What popular movies have you never seen?


Mar 21, 2008
Spin-off of Glenn's take's thread:

Just for the record. I have never seen ET or Titanic.

I was practically raised by HBO in the '80s and '90s, but I've somehow never seen a Rocky or Rambo movie. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only Stallone movies I've ever seen are F.I.S.T. and Cop Land.

Out of the Friday the 13th series, I've only ever seen Jason X and Freddy vs. Jason.

Others include Avatar, Titanic, The Sound of Music, Gone With the Wind, and although I'm a life-long comic book collector, I haven't watched very many movies based on comics (other than 1978's Superman, Tim Burton's bizarre Batman movies, and Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, which I've seen probably seen half a dozen times each).

Anyway, what popular movies have you never seen?
Most of the Star Wars movies, never seen any of the Lord of the Rings, Avatar. Citizen Kane
Popular? By most definitions I've seen them all but I do find maybe 15 or 20 of IMDb's top 250 I haven't seen.
Mostly foreign films and a scattered few classic era movies but there were some newer ones like Klaus that have slipped under the radar. I haven't seen "Life is Beautiful", that was pretty big.

I probably own 70% or better of that list though including at least one I haven't watched yet "Room".
I didn’t see Star Wars until the special editions came out in theaters when I was in high school. I went with friends to the packed midnight showing and they tricked me into standing up as everyone was settling in and yelled, “This guy’s never seen Star Wars!!!”

The entire theater full of nerds booed me mercilously and I just stuck out my arm and did a sweeping pointing gesture and yelled back, “NERDS!!! You’re all NERDS!!!” Everyone took in an good spirit as I was clearly a good-hearted jock and they had no recourse.
Haven’t seen most Star Wars (and like Joey didn’t see any until HS special edition in theatres)
Any of The Godfather’s

Honestly probably haven’t a lot just don’t know what’s considered popular
Lord of the Rings is what comes to mind for me from a recent time.

Older movies- quite a few that I haven't seen that I'd like to see but I have no idea when I will. These are top of mind...

Citizen Kane
Clockwork Orange- may have seen in college
Saving Private Ryan
Good Will Hunting
Apocalypse Now
Raiders Franchise
Most Star Wars
Schindlers List
Anything Batman
The Exorcist
None Of the Nightmare on Elm Street
None of the Home alones
Days of Thunder
Mission Impossibles
Silence of the Lambs
A Few Good Men
Sleepless in Seattle
You’ve Got Mail

Shitloads more
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
Blues Brothers
Animal House
No offense but I don't think we would be friends.
Saving Private Ryan
Good Will Hunting
Apocalypse Now
Raiders Franchise
Most Star Wars
Schindlers List
Anything Batman
The Exorcist
None Of the Nightmare on Elm Street
None of the Home alones
Days of Thunder
Mission Impossibles
Silence of the Lambs
A Few Good Men
Sleepless in Seattle
You’ve Got Mail

Shitloads more
TAPS is a seriously underrated movie and I don't like Tom Cruise at all.
I'm ashamed to say that I've never seen Behind the Green Door.
Titanic. Any musical other than Wizard of Oz and maybe The Sound of Music when I was a kid. The English Patient. Citizen Kane. Casablanca. I don't think I've seen any John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe or Ronald Reagan movie.
Anything with Jane Fonda in it, popular and otherwise. Never and will never. Only bad part of that is I'm a very big fan of Lee Marvin. He won an Oscar for Cat Balou, but . . .

Boycott Jane Fonda. American Traitor Bitch.

Agree about Hating Fonda but Marvin in Cat Ballou was so Great. The scene of him blowing out candles at the funeral gets me every time.
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The popular movies that I haven't seen don't bother nearly as much as the popular ones that I have seen that are just horrid..........

........Like "Gangs of New York."
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Good. I don't want to be your friend.

-glenn(n) please dont serial kill vern. He is a nice fellow. gotta give blazing saddles and young Frankenstein a watch. Social satire at its best. Ill throw in history of the world part 1...its fantastic.

-back to topic...have seen nary a furious movie. Looks like garbage to me.
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Popular? By most definitions I've seen them all but I do find maybe 15 or 20 of IMDb's top 250 I haven't seen.
Mostly foreign films and a scattered few classic era movies but there were some newer ones like Klaus that have slipped under the radar. I haven't seen "Life is Beautiful", that was pretty big.

I probably own 70% or better of that list though including at least one I haven't watched yet "Room".

Schindler's List
Das Boot

Go back mid 60s and before and there's a lot more of them - though I have seen a lot of the "classics." Looked on the IMDB list and I'd seen 70 (possibly 71 - I recall seeing at least PART of Life is Beautiful, can't remember if I watched the whole thing) of the top 100. The ones I hadn't seen were almost all very old ones and foreign ones. Only other US film on the list from past 50 years I'd not seen was 1917, and that just came out.

edit: Looked through the rest. Add to those: Heat, Casino, The Deer Hunter, Before Sunrise, Catch Me if You Can, Stand By Me, Network
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-glenn(n) please dont serial kill vern. He is a nice fellow. gotta give blazing saddles and young Frankenstein a watch. Social satire at its best. Ill throw in history of the world part 1...its fantastic.

-back to topic...have seen nary a furious movie. Looks like garbage to me.
History of the World is better than Blazing Saddles in my opinion and I love Blazing Saddles.
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I'm a huge movie buff so I try to force myself through "great" movies to reach a personal goal.

The first one that comes to mind for me is LOTR Return of the King.

The first 2 LOTR movies bored me so much I can't find the will to watch it.

I will eventually and would've already if it wasn't so damn long.
One of my favorite channels is TCM and has been for years. Watch a lot of foreign films too when I can. So I don’t think I’ve missed out on any films that are culturally relevant.
One thing I'd like to say, if you guys don't watch movies because they are black and white, you are missing out BIG TIME!

I used to feel the same but now some of my favorite movies are black and white!!
Lots of the bogart movies. Maltese Falcon. Treasure of Sierra Madre. Petrified Forest. Key Largo and of course, Casablanca. All classics!
Love me Bogey. Casablanca is an all time favorite of mine. Just a perfect piece of filmmaking. Key Largo with him and Edward G Robinson playing off each other is also another favorite of mine.
Saving Private Ryan
Good Will Hunting
Apocalypse Now
Raiders Franchise
Most Star Wars
Schindlers List
Anything Batman
The Exorcist
None Of the Nightmare on Elm Street
None of the Home alones
Days of Thunder
Mission Impossibles
Silence of the Lambs
A Few Good Men
Sleepless in Seattle
You’ve Got Mail

Shitloads more

God Lord, Cat! You need to move out of that cave on top of the mountain!
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