Where do you get your news?

I don't think there is a true and honest, unbiased news source anymore. The media outlets have been bought and paid for, and have either drifted right or left and forced people to choose a side. Find me a news source that doesn't spend 24/7 Bashing Trump into oblivion while kissing the ground Biden walks on or vice versa. Journalism is dead, when large corporate entities with vested interest in what news is being put out there and in what way, bought into the media outlets, they ceased to be true honest and fair. So I don't know where to get my news, I have to take each story i read or see and formulate my own opinions by looking at how other outlets approach the same story. We're all basically being lied to on the regular now.

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Need to break away from what you think traditional news is. Walter Cronkite or Don Chancellor ain't walking through that door. Even then, the nightly "news" was crap. We were all just conditioned to it being "gospel" because it was all there were. I'm glad we have alternative outlets now where years before there wasn't any.
F*** Walter Cronkite. Every newscast of his ended with "and that's the way it is", but it damn well wasn't. That was just the way Uncle Walter & the CBS news producers wanted you to believe it was.
I read AP, Reuters, WSJ and BBC. Follow a few local reporters on X. Follow zero pundits.

Will watch local TV news occasionally. Will occasionally read my local newspaper for (very) small town news.

I avoid all national network cable news (CBS/NBS/ABC, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, Newsmax, OANN) like the plague. That shit ain’t news. It’s spoon-feeding opinions to those looking to have their confirmation biases confirmed. In other words, watch CNN/MSNBC for left-wing punditry masquerading as news, same for Fox/Newsmax/OANN on the right. The big 3 networks aren’t as obvious, but still slanted left.

I worked in print journalism as a reporter and editor for almost 20 years. I am professionally trained to spot a bullshit source from a legitimate one. (Libel lawsuits are expensive and my most important role was to edit potential lawsuits out of stories - such as referring to someone on trial for murder but not yet convicted as a murderer - and to verify questionable sources). The stuff that passes as “news” on both sides today is alarming.

I also learned that most news decisions are based on money/clicks. I can also speak to the liberal media thing from my experiences. It is true that a lot of reporters/photographers/editors are, in fact, liberal. However, most brass to include publishers, managing editors and advertising executives are conservative. The brass calls all the shots in terms of what makes print or air. Yours truly was once admonished by my former publication’s brass for running a political cartoon making fun of Trump’s propensity to misspell words on Twitter. It ran after 7 consecutive days of pro-conservative cartoons. I was taught balance and knew that 100 percent of the people reading that rag weren’t of the same political persuasion. I tried to toss everyone a few crumbs.

I was the guy who’d find liberal and conservative opinions on the same topic and run it side-by-side on an opinion page. You know, presenting both sides of an issue. (I find it important to understand opinions you might not agree with.) Got told to stop running the liberal part because we were in a conservative area and pandering for cash was more important than free exchange of ideas. Essentially, the concept of journalism is dead. It’s been replaced by pandering and confirming biases and that goes both ways.
I don't think there is a true and honest, unbiased news source anymore. The media outlets have been bought and paid for, and have either drifted right or left and forced people to choose a side. . . . So I don't know where to get my news, I have to take each story i read or see and formulate my own opinions by looking at how other outlets approach the same story. We're all basically being lied to on the regular now.

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I know there are millions of people who feel the same way, including some in my own family. Frankly, I feel sorry for you, to wake up every day and believing that everyone is lying to you. Seems like you would become a very cynical, suspicious and possibly paranoid person that way. Not saying that a healthy dose of skepticism is not a good thing, especially when you read or hear something that just doesn't jibe with your common sense and experience. But just to automatically assume the whole world is full of liars and grifters is a pretty sad outlook on life.
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Bill Meck and Marvin Bartlett are bought off members of the deep state. The only news I trust is “Hot Goss”.

Seriously, I try sticking with AP more than anything. I like getting the info, not the pandering and bashing. I’ve learned that the more someone leans one way, the more they bash the AP.
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F*** Walter Cronkite. Every newscast of his ended with "and that's the way it is", but it damn well wasn't. That was just the way Uncle Walter & the CBS news producers wanted you to believe it was.
I agree but did a bad job of making my point. I know plenty of people who watch the nightly news and nothing else and eat it up because they "like" Lester Holt or David Muir or whoever. They all lie to us.
I agree but did a bad job of making my point. I know plenty of people who watch the nightly news and nothing else and eat it up because they "like" Lester Holt or David Muir or whoever. They all lie to us.
You admitted that you get your news from the Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, and Real America's Voice. Aren't you "eating it up" too? It's just sorta rich shunning the world or nightly news and those who watch it as you feast on nothing but far right entertainment programs.

It's a long-term, brilliant strategy though. Convince millions over several years that normal news sources are constantly lying to them specifically and what fills that void? Alternative "news" for an extreme, niche audience. And I bet that niche audience agrees with what they're hearing 100% of the time at that point because they've now fully bought into those entertainment programs. Again, it's actually brilliant.