There is, relatively speaking, less 'world turmoil' than at any time in my 60-plus years.
I was born into a world of intense Cold War hatred that not only threatened nuclear annihilation but led to Hot War flare ups in places like Korea...There were proxy conflicts literally everywhere, from Africa to Asia the Latin America, even to Cuba and the Caribbean.
I was an adolescent during a time when Vietnam was on television every night, as Americans and Vietnamese died in a grinding conflict that threatened to spread throughout the region. The Soviets were in ascendancy everywhere, and a direct threat to US stability.
Conflicts in the Middle East threatened to become major wars throughout my early adulthood, and did de-stabilze the US economy in the 1970s.
The fall of the Berlin Wall in the early 1990s ignited a period of chaos that led to wars in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and elsewhere.
Islamic Extremism culminated in thousands of Americans killed on 9/11, followed by terrorism on a global scale and wars that lasted decades in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Meanwhile, many places were fundamentally unstable because of poverty and famine and they threatened to undermine peace in different places, from Somalia to Rwanda to Haiti and so on.
Much of that has faded, from the existential threat of the Soviet Union, to the worst of Islamic Terrorism and even the most dire threats in the Middle East. While places like Somalia and Haiti are still train wrecks, much of Africa and Asia has seen a rise in standards of living that has increased stability.
As for some "axis of evil" among Iran, North Korea, Russia and China, that's actually a pretty shabby confederacy.
Israel alone could destroy Iran's military, and South Korea alone is more than a match for North Korea, if it came to that.
Russia can't handle Ukraine. Putin's misadventure there has exposed just how weak and impotent his military really is. They could barely stop the Wagner group from overthrowing the regime. NATO could be in Moscow in a matter of days in case of a full-fledged war without US armored divisions and the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne.
And China has a faltering economy, growing internal discontent from failing to meet the expectations of hundreds of millions still living substandard lives, and can only stay ahead of these problems as long as world markets for selling mountains of crap stay open. They need a massive war over Taiwan like they need a self-inflicted gunshot to the head.
You can close up the fallout shelter.