Why are so many media members so thin-skinned ?

Uncle Adolph

Aug 9, 2019
Disagree with Kyle Tucker? Blocked Disagree with Louisville reporter Eric Crawford Blocked.
Disagree with a certain call in show host here in Lexington and you either get screamed over or just get the old 'I appreciate the call' and get cut off.
I think honest open debate is a good thing but those guys won't have it.
Disagree with Kyle Tucker? Blocked Disagree with Louisville reporter Eric Crawford Blocked.
Disagree with a certain call in show host here in Lexington and you either get screamed over or just get the old 'I appreciate the call' and get cut off.
I think honest open debate is a good thing but those guys won't have it.
The same reason you’re on a message board discussing it. Because people don’t like being told they’re wrong. If you weren’t thinned skinned, you would t be here discussing it.
OP send us what you said to them to get blocked. I have a feeling you’re withholding information 🤔
Not at all. I simply disagreed with something both of them said in a very civil manner. No name calling or insults at all. Blocked. From what I have seen others post Tucker is well known for this.
Why have an honest open debate with the serfs when you have a platform and a squelch button?

I would rather talk sports with you lot than try to muscle a comment in with a talking head who thinks he is uniquely qualified to talk down to me...about sports of all things.
I think most blocks come from personal attacks. I don't blame those guys for one has time or energy for personal attacks.

Regarding KSR, I don't like how Matt talks over callers but generally do like how he appreciates the call. Old school sports radio can be terrible when callers get too much time to talk.

I'm a glutton for punishment but if you listen to Chick Lundwig post game Reds/Bengals ever... you'll know what I am talking about about.

Cinci 360 does a great job on 1530 ESPN in Cincinnati. They have a segment called talk backs. You get 30 seconds to leave message, some are hilarious, some serious and Tony Pike/Austin Elmore respond. Really good idea and segment. You can leave the message straight from iHeart app.
Hey, now.
Ok...TODAY'S Democrats. Better? I used to be one. My father and grandfather were staunch dems. There came a time when I could no longer play a part in that. So's democrats are not what the party stood for, even a few years ago and yeah, the ones that remain are "disappointing". Granted, some of the same can be said about the other side too.
They exist by driving clicks to their sites. Don't do it. The LHL and CJ should go iut of business. Give them a shove. Ignore them.
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When you are exposing their stupidity, their go to move is to cut you off.
Disagree with Kyle Tucker? Blocked Disagree with Louisville reporter Eric Crawford Blocked.
Disagree with a certain call in show host here in Lexington and you either get screamed over or just get the old 'I appreciate the call' and get cut off.
I think honest open debate is a good thing but those guys won't have it.
You'll find very few examples of someone getting blocked for tweeting something like "sorry man but I disagree with your take." I've seen accounts troll local weather guys on social media. If you want to waste your time trolling and trying to get a reaction out of a local whoever, that's your right. It's also their right to block anyone of their choosing. You're painting a picture of just wanting an honest, open debate and being cut off at every turn. IMO I don't think that's happening but if everyone from local journalists to local radio hosts are blocking you, it might be a you problem and not a them problem.

As far as Jones goes, it's his show and he's the host. Most callers to any sports show couldn't make it through 15 minutes of trying to do entertaining radio and listeners don't want to hear a caller yammer on for several minutes. That's just the truth.
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Ok...TODAY'S Democrats. Better? I used to be one. My father and grandfather were staunch dems. There came a time when I could no longer play a part in that. So's democrats are not what the party stood for, even a few years ago and yeah, the ones that remain are "disappointing". Granted, some of the same can be said about the other side too.
This is true.
Disagree with Kyle Tucker? Blocked Disagree with Louisville reporter Eric Crawford Blocked.
Disagree with a certain call in show host here in Lexington and you either get screamed over or just get the old 'I appreciate the call' and get cut off.
I think honest open debate is a good thing but those guys won't have it.
Arrogance. They also are mostly too scared to ask the tough questions to the people they have access to. It is typical and not real reporting. It seems their soft questions are because, they are soft and can't take any counter-argument from us plebians.
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Disagree with Kyle Tucker? Blocked Disagree with Louisville reporter Eric Crawford Blocked.
Disagree with a certain call in show host here in Lexington and you either get screamed over or just get the old 'I appreciate the call' and get cut off.
I think honest open debate is a good thing but those guys won't have it.
Tucker is notorious for being soft AF.