What happened between a UK basketball player and FSU football player?

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The caller said it was on TikTok and involved a starter. The obvious candidates are CJ and Blair but who knows??? I’m more interested in what MJ said after. He confirmed there was an issue with last years team that started last year in the summer and came to a head before the South Carolina game but refused to go into more detail. Why would you allude to something like that publicly and then refuse to speak about it? Just to prove that you have connections? It’s rude and infuriating but I suspect MJ was caught off guard by the caller and divulged the existence of “an issue” when he normally wouldn’t have mentioned it.
Because it draws interest among fans wanting to know so he gets clicks and comments and stuff asking about it.
KSR is 100% about the clicks. If it's to the determent of the team but gets clicks Matt will run it. He's not a UK fan. He stirs the pit way too much to be about UK, but he has to play the part to have a fanbase.
Guys I do know what happened. It’s pretty wild and honestly shocking. I don’t think in our wildest dreams we would’ve thought up this insane scenario but it definitely explains a lot and sheds a lot of light on our results last year, and is a big reason with the coaching changes and Cals different attitude this offseason. Obviously I can’t go into any details but it was pretty major.
Can you give some details minus the names?
Pilgrim alluded to this on his weekly KSR podcast. Said it was pretty bad, but there was no need to bring it out now.
Because it draws interest among fans wanting to know so he gets clicks and comments and stuff asking about it.
KSR is 100% about the clicks. If it's to the determent of the team but gets clicks Matt will run it. He's not a UK fan. He stirs the pit way too much to be about UK, but he has to play the part to have a fanbase.

Clicks on what exactly?
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Can't name names but Matt J does get a lot of information... too many connections and people in Fayette County blab all the time. Correct or incorrect information.

From my connection I have been blown away by some of the stories along with validation of other rumors/story's.

Most of them are from past teams and players... We have had several teams with massive drama and turmoil that occurred while I assumed everything was dandy... I'm not the biggest MJ fan but when you roll in his circle information gets handed to you on the daily..
It’s probably common on a lot of teams college and pro .
So the coach would have to be from UK women's team. If it involves a UK player and a FSU wr and UK women's basketball team member
If it could change the face of UK basketball it would almost have to have been a family member or coach of the men's team.
Maybe jai lucas?
The caller said it was on TikTok and involved a starter. The obvious candidates are CJ and Blair but who knows??? I’m more interested in what MJ said after. He confirmed there was an issue with last years team that started last year in the summer and came to a head before the South Carolina game but refused to go into more detail. Why would you allude to something like that publicly and then refuse to speak about it? Just to prove that you have connections? It’s rude and infuriating but I suspect MJ was caught off guard by the caller and divulged the existence of “an issue” when he normally wouldn’t have mentioned it.
I seem to recall some discussion on this board there were internal issues.
On the website/ Traffic surely you're not that dim .
I don’t have a dog in the hunt, but it amazes me how people ignore facts to promote an agenda.

I listened to the podcast while driving. A caller tried to bring up the topic.
Matt attempted to shut it down, but the caller kept pushing the topic.
Matt quickly discarded the caller.
Ryan and crew talked 30 secs about a lack of chemistry on last year’s team.
Matt said he had heard “rumors” but just alluded to an overall lack of chemistry.

I disagree with 99% of Matt’s politics. But, it’s obvious people want to spew stuff without actually listening to the comments. The irony is people posting about something they didn’t listen to while accusing someone of wanting to be heard “clicks.”
So two players most likely toppin and wheller and a coach most likely KT turner got invovled with a player Maddie scher and a Florida state football player mycah Pittman is also invovled. You combine this story with Oscar( who is different and is very religious and from a different culture, along with Wallace and reeves who are very quiet and reserved, and on top of that you have the Livingston situation where his people were mad Kentucky wasn’t using him right. Kentucky really was a drama last year. Days of our lives or “ Days of Kentucky”
I’m having a hard time putting all the pieces together with how a coach would be involved with this (unless she was just running through the team).

My guess, player A (Toppin?) was seeing the Women’s BB player and she cheated on him with player B (Wheeler). Whatever occurred, it was bad enough for Player B to get kicked off the team and not walk during senior day.

How a coach is involved, I’m not sure I even want to know. I’ll never be amazed at the shit that ends up being true that I’ve never gotten mixed up in (threesoms, sleeping with a coach, etc.)
I’m having a hard time putting all the pieces together with how a coach would be involved with this (unless she was just running through the team).

My guess, player A (Toppin?) was seeing the Women’s BB player and she cheated on him with player B (Wheeler). Whatever occurred, it was bad enough for Player B to get kicked off the team and not walk during senior day.

How a coach is involved, I’m not sure I even want to know. I’ll never be amazed at the shit that ends up being true that I’ve never gotten mixed up in (threesoms, sleeping with a coach, etc.)
Based on the hints, I'd say you are getting closer... definitely a reason Wheeler did not do Senior Night. Maybe the coach knew about whatever "bad stuff" happened, but covered it up. And Calipari may have covered for all of them to protect their future.
Based on the hints, I'd say you are getting closer... definitely a reason Wheeler did not do Senior Night. Maybe the coach knew about whatever "bad stuff" happened, but covered it up. And Calipari may have covered for all of them to protect their future.
I have no opinion on the events -- if any -- but people don't have the right to know the details of players' private lives. "Covering up" has bad overtones. Keeping private things private. We just don't have a right or a need to know. Imagine it was you. [generic "you"] And that time you did that ... thing.
I don’t have a dog in the hunt, but it amazes me how people ignore facts to promote an agenda.

I listened to the podcast while driving. A caller tried to bring up the topic.
Matt attempted to shut it down, but the caller kept pushing the topic.
Matt quickly discarded the caller.
Ryan and crew talked 30 secs about a lack of chemistry on last year’s team.
Matt said he had heard “rumors” but just alluded to an overall lack of chemistry.

I disagree with 99% of Matt’s politics. But, it’s obvious people want to spew stuff without actually listening to the comments. The irony is people posting about something they didn’t listen to while accusing someone of wanting to be heard “clicks.”
I agree with you!! Especially the 99.99% of his political stance.
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