What Are Your Thoughts on "Package Deals" With Players?


Jan 5, 2010
Anytown, USA
It seems to be a growing trend. I think it's great if it means you land two (or more) good players. But what if the players aren't equal in skill? I kind of get the feeling that it may be an attempt to just stay with your friends as a continuation of high school, being a little nervous about your own abilities, and maybe needing that extra security. But, what do I know?
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How many times have the package deals came true? For any team
I don't like it. I think it has the potential to affect team chemistry. And if one of the two players gets in trouble with the coaching staff, then the other player might become pissed at the staff.
i think it is great
in years past all the players wanted was to be "The Man"
now they understand that in order to win you must share and have a talented TEAM

how could anyone have a problem with great players wanting to play with other great players that happen to be their friend(s) in order to win
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If it happened as much as it's rumored to happen, i would probably look forward to it more. Nowadays when i hear about a package deal, i don't really pay too much attention to it. It seems we hear about this or that package deal with players every recruiting season and then the rumored recruits involved go their seperate ways. I guess with our success and Duke's success here lately, it does make recruits want to team up more to gain team success. If you're a top 10 recruit, you just about have to team up with other top 10 recruits or you will be facing a team with 2 or 3 of those type of players in the tourney. If the package deal ends up helping our team in the end, i guess i'm cool with it. If it ends up helping Duke or Unc make their team even stronger going into the season, i'm all against it. It's ruining college basketball ect......