Where did all the old posters go after the board change?


Mar 9, 2008
Western part of God"s Country
Been around for a long time and have had many names to go with It all! I'm surprised by so many different new names. Just miss the insight and opinions of the people I was familiar with. Are there any mods? Jerry Edwards what about the others? I don't mean any disrespect to anyone!
I read that some users posts counts reset to 0 after the change. Not sure to the truth of it though. Some users may have changed names at that point if their PC was going to be reset. Just an opinion though.
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I have not noticed we have lost any veteran posters...except for ones taking a break due to the terrible month that April 2015 has been for UK basketball.
Most are still here. Just changed their sigs and avatars so they look different. Just need to read the names closer. I know wildcatdonf and Bostoncat are still here.
It's been a while for me. Just been a little
down since the wisconsin game.
Was waiting for things to calm down too.
I've seen most of them. Mandu, silients, don, Boston, and gonzo are all still around for sure.
Alot of trolls have taken over the board. Not worth debating a moron. I think alot are just reading and not commenting.
Been around for a long time and have had many names to go with It all! I'm surprised by so many different new names. Just miss the insight and opinions of the people I was familiar with. Are there any mods? Jerry Edwards what about the others? I don't mean any disrespect to anyone!

railroadkat, not sure if I count for much but you asked for old posters. Not sure if you mean been around a long time or just old guys. Maybe I qualify for both??? Anyway, I've been around this board for many years and am still here and I've noticed a lot of the "long term" posters you are asking about, most of them are still around. I think because of the bad month we've had and many still in shock of the Wisconsin loss, some may not be posting as regular as normal. Anyway, hope that helps a bit. Also, I think since there is no longer a list of posters currently on the board at the top like there used to be it's harder to see those old names like before.
What happened is that we lost in the FF which also ended a perfect season and it takes some folks longer to get over that than it does others.
Is Running Ramel still around always enjoyed his input. it is harder to see who is posting you have to work at it a little now....they say change is good, but I was really comfortable with the other format.
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Where is Katman and Greg Hoover? Are they still alive
Greg Hoover is a member of a facebook group called CalsCats3.0 . For the most part it's a bunch of women and non basketball knowledge owning people. Lots of them thought every player would be back or we may lose just one or two . Anyway he thinks he Matt Jones and the group is KSR , lol . He reads things about the team and recruiting stuff on places like this and posts them there . A lot of people on that site think he is a real guru . There is also a guy there named David Kersey, I don't know if it's our Dave Kersey or not . He doesn't post much and never talks about recruiting .
Many were sent to the Phantom Zone.

Been around for a long time and have had many names to go with It all! I'm surprised by so many different new names. Just miss the insight and opinions of the people I was familiar with. Are there any mods? Jerry Edwards what about the others? I don't mean any disrespect to anyone!
I am still here, (not that any one would really care) but do not post often. I am retired and keep this site opened most of the day. Now that you mention it, I don't pay as much attention to the poster's name as I do the post subject. I have a feeling that this is going to be a slow summer.
I read that some users posts counts reset to 0 after the change. Not sure to the truth of it though. Some users may have changed names at that point if their PC was going to be reset. Just an opinion though.
A few years ago I lost several thousand posts due to a reset. Life goes on though.
railroadkat, not sure if I count for much but you asked for old posters. Not sure if you mean been around a long time or just old guys. Maybe I qualify for both??? Anyway, I've been around this board for many years and am still here and I've noticed a lot of the "long term" posters you are asking about, most of them are still around. I think because of the bad month we've had and many still in shock of the Wisconsin loss, some may not be posting as regular as normal. Anyway, hope that helps a bit. Also, I think since there is no longer a list of posters currently on the board at the top like there used to be it's harder to see those old names like before.

Thanks orcat. Yes I fit the criteria for being around a long time and my time as an older poster is here! LOL I've read a lot of good post and discussed a few. Hope some show up as this is a slow time for the UK boards.