True story, I first met Don in 1983 outside of Cobb County Jail. I had been locked up for possession of crack. I was in a real bad shape. We were walking out the back, when I decided to stick my finger up, well you know, and was able to grab a small smidgen of the glorious brown. Not sure what I was thinking, but it was going to go on him.
Before I could move my hand 6 inches, I see the back end of a colt .44 smash right into the bridge of my nose. I fall down, and get a swift kick from his Stetsons to my ribs. So I'm sitting there bleeding, nose broke and poop on my hand, Don reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a
He has bonded me out of jail a hand full of times sense. But I'll never forget that advice.
You haven't said ****, 55.Dondaddy taught me that a Queen Bee really is the boss of the hive...and the success to a life long relationship is to bend a little and get a little or is it give a little..
I always thought Don spent his summers filming those Dos Equis commercials
So he pulls out of his pocket one of those small Gideon Bibles, like from the hotels, except its studded in shiny gold buttons, like from a kid's art project. I think he is going to start laying scripture right in front of me and prophesying. Instead, he pulls out this small white slip, which looks like a page holder. Its a fortune cookie. He shoves it right in my face and it reads, "Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me, yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lies." I stop. He kicks me in the face with his boot, and I look up, and there standing above me, is a 6 foot 4 inch 240 lb man, who looks just like a fairy. He picks me, says, "no hard feelings, and we proceed to the local tavern, where we get drunk off tequilla and pickle juice. Don is the greatest man alive.
Isn't your son blind to this very day?Did y'all know that Don baptised my son? He's a big fella -- Don, not my son -- goes about 6'8" 395, anyways, he shows up at the church, pushes the priest aside, pours a whole bottle of Scotch over my infant son's face and says, "There, you're baptised."
thanks guys - that's so sweet! I have missed being on the board more often.
Hubby is doing well; he has had a couple of issues with the blood sugar, but nothing that required hospitalization again. I ended up in the hospital myself, right after high school graduation in June - had a gall bladder attack and pancreatitis. I had the gallbladder removed, and was on antibiotics for what seemed forever. Finally recovering from that. My older son got accepted to Campbellsville University - including acceptance into the School of Music. He'll be a Worship Arts (Music Ministry) major, so much of my time has been spent getting all that ready to go. Throw in the mix my younger son (10 years old), my adult daughter and granddaughter ( who will be a year old this month) I've kinda been crazy-busy!
Will be doing a lot of reading and catching up on UK stuff and posting more (you're welcome for the warning, lol)