if you can't scuba?
Well tbh global war is a killer for my scuba adventures. Earthquakes and shat are easy to navigate around.
I'll raise your running, lifting weights, and walking with a dose of meditation. Getting 8 hours of sleep a night does wonders too. I'm trying to do all of this as I get older. Also trying to eat a bit more healthy though I'll never give up the foods I love and I still drink a little on the weekends (mostly red wine).
And I’ll raise you: Drinking a gallon of water a day. Zero added sugars. Zero soda. No juice fruit instead whole fruit. 2 cups of Greek yogurt daily, less meat, less carbs and mega doses of nature.
And I’ll raise you: Drinking a gallon of water a day. Zero added sugars. Zero soda. No juice fruit instead whole fruit. 2 cups of Greek yogurt daily, less meat, less carbs and mega doses of nature.
Yes! This too for sure. I drink a lot of water throughout the day though I've never really tracked how much. Start my day off with a big pot of black coffee and drink water throughout the day. Usually have green or black tea after lunch. I gave up soda a long time ago and don't miss it at all. The other advice makes sense too!
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Yes! This too for sure. I drink a lot of water throughout the day though I've never really tracked how much. Start my day off with a big pot of black coffee and drink water throughout the day. Usually have green or black tea after lunch. I gave up soda a long time ago and don't miss it at all. The other advice makes sense too!

Walk about 20 miles weekly and see how that changes your life for the better.
World War? Meh.

I'd much rather see "The Purge" legalized... waaaay too many liberals in this country.
And I’ll raise you: Drinking a gallon of water a day. Zero added sugars. Zero soda. No juice fruit instead whole fruit. 2 cups of Greek yogurt daily, less meat, less carbs and mega doses of nature.

I refuse to believe that meat, or at least lean meat, is a net negative for you. For whatever downsides it has.. cholesterol, colon cancer.. it's the best muscle builder. It's a complete protein. You couple meat intake with exercise and you're going to bullet proof your body pretty well, and help with aging. And while your bowel cancer risk "may" go up, proper protein intake is just as likely to keep you upright as you age. Meat is one of the most filling things you can eat, and that can help prevent eating calorie-dense foods later in the day (like eating ice cream after that unfulfilling salad)

I will also always favor natural foods as well. Sure, you can go get this protein from some new pea-protein snack.. but look at the ingredient list: it's highly processed and contains tons of ingredients that shouldn't be in your body. You can't tell me that's better for you in the long run than eating a flank steak.

And above all, meat makes me happy. It makes me happy without it being addictive. And that's invaluable. For me, meat is a net positive food for me and I refuse to believe otherwise lol.
I’m 100% sure there are too many Americans who have faith that only Trump can save America (and ~ the world)

Nothing anyone else can say or do to change their minds, they enjoy blaming all their worries and concerns and fears on the others, they have their Hero
Well, in fairness, ‘the others’ have been in power for decades while trump had a good 4 year run at it.
There is, relatively speaking, less 'world turmoil' than at any time in my 60-plus years.

I was born into a world of intense Cold War hatred that not only threatened nuclear annihilation but led to Hot War flare ups in places like Korea...There were proxy conflicts literally everywhere, from Africa to Asia the Latin America, even to Cuba and the Caribbean.

I was an adolescent during a time when Vietnam was on television every night, as Americans and Vietnamese died in a grinding conflict that threatened to spread throughout the region. The Soviets were in ascendancy everywhere, and a direct threat to US stability.

Conflicts in the Middle East threatened to become major wars throughout my early adulthood, and did de-stabilze the US economy in the 1970s.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in the early 1990s ignited a period of chaos that led to wars in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and elsewhere.

Islamic Extremism culminated in thousands of Americans killed on 9/11, followed by terrorism on a global scale and wars that lasted decades in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Meanwhile, many places were fundamentally unstable because of poverty and famine and they threatened to undermine peace in different places, from Somalia to Rwanda to Haiti and so on.

Much of that has faded, from the existential threat of the Soviet Union, to the worst of Islamic Terrorism and even the most dire threats in the Middle East. While places like Somalia and Haiti are still train wrecks, much of Africa and Asia has seen a rise in standards of living that has increased stability.

As for some "axis of evil" among Iran, North Korea, Russia and China, that's actually a pretty shabby confederacy.

Israel alone could destroy Iran's military, and South Korea alone is more than a match for North Korea, if it came to that.

Russia can't handle Ukraine. Putin's misadventure there has exposed just how weak and impotent his military really is. They could barely stop the Wagner group from overthrowing the regime. NATO could be in Moscow in a matter of days in case of a full-fledged war without US armored divisions and the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne.

And China has a faltering economy, growing internal discontent from failing to meet the expectations of hundreds of millions still living substandard lives, and can only stay ahead of these problems as long as world markets for selling mountains of crap stay open. They need a massive war over Taiwan like they need a self-inflicted gunshot to the head.

You can close up the fallout shelter.
There's a lot of truth here so I won’t say much to each point. I will say this: China is a far more lethal opponent than the Russians ever were. Yes they face an impending demographic crisis but Chinese communism is far more organized, and more far-reaching than the Soviet kleptocracy ever was. They have perfected totalitarianism.

The second point that is immensely troubling is that through all those decades you mentioned, our economic standing was rock solid. Now we’re drowning in debt with a currency that is in a precarious global position.

All this with a wide open border.

Has any nation ever been as strong militarily while so weak economically?
I refuse to believe that meat, or at least lean meat, is a net negative for you. For whatever downsides it has.. cholesterol, colon cancer.. it's the best muscle builder. It's a complete protein. You couple meat intake with exercise and you're going to bullet proof your body pretty well, and help with aging. And while your bowel cancer risk "may" go up, proper protein intake is just as likely to keep you upright as you age. Meat is one of the most filling things you can eat, and that can help prevent eating calorie-dense foods later in the day (like eating ice cream after that unfulfilling salad)

I will also always favor natural foods as well. Sure, you can go get this protein from some new pea-protein snack.. but look at the ingredient list: it's highly processed and contains tons of ingredients that shouldn't be in your body. You can't tell me that's better for you in the long run than eating a flank steak.

And above all, meat makes me happy. It makes me happy without it being addictive. And that's invaluable. For me, meat is a net positive food for me and I refuse to believe otherwise lol.
When I say meat I’m talking red meat. Not eliminating it but less. More poultry and fish. And yeah lean meat from grass fed cattle isn’t bad but I’ve found in my middle age meat meaning beef is becoming harder to digest. And you’re right nothing processed.
I’m 100% sure there are too many Americans who have faith that only Trump can save America (and ~ the world)

Nothing anyone else can say or do to change their minds, they enjoy blaming all their worries and concerns and fears on the others, they have their Hero
Pretty much anybody but a Dem would be better.
Let’s get a few things straight. I don’t watch cable news, and I have never once read or listened to anything alex Jones has said. Hell I don’t live in the USA and haven’t for a very long time other than month long visits here and there. And I’m not predicting anything. Armenia and Azerbaijan are going to war. Ukraine attacked targets in Sudan today. They are threatening to attack Georgia. This is a country who everyone calls a victim and throws money at. Sunday night I sat here with my Ukrainian friend who is a Russian speaker who was forced to leave Ukraine because of zelensky I watched while zelensky declared ww3 has begun and Americans can fight it using Ukrainian troops or if Ukraine loses america can send its own. Then I go back to COVID and the largest biological attack in recorded history. Call me alarmist that’s fine but it’s what’s happening. You’ve lost what 15-20% of your purchasing power since the Chinese engineered virus created a surge in spending. How can you not look at our economic situation and not understand things will get a lot worse before they get better? Economics are perhaps the greatest driver of ware in the last 100 years. Today you should wake up very alarmed. Biden just gave Iran 5 billion for 5 Americans. According to the mossad and European intel Iran could test a nuke at any point now. On top of this you have a war raging in Europe that most of the world is right in the thick of. And your vandy comment is why we are in this mess. Americans have chosen distractions like Boebert, HB, Jan 6, etc etc etc over dealing with the reality so of course the typical American response in this moment is nothing is wrong. Outside of the USA other countries do not share that sentiment.
So what do you want people to go out and do? I’m just going to live my life and go about my daily business and treat it the same as a Jason Aldean song controversy and ignore it.
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In all seriousness, your first post is a lot of conjecture with alarmist buzzwords and phrases, much like you'd see on cable news. I'm not saying don't have the discussion. I'm saying beginning a thread by predicting falling dominos all around the world is premature, to say the least. Funny thing is, you won't even be thinking about any of this Saturday at noon when we play Vandy.

If some here can mock an alarmist global warming post, then I'm going to mock one predicting global wars, "catastrophic clashes", and "USA control slipping fast." Chill, Alex Jones.
This is his thing. He's convinced himself of all that nonsense and he can't wait to tell everyone how naive they are. It's tiresome.
Let’s get a few things straight. I don’t watch cable news, and I have never once read or listened to anything alex Jones has said. Hell I don’t live in the USA and haven’t for a very long time other than month long visits here and there. And I’m not predicting anything. Armenia and Azerbaijan are going to war. Ukraine attacked targets in Sudan today. They are threatening to attack Georgia. This is a country who everyone calls a victim and throws money at. Sunday night I sat here with my Ukrainian friend who is a Russian speaker who was forced to leave Ukraine because of zelensky I watched while zelensky declared ww3 has begun and Americans can fight it using Ukrainian troops or if Ukraine loses america can send its own. Then I go back to COVID and the largest biological attack in recorded history. Call me alarmist that’s fine but it’s what’s happening. You’ve lost what 15-20% of your purchasing power since the Chinese engineered virus created a surge in spending. How can you not look at our economic situation and not understand things will get a lot worse before they get better? Economics are perhaps the greatest driver of ware in the last 100 years. Today you should wake up very alarmed. Biden just gave Iran 5 billion for 5 Americans. According to the mossad and European intel Iran could test a nuke at any point now. On top of this you have a war raging in Europe that most of the world is right in the thick of. And your vandy comment is why we are in this mess. Americans have chosen distractions like Boebert, HB, Jan 6, etc etc etc over dealing with the reality so of course the typical American response in this moment is nothing is wrong. Outside of the USA other countries do not share that sentiment.
Unless you have better "world" sources, looks like the Azerbaijan-Armenia "war" is over. LOL.