What is everyone currently reading?

I picked up The Filth hardback today. I don't have any idea at all what it's about, but Grant Morrison's one of my favorite writers (apologies to my favorite writer, Alan Moore) and it was only seven bucks at Ollie's.

Ollie's is a great place to buy comics. :)

Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk, the author of Fight Club. I'm about 80% through but I'm on the fence about this one. Kind of weird and not always in a good way. Maybe the ending will change my mind.
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About to read Kent Babb's
'Across the River: Life, Death, and Football in an American City' this week at the beach.
Gordon Wood’s “Empire of Liberty.”

Not sure if this is the one where he “drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth.”
Getting ready to start

The Only Plane in the Sky
An oral history of 9/11
Just finished CivilWarLand in Bad Decline and Tenth of December by George Saunders. Really captivating short stories and dug both.
Six copies of The Demon-Haunted World stockpiled so far. :)

Next up:

Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing, 1998.

^ Seems like a good time to read it for some reason.

Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

^ Wish somebody would write a definitive history of Lexington.
Getting ready to start "Marcus Aurelius' meditations". Just finished Joe Abercrombie's "Half a King" series and it was good but not as good as his "First Law" trilogy and the 3 stand alones after. If you like modern fantasy... you have to read the First Law stuff.
Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk, the author of Fight Club. I'm about 80% through but I'm on the fence about this one. Kind of weird and not always in a good way. Maybe the ending will change my mind.

How'd you like the ending?

I just finished Alan Moore's Supreme, in which he transforms the character into a 1990s Superman pastiche. No spoilers, but up until
the really anti-climatic ending handled by Erik Larson,
it's fantastic (especially Rick Veitch's art), and I made note of the following while reading:

Ethan Crane/Supreme/Kid Supreme = Clark Kent/Superman
Diana Dane = Lois Lane
Billy Friday/Elaborate Lad = Jimmy Olsen/Elastic Lad
Sally Crane/Suprema = Linda Danvers/Supergirl
Radar = Krypto
Judy Jordan = Lana Lang
Lucas Tate = Perry White
Professor Wells = Professor Potter
Joseph Crane = Pa Kent
Joanne Crane = Ma Kent
Luriel = Lori Lemaris
Sirius = Comet
The League of Infinity = the Legion of Super-Heroes

Darius Dax = Lex Luthor
Optilux = Brainiac
Emperus = Bizarro
Shadow Supreme = Zod
Cyberzerk = Metallo
Master Meteor / the Supremium Man = the Kryptonite Kid / the Kryptonite Man
Szasz = Mxyzptlk
Stupendo = Titano
Korgo = Mongul?
Vor-Em = Lobo or the Superman Revenge Squad?
Hilda = Nasthalthia Luthor or Mercy Graves?
The Televillain = Ambush Bug?

Supremium = Kryptonite
Omegapolis/Omega City = Metropolis
Little Haven = Smallville
Dazzle Comics = the Daily Planet
The Citadel Supreme = the Fortress of Solitude
Glenvale = Midvale
The Hell of Mirrors = the Phantom Zone
The Backwards Zone = Bizarro World
Amalynth = Kandor
Sarto = Colu
The Imaginary Menagerie = the Alien Zoo
The Suprematrons = the Robot Supermen
The Supremobile = The Supermobile

Glory = Wonder Woman
Professor Night = Batman
Twilight = Robin
Patrap = Alfred
Chief O'Brien = Commissioner Gordon
Black Hand = Green Lantern
Doc Rocket = the Flash
Roy Roman, the Mer-Master = Aquaman
Spacehunter = the Martian Manhunter
The Fisherman = Green Arrow
Alley Cat = Black Canary
Skipper = Speedy
Mighty Man = Captain Marvel
Jack O' Lantern = the Spectre
Storybook Smith = Johnny Thunder
The Waxman = the Sandman
Polyman = Plastic Man
Janet Planet = Adam Strange
Jungle Jack = Congo Bill
Mark Tyme = Rip Hunter
Detective Gorilla = Detective Chimp
Superpatriot and also Die Hard = Marvel's Captain America
Blake Baron = Marvel's Nick Fury and Dr. Strange?
Poopdeck = Popeye
Supremouse = Mighty Mouse

Doctor Dark and Duskwing = Nightwing and Flamebird
The Allies = the JSA / JLA
The Stormbirds = the Blackhawks
The Conquerors of the Uncanny = the Challengers of the Unknown
The Sergeants Supreme = the Lieutenant Marvels
The Danger Damsels = the Holiday Girls
*The Supremacy = the Captain Britain Corps

Jack-A-Dandy = the Joker
Fakeface = Clayface II
The End = Darkseid
Magno = Amazo
Evening Primrose = Poison Ivy
Lounge Lizard = Killer Croc
Nite Mite = Bat-Mite
Hulver Ramik = Despero or Kanjar Ro?
Slaver Ant = Queen Bee
Florax = Starro
Satana = Nightflame
Doctor Clock = Per Degaton or Chronos?
The Time Tinkerer = the Time Master
The Tomorrow Tyrant = the Time Trapper
Morganna Le Fey = Modred
Gorrl = Marvel's Ego the Living Planet?
The Walrus and the Carpenter = the Mad Hatter or the Terrible Trio
The League of Infamy = the Legion of Super-Villains
The Mourge Minder, the Tomb Tender, and the Old Hag = the Demons Three (EC-inspired)

Star City = Gotham City
Miskatonic Mental Institution = Arkham Asylum
Coast City = Star City
Stormbird Island = Blackhawk Island
Conquerer Island = Monster Island
Contra-Earth = Earth-3

The Halls of Night = the Batcave
Kendall Manor = Wayne Manor
The Night Files = the Bat-computer
The Night-Wagon = the Batmobile
The Apocalypse Gauntlet = the Anti-Life Equation

And I'm sure I missed tons.
Last book I read was Blood Meridian by Cormack McCarthy. That’s some crazy sh!t right there. I’ve heard it said it could never be made into a movie, but I’d love to see someone try. Seems like it could make a great limited series on Prime or HBO. Give the Coen Bros a stab at it. They did great with McCarthy’s No Country For Old Men. If not them, somebody should try.
How'd you like the ending?

I just finished Alan Moore's Supreme, in which he transforms the character into a 1990s Superman pastiche. No spoilers, but up until
the really anti-climatic ending handled by Erik Larson,
it's fantastic (especially Rick Veitch's art), and I made note of the following while reading:

Ethan Crane/Supreme/Kid Supreme = Clark Kent/Superman
Diana Dane = Lois Lane
Billy Friday/Elaborate Lad = Jimmy Olsen/Elastic Lad
Sally Crane/Suprema = Linda Danvers/Supergirl
Radar = Krypto
Judy Jordan = Lana Lang
Lucas Tate = Perry White
Professor Wells = Professor Potter
Joseph Crane = Pa Kent
Joanne Crane = Ma Kent
Luriel = Lori Lemaris
Sirius = Comet
The League of Infinity = the Legion of Super-Heroes

Darius Dax = Lex Luthor
Optilux = Brainiac
Emperus = Bizarro
Shadow Supreme = Zod
Cyberzerk = Metallo
Master Meteor / the Supremium Man = the Kryptonite Kid / the Kryptonite Man
Szasz = Mxyzptlk
Stupendo = Titano
Korgo = Mongul?
Vor-Em = Lobo or the Superman Revenge Squad?
Hilda = Nasthalthia Luthor or Mercy Graves?
The Televillain = Ambush Bug?

Supremium = Kryptonite
Omegapolis/Omega City = Metropolis
Little Haven = Smallville
Dazzle Comics = the Daily Planet
The Citadel Supreme = the Fortress of Solitude
Glenvale = Midvale
The Hell of Mirrors = the Phantom Zone
The Backwards Zone = Bizarro World
Amalynth = Kandor
Sarto = Colu
The Imaginary Menagerie = the Alien Zoo
The Suprematrons = the Robot Supermen
The Supremobile = The Supermobile

Glory = Wonder Woman
Professor Night = Batman
Twilight = Robin
Patrap = Alfred
Chief O'Brien = Commissioner Gordon
Black Hand = Green Lantern
Doc Rocket = the Flash
Roy Roman, the Mer-Master = Aquaman
Spacehunter = the Martian Manhunter
The Fisherman = Green Arrow
Alley Cat = Black Canary
Skipper = Speedy
Mighty Man = Captain Marvel
Jack O' Lantern = the Spectre
Storybook Smith = Johnny Thunder
The Waxman = the Sandman
Polyman = Plastic Man
Janet Planet = Adam Strange
Jungle Jack = Congo Bill
Mark Tyme = Rip Hunter
Detective Gorilla = Detective Chimp
Superpatriot and also Die Hard = Marvel's Captain America
Blake Baron = Marvel's Nick Fury and Dr. Strange?
Poopdeck = Popeye
Supremouse = Mighty Mouse

Doctor Dark and Duskwing = Nightwing and Flamebird
The Allies = the JSA / JLA
The Stormbirds = the Blackhawks
The Conquerors of the Uncanny = the Challengers of the Unknown
The Sergeants Supreme = the Lieutenant Marvels
The Danger Damsels = the Holiday Girls
*The Supremacy = the Captain Britain Corps

Jack-A-Dandy = the Joker
Fakeface = Clayface II
The End = Darkseid
Magno = Amazo
Evening Primrose = Poison Ivy
Lounge Lizard = Killer Croc
Nite Mite = Bat-Mite
Hulver Ramik = Despero or Kanjar Ro?
Slaver Ant = Queen Bee
Florax = Starro
Satana = Nightflame
Doctor Clock = Per Degaton or Chronos?
The Time Tinkerer = the Time Master
The Tomorrow Tyrant = the Time Trapper
Morganna Le Fey = Modred
Gorrl = Marvel's Ego the Living Planet?
The Walrus and the Carpenter = the Mad Hatter or the Terrible Trio
The League of Infamy = the Legion of Super-Villains
The Mourge Minder, the Tomb Tender, and the Old Hag = the Demons Three (EC-inspired)

Star City = Gotham City
Miskatonic Mental Institution = Arkham Asylum
Coast City = Star City
Stormbird Island = Blackhawk Island
Conquerer Island = Monster Island
Contra-Earth = Earth-3

The Halls of Night = the Batcave
Kendall Manor = Wayne Manor
The Night Files = the Bat-computer
The Night-Wagon = the Batmobile
The Apocalypse Gauntlet = the Anti-Life Equation

And I'm sure I missed tons.
Yeah it was OK. I probably wouldn't recommend the book but judging by the reviews, many others would.
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Yeah it was OK. I probably wouldn't recommend the book but judging by the reviews, many others would.

No spoilers: I like Lullaby as well as the other three Chuck Palahniuk books I've read -- Invisible Monsters, Choke, and Survivor -- and I think they're all well-done, but they're all far too (to put it nicely) unsettling for me to recommend in good conscience. XD

Scored this on eBay a few minutes ago. Don't know how objective it is (published by the ACLU via Chicago Spectrum Press) but I'm looking forward to reading it and examining what is and isn't included, what primary sources the author did and didn't cite. Could be a hidden gem. :)

Enjoyed reading The Mosquito Coast on vacation last week and Lord of the Flies this week while in Covid quarantine. Very different plots, but both in the survivalist/psychological thriller genre. After all these years, glad I now understand what people mean when they say a situation “went all to hell like The Lord of the Flies.”
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It's awesome when new books are delivered on the same day. :)

Do you prefer traditional hard copy books to ebooks? I read mostly ebooks on my Kindle these days. I download them for free from my local library (2 week check out period). I used to spend $20-$30 a month buying them from Amazon but cut that expense once I discovered free downloading.
Do you prefer traditional hard copy books to ebooks? I read mostly ebooks on my Kindle these days. I download them for free from my local library (2 week check out period). I used to spend $20-$30 a month buying them from Amazon but cut that expense once I discovered free downloading.

I used to prefer physical copies but a few years ago I switched to digital and started giving away my hard copies to friends and students, only keeping my personal essentials. The more I did it the easier it got and now my little library's much, much more mangeable (not counting the ~5,000 comics).
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Currently reading the Pentagon Papers. I like reading non-fiction, mostly historical, as long as it doesn't read like a text book.

Foreign Affairs Magazine always gives a lot of book reviews if anyone's interested

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I'm halfway through The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles. Good read so far. Nice bit of Americana.
In the past month I have read:

Empire of Pain. Its a great read into the family that founded Oxy in their Pharm Business

Bid Laden Papers....about the papers the SEAL team found when they raided his house. They had 10 minutes and got a ish ton of info that crippled AQ.

Dan Bilzerian...finished this in 4 days. Very easy read and takes no thinking. Besides the ungodly amount of sex he has with different girls on a daily basis, the amount of money there is out there is fascinating to me. That lifestyle is one of a kind.

Starting MindHunter tonight. The Netflix series is based on the book.

Any Don Winslow book I will read. The Force, The Cartel, etc are phenomenal reads.

I have about 50 books in my library I still need to read but am buying two from this post....Madhouse at the end of the Earth and River of Doubt.
Finished the dystopian Brave New World the other day. Amazing how a book from the 1930’s can hold up so well even today. Never been a consistent reader, but have enjoyed getting into it this summer. Trying to start with some “essentials for men.” Finished three books from such lists in July - which has to be a record for me for one month!

Brave New World
Lord of the Flies
The Mosquito Coast

Thinking 1984 might be next for me, but I’m glad to have found this thread for some other good ideas.
I re-read Alan Moore's Miracleman over the past few days (the Marvel hardcovers with the new colors). It's a horror adaptation of the Fawcett Captain Marvel/Shazam comics from the 1950s. If even half a dozen superheroes were real, we'd be screwed.


If any of y’all have been kinda drifting along and need some inspiration to sack up and be a man again, check out…

"There is no story that is not true," said Uchendu. "The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others."

I love this book.

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