World war thread

First post reads like you’re only getting the parts of the news that one political party wants you to get. Almost like it’s an election year and both sides want people ginned up.

This is the best time in the history of humanity. OP is able to swim in the ocean and spearfish and let us all know about it from his phone on the beach and it’s the worst time because the phone delivers huge daily doses of fear and paranoia.


China and India have Russia over a barrel. That’s why Putin is begging Kim for his Cold War era military support.

China had massive economic challenges.

Armenia is attacking Russia’s border.

Wagner heads being mitigated a lot of instability in Africa.
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First post reads like you’re only getting the parts of the news that one political party wants you to get. Almost like it’s an election year and both sides want people ginned up.

This is the best time in the history of humanity. OP is able to swim in the ocean and spearfish and let us all know about it from his phone on the beach and it’s the worst time because the phone delivers huge daily doses of fear and paranoia.


China and India have Russia over a barrel. That’s why Putin is begging Kim for his Cold War era military support.

China had massive economic challenges.

Armenia is attacking Russia’s border.

Wagner heads being mitigated a lot of instability in Africa.
China is giving Russia aid through North Korea.

Massive economic challenges can and do lead to war.

Wagner leader being mitigated only led to Wagner officially being placed into the official Russian military, nothing else changed.

The opinions have not been formed by the media, conflict around the World is upticking, and it's involving direct input from major players pitted against each other. Anyting other than Russia being completely removed from Ukraine will be seen as failure by the West to the rest of the world, and without US troop and air power involvement it ain't happening.
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Was hoping this was about ww1 and ww2 discussion.

Current "wars" are boring. Does anyone think 1944 USSR would have not crushed Ukraine by in like a month? 2021-2023 Russia is pathetic.

And there is no way 1914 Germany or peak 1940 Nazi Germany would have let Russia do this without invading 3 countries themselves.
Sigh, look at our UK guys celebrating an SEC win on a beautiful autumn Saturday afternoon. It's like they don't even realize we're in a world war and their country is completely unraveling from within. Not only that, but control is slipping slipping slipping away.
World War - which one are we discussing? (although WWI wasn't really a WW. Not even close actually. Some misguided journalists etc. started calling it that after the ACTUAL WW. WWII, or to be technically correct, just the WW, because it was the first, and there hasn't been one since.
Just pointing out the absurdity of your statement.
Sure, which was me pointing out the absurdity in your original statement.

I listed the reasons people think we could possibly be on the brink of a major war.
None of them have to do with an election season.
Was hoping this was about ww1 and ww2 discussion.

Current "wars" are boring. Does anyone think 1944 USSR would have not crushed Ukraine by in like a month? 2021-2023 Russia is pathetic.
Since WW2 the US is 0-80 or is it 0-90? I just can't keep up with all of the losses......
First post reads like you’re only getting the parts of the news that one political party wants you to get. Almost like it’s an election year and both sides want people ginned up.

This is the best time in the history of humanity. OP is able to swim in the ocean and spearfish and let us all know about it from his phone on the beach and it’s the worst time because the phone delivers huge daily doses of fear and paranoia.


China and India have Russia over a barrel. That’s why Putin is begging Kim for his Cold War era military support.

China had massive economic challenges.

Armenia is attacking Russia’s border.

Wagner heads being mitigated a lot of instability in Africa.
I’m not afraid are you? My post seemed to press a button with you. I’m just bringing you a warning that each day seems to bear more truth to it. You see today? Russia in an all out war with nato and now today Israel is enduring a Pearl Harbor type event. What do you think is next? Things are escalating and when Israel starts tracing the money. To the one guy “enjoy the game there’s football” blah blah blah. Yeah these aren’t those days and haven’t been since prepandemic. I’ll watch but in the back of my mind will be my friends and family who live in Beersheba.
I’m not afraid are you? My post seemed to press a button with you. I’m just bringing you a warning that each day seems to bear more truth to it. You see today? Russia in an all out war with nato and now today Israel is enduring a Pearl Harbor type event. What do you think is next? Things are escalating and when Israel starts tracing the money. To the one guy “enjoy the game there’s football” blah blah blah. Yeah these aren’t those days and haven’t been since prepandemic. I’ll watch but in the back of my mind will be my friends and family who live in Beersheba.

Are you referring to my post where I said it’s the best time in the history of the world? Does that sound like the statement of someone that’s scared? But you say things like NATO is an all out war with Russia and projecting how the brand new conflict in Israel is going to go? And start with your not afraid? Reads paranoid bro. Still and again. But it also feels like you’re responding to a lot of different posts so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt you didn’t give me.

There is always conflict in the world. Maybe this is the beginning of the end. Maybe it is just normal bad shit happening. The examples you’ve pointed to are all fairly normal in the course of history. Israel and Palestinians are fighting… always. Russia invading a country and it stalling out… happened before once or twice. Definitely not a time to check out but freaking out and acting like hypotheticals are real doesn’t help a thing.
Are you referring to my post where I said it’s the best time in the history of the world? Does that sound like the statement of someone that’s scared? But you say things like NATO is an all out war with Russia and projecting how the brand new conflict in Israel is going to go? And start with your not afraid? Reads paranoid bro. Still and again. But it also feels like you’re responding to a lot of different posts so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt you didn’t give me.

There is always conflict in the world. Maybe this is the beginning of the end. Maybe it is just normal bad shit happening. The examples you’ve pointed to are all fairly normal in the course of history. Israel and Palestinians are fighting… always. Russia invading a country and it stalling out… happened before once or twice. Definitely not a time to check out but freaking out and acting like hypotheticals are real doesn’t help a thing.
I can point out to you what’s going on without fear. And it’s not paranoia if it’s happening and it is. And tell me. Why is this the best time in human history? Did you live in all other eras? Wars kill mass numbers now. Humanity has never been on the precipice of destroying its civilization. Because you have a smart phone makes it great? No I taught 25 years and have watched an unhappiness seep into our youth that didn’t exist when I was in school. Sure there has always been conflict. But with nuclear armed nations invading and being invaded. I don’t think you grasp how close to the edge we are. Israel doesn’t care. They aren’t bound by treaties and the only thing they do care about is their existence. If you think mass killing and death are great then yeah it’s the greatest time. Each global war yields exponentially more death than the previous. This is the worst attack on Israel since 67. I don’t think you grasp the gravity of that and what’s on the horizon. I warned you and you called me an alarmist. I’m just telling it how it is it’s not a hypothetical. You want me to quote my original post that told you what would happen? I’ll tell you what happens next if you want to know.
I can point out to you what’s going on without fear. And it’s not paranoia if it’s happening and it is. And tell me. Why is this the best time in human history? Did you live in all other eras? Wars kill mass numbers now. Humanity has never been on the precipice of destroying its civilization. Because you have a smart phone makes it great? No I taught 25 years and have watched an unhappiness seep into our youth that didn’t exist when I was in school. Sure there has always been conflict. But with nuclear armed nations invading and being invaded. I don’t think you grasp how close to the edge we are. Israel doesn’t care. They aren’t bound by treaties and the only thing they do care about is their existence. If you think mass killing and death are great then yeah it’s the greatest time. Each global war yields exponentially more death than the previous. This is the worst attack on Israel since 67. I don’t think you grasp the gravity of that and what’s on the horizon. I warned you and you called me an alarmist. I’m just telling it how it is it’s not a hypothetical. You want me to quote my original post that told you what would happen? I’ll tell you what happens next if you want to know.

You seem spun up. Maybe you’re not but the tone of your posts feels that way.

Best time: Longest lifespans in human history. Most access to information in human history. Medicine and science most advanced in human history.

Humanity on the precipice: I disagree with the idea that we’ve never faced obliteration. Cuban missile crisis. I also disagree with your premise that that is what we face now but it is a complex issue that dangles on the whims of a few madmen so I’ll give you its precarious. But it’s also just as precarious as it was five or ten years ago. Or fifty.

Israel: A terrible situation. I grasp it. Their retaliation will undoubtedly be severe. Past that I’m not sure what you’re trying to state/predict but unless you were absolutely certain that Ukraine would not fall quickly and that China wouldn’t have invaded Taiwan by now I’d say keep your powder dry.
Lol biden propagandists have been out in full force to tell everyone it wasn't bc he Gave the global sponsor of terrorism 6 billion dollars...bc you know if it wasn't they wouldn't have to be repeatedly claiming it wasn't. Bc they totally were going to spend it all on lollipops and what not.

Imagine complaining on the internet for years about the result of the 2016 election. Now imagine the other side doing the same tired shit about the 2020 election. The "whine about the election from years ago" thing is played out and tired. Stop being bitter, tribal dipshits. Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
Imagine complaining on the internet for years about the result of the 2016 election. Now imagine the other side doing the same tired shit about the 2020 election. The "whine about the election from years ago" thing is played out and tired. Stop being bitter, tribal dipshits. Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
Enjoy your wars. You're on ignore, btw.
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World War - which one are we discussing? (although WWI wasn't really a WW. Not even close actually. Some misguided journalists etc. started calling it that after the ACTUAL WW. WWII, or to be technically correct, just the WW, because it was the first, and there hasn't been one since.

Good point about WW1 technically not being entirely global

I THINK the 7 year war (French/Indian Wars on our soil) - was more global?
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Since WW2 the US is 0-80 or is it 0-90? I just can't keep up with all of the losses......

Unfortunately true
And as much as I despise communism - the red army won ww2 @ stalingrad

Our military needs a break and retooling
But i don't think it's gonna happen

Edit to note that Israel has already called for US troops on the ground - and it looks like we're sending a naval group (USS G Ford?) that way now

Freaking Lord Almighty
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Democratic Socialists of America cheer murder and kidnapping of Israelis at hands of Hamas terrorists

Hamas terrorists fired rockets into towns, shot at civilians from paragliders, and kidnapped women and children from their homes. Grandmothers at gunpoint, loaded onto golf carts, to be held hostage or killed by twisted, depraved thugs — supported by soulless New York City progressives.

Yes, in Times Square on Sunday, the Democratic Socialists of America will host an “All Out for Palestine” rally. Wear a mask so you’re not recognized, the organizers say. Best to just let the swastikas do the talking.
Unfortunately true
And as much as I despise communism - the red army won ww2 @ stalingrad

Our military needs a break and retooling
But i don't think it's gonna happen
I completely agree, CR. Unfortunately, the same characters that have cost the US so much over the last 30 years are still around, repeating the same mistakes over & over again.

As to WW2, any real historian would agree with you. The scale & ferocity of the battles on the Eastern Front dwarfed anything the US was involved in & at that time the Red Army was facing the absolute best of the Wehrmacht. The only Allied operation that was similar in size & scope would have been the Battle of the Bulge (aka Ardennes Offensive).
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Unfortunately true
And as much as I despise communism - the red army won ww2 @ stalingrad
While the red army did tie up and defeat half of the German army, they should not be credited with primarily winning the war. Who defeated the German navy and air force? Who bombed German cities and factories into submission? Who won in North Africa, Italy, France and western Germany. It was the US and British Commonwealth forces who did those things while also fighting in the Pacific where the Russians did not even really participate. IMO the European theater was truly a group effort. The Pacific ultimately became mostly a US victory.

Also Russia relied heavily on military supplies from the US to support their war effort including 14,000 planes, 13,000 tanks and 400,000 trucks/jeeps.

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Took one step in the Political Thread and saw a poster calling out/blaming Jews in America for what's happened in Israel (with several likes). Just think it's important to note that while most posters pretend to be experts on one thing or another, none of us know shit and don't have answers and sometimes certain posters can't wait to turn a situation elsewhere in the world back to America and blame an entire group of people, this time Jews living in the United States.

Let's watch what's happening around the world but not use any of it as an opportunity to put blame on groups of people, such as conservatives, liberals, whites, blacks, asians, Christians, and yes, Jews. You'd think posters would know better seeing as how this is a public forum that's moderated but nope. Apparently one felt he needed to call out those Jews who didn't vote for his precious Trump. I mean, good lord, get a grip.
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It is incredible how a TDS consumed mind can turn a person against world peace. Need a scientific study on that.
While the red army did tie up and defeat half of the German army, they should not be credited with primarily winning the war. Who defeated the German navy and air force? Who bombed German cities and factories into submission? Who won in North Africa, Italy, France and western Germany. It was the US and British Commonwealth forces who did those things while also fighting in the Pacific where the Russians did not even really participate. IMO the European theater was truly a group effort. The Pacific ultimately became mostly a US victory.

Also Russia relied heavily on military supplies from the US to support their war effort including 14,000 planes, 13,000 tanks and 400,000 trucks/jeeps.

All good points - well picked too
Im not discounting the US role mind you

But invading the USSR broke Germanys back ultimately
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Can you play LT or have any experience as an offensive coordinator? If so, you couldn't be much worse than what we currently have.

Hahahaha -

Did you see where during the broadcast of the LSU game - they showed the coach's hand picked specialist to teach tackling?

It was an 82 year old dude that was semi-lurching around - presumably mostly cognizant

Unintentional humor at its best as LSU's defense continues to stop NOONE and NOTHING
They kinda DO tackle like 80 year old men