What happened between a UK basketball player and FSU football player?

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I’m having a hard time putting all the pieces together with how a coach would be involved with this (unless she was just running through the team).

My guess, player A (Toppin?) was seeing the Women’s BB player and she cheated on him with player B (Wheeler). Whatever occurred, it was bad enough for Player B to get kicked off the team and not walk during senior day.

How a coach is involved, I’m not sure I even want to know. I’ll never be amazed at the shit that ends up being true that I’ve never gotten mixed up in (threesoms, sleeping with a coach, etc.)
I’m just totally letting my imagination run wild with zero information about the situation BUT it could be like the UL scandal, where the coach help facilitate a pregnancy termination after one of the players knocked up a women that another player was seeing at the same time. That ends my romance novel theorization for the day.
I have no opinion on the events -- if any -- but people don't have the right to know the details of players' private lives. "Covering up" has bad overtones. Keeping private things private. We just don't have a right or a need to know. Imagine it was you. [generic "you"] And that time you did that ... thing.

Thank you. Exactly why I don’t want to reveal everything. If you simply look at how wheeler played at USC (remember that last pass?) Toppins attitude and comments after the game, and KT’s position on the bench and couple of times him and Cal crossed paths in the huddle of the game it will tell you all you need to know. Again, I can’t go into specifics, but the new staff and players are a HUGE step in the right direction. The fact Cal felt the need to still celebrate wheeler with his own wife on senior night after Wheeler quit in fear of Wheeler spilling the beans let’s you know how crazy it was
Look - all I’ll say is it’s pretty crazy. If you’ve read my posts you know I’ve been critical of Cal but I’ll cut him some slack due to how explosive and just generally beyond belief what happened. I can’t believe the team even managed to get to the tournament with something so outrageous and scandalous. Obviously I can’t mention anything at all about it whatsoever or even hint about anything about it but it all came to a head at the USC home game and almost changed the direction of the program as we know it.
So Cal almost quit? There appeared to be tension between Cal and some of the coaches and players so I would say there was a definite divide.
I still don’t get why is SOOOO BADDDD, college kids probably cheat on each other all the time. Dumb behavior but people do it. The coach angle makes it weird but I’m still not seeing how this brings down an entire athletics department.
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I don’t care what happened, whatever it was wasn’t going to fundamentally change the program for the future.
I still don’t get why is SOOOO BADDDD, college kids probably cheat on each other all the time. Dumb behavior but people do it. The coach angle makes it weird but I’m still not seeing how this brings down an entire athletics department.
I think a public acknowledgment of an abortion would be a nuclear bomb worst case scenario for the athletics department. Our very liberal Coach and players are going to defend a women’s right to choose. Our very conservative fan base is going to be very upset, probably have some fans calling the player involved a “murderer” ….might have some pro-life fans protest on campus around the lodge. I could even see the state legislature launching an investigation or probe into the situation to confirm no public dollars were used to help facilitate the procedure. Like it would get NASTY….the more I think about it it’s a worst case scenario. (So I REALLY hope that didn’t happen)
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No? He sold the website?
He's on KSR radio every morning, he is KSR no matter who owns it. Think KSR. What's the first thing you think of..... Matt jones. And you're a fool if you think your job isn't based on how well you help the company. Matt helps the company by stiring the shit and getting people talking and listening to KSR. If not they would can him. Matt's objective is to talk about stuff that brings people in good or bad. Now run along I'm done with you.
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He's on KSR radio every morning, he is KSR no matter who owns it. Think KSR. What's the first thing you think of..... Matt jones. And you're a fool if you think your job isn't based on how well you help the company. Matt helps the company by stiring the shit and getting people talking and listening to KSR. If not they would can him. Matt's objective is to talk about stuff that brings people in good or bad. Now run along I'm done with you.

You're a ****in moron. He literally sold the KSR website, and it morphed into on3. Go type in Kentucky Sports Radio into Google, and see what website it takes you too. On3 is a paid message board forum just like HOB, with articles for premium members. Same exact shit.
I can't people are believing this satire is beyond me. Seriously, this is freaking legendary for this board. Wow, just wow...
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@Ron Mehico has truly outdone himself this time. This is legendary. His scoop is what dreams are made of.

Every board needs a Mehico. To have a guy like him that can share the details of things that only true insiders know.

Thank you @Ron Mehico for sharing your insight.

My Trust Rankings for Cats Illustrated currently are:

1. Rowland
2. Mehico (a close 2nd)
3. Graf
4. Drummond
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