Who the Hell Okay'd this Caption?

Probably AI generated. They say AI will inevitably put out false and outrages things to the point nobody will know what's real. You can enter a couple words and it will generate things normally not created.🤷‍♂️ they say things are going to get really strange. Visual emotional response created through analyzing every Tweet ,Facebook post, tic tock video and Instagram. Things that got the most attention will be recreated to control emotions. Crazy really
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Probably AI generated. They say AI will inevitably put out false and outrages things to the point nobody will know what's real. You can enter a couple words and it will generate things normally not created.🤷‍♂️ they say things are going to get really strange. Visual emotional response created through analyzing every Tweet ,Facebook post, tic tock video and Instagram. Things that got the most attention will be recreated to control emotions. Crazy really
That makes some sense. It’s entirely a statistical tool and can never actually think and can certainly never know anything. But as a statistical tool it can have a lot of uses, and those could definitely be among them.
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Probably AI generated. They say AI will inevitably put out false and outrages things to the point nobody will know what's real. You can enter a couple words and it will generate things normally not created.🤷‍♂️ they say things are going to get really strange. Visual emotional response created through analyzing every Tweet ,Facebook post, tic tock video and Instagram. Things that got the most attention will be recreated to control emotions. Crazy really
I think the media will use AI to replace all the reporters and still have an editor.
I think the media will use AI to replace all the reporters and still have an editor.
Depending on the contracts people have already signed because the industry saw this coming they may have already sold over their name image and likeness so if the language is such in the contract then theoretically they could send them home they already have their voice and facial expressions. It will all turn into make belife. I herd they were getting ready to recall all the cash and go digital. Something like a chip but not in you. It's the chip you already carry. Your phone. Many changes are coming in the next year I hope you have been researching what is going on with Neuralink. Your thoughts going to the ⛅. I'm not going to get into it all but welcome to the future. Hope you can keep up.
Depending on the contracts people have already signed because the industry saw this coming they may have already sold over their name image and likeness so if the language is such in the contract then theoretically they could send them home they already have their voice and facial expressions. It will all turn into make belife. I herd they were getting ready to recall all the cash and go digital. Something like a chip but not in you. It's the chip you already carry. Your phone. Many changes are coming in the next year I hope you have been researching what is going on with Neuralink. Your thoughts going to the ⛅. I'm not going to get into it all but welcome to the future. Hope you can keep up.
Me ? Keep up. Not a chance. But my money for now is on AI adding a boat load to tech stocks. Cap expenditures are 1 percent this year of corp spending. Could it go to 10 percent next year?
That makes some sense. It’s entirely a statistical tool and can never actually think and can certainly never know anything. But as a statistical tool it can have a lot of uses, and those could definitely be among them.
It can know things. Have you seen the robots that look like humans. Respond in language you understand because it knows how you will respond to things. Your Google account has every text you have ever sent and knows your interest because of your search interest. Your catpause responses all your phone action is recorded and knows you better than you. With no emotional connection. It knows what you will do in a situation not what you think you would do. Most people say one thing and do another.
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It can know things. Have you seen the robots that look like humans. Respond in language you understand because it knows how you will respond to things. Your Google account has every text you have ever sent and knows your interest because of your search interest. Your catpause responses all your phone action is recorded and knows you better than you. With no emotional connection. It knows what you will do in a situation not what you think you would do. Most people say one thing and do another.
No, sorry.

It literally cannot ever know a single thing.

It’s a statistical process that essentially just keeps comparing sets of numbers really quickly. Physicist Arvin Ash probably does the best job of summarizing the practical details. I’ll link a video.

No, sorry.

It literally cannot ever know a single thing.

It’s a statistical process that essentially just keeps comparing sets of numbers really quickly. Physicist Arvin Ash probably does the best job of summarizing the practical details. I’ll link a video.

Thanks man. I've been researching it.. it seems like it knows.. I mean it has every post you have ever made anywhere electronically. If you responded angered, happily, what you have researched so it knows your intrest(all of them even the ones you don't admit) So being that it knows everything about you it can control you through your emotions. Emotions drive most people. So it seems it does know things and can create situations to trigger certain moods which will envolk habits you have displayed through all you monologs they have been collecting on you for 15 years know? Sounds like they had a plan. I know there is way more to it but that is an interesting lens to view this one particular aspect.
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Thanks man. I've been researching it.. it seems like it knows.. I mean it has every post you have ever made anywhere electronically. If you responded angered, happily, what you have researched so it knows your intrest(all of them even the ones you don't admit) So being that it knows everything about you it can control you through your emotions. Emotions drive most people. So it seems it does know things and can create situations to trigger certain moods which will envolk habits you have displayed through all you monologs they have been collecting on you for 15 years know? Sounds like they had a plan. I know there is way more to it but that is an interesting lens to view this one particular aspect.
I don't know about moods, but there are absolutely bots that do that with your buying habits now. But even in those cases, it's the bots that are collecting your information about your buying habits, but then it's humans deciding how to respond to that information, and setting up other bots to trigger when the right kind of opportunity arises.

You could even set up all the steps of that in AI, once you know for sure what actions you want the computer to take in response to information it collects about moods or spending habits or whatever you want the triggers to be.

It's just that the role of AI in that process would still be to detect patterns in input, and then match that with output sets. Output sets like advertise a watch on a guy's facebook page, or I don't know, maybe flag a guy's catspause account for inspection by a human in the original scenarios you were talking about.

In no case would the AI ever know you or understand you or understand anything you'd said or written like you were originally saying. In a sense, what the AI would "know" is which table and column and row of a database would be the best place to file a phrase you wrote, based on statistics and the model that human trainers had fed it. And you could have the system be set up so certain responses would be triggered by certain kinds of information going in. It still all amounts to pattern matching. If the computer could predict your behavior based on matching patterns like that, it would only mean that humans are creatures of habit so our behavior is predictable. It wouldn't mean the computer actually knew you or even knew you existed or that human behavior existed or that humans existed or that anything existed. Just pattern matching.