Well wishes please

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you. May He shine down healing upon you and fill you with peace. May He show you the road to quick healing and be with those that are in charge of your care. Amen.
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Started 100% business, but it’s really wreaking havoc on my personal life now. Starting to affect my health at this point. Probably means I’m in the wrong business.
That is terrible. Maybe I can help. What is your line of work, and what is your general location? If you'd rather not divulge I completely understand. I very well may be able to help is why I ask.
Keep your head up bro. The old saying this to shall pass comes to mind. Can’t take nothing with you that you didn’t bring into this world. God’s got your back, just gotta ask and believe.
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BWO ... I watched, and thank you for, about a million or your streams of past UK games. But even if you'd never streamed a single game, I'd still be lifting prayers for you to Almighty God, the Creator of all that is, in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, whom they crucified. I know about rough patches, myself, my friend.
I take it from the text of your post that you aren't inclined, yourself, to call upon God Almighty in the name of Jesus. About that, I'll only point out that there was a dying thief hanging on another cross next to Jesus. The dying thief looked at Jesus and said, "Remember me when you come into your Kingdom." Jesus said to the dying thief, "THIS DAY you will be with me in Paradise."
It's never too late, my man. Never too late !
Send me a reply to this if you want to talk about it, and we'll figure out a way to do that.
In Jesus' name.
Different blueworldorder than the one who streams the games

Keep your head up Blue
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Started 100% business, but it’s really wreaking havoc on my personal life now. Starting to affect my health at this point. Probably means I’m in the wrong business.
Maybe but I understand how hard it is to change careers or businesses. It’s rough especially if you don’t have a huge savings to try it. I hope it gets better my man. Try not to let them overlap the best you can and take some me time and find something ultra relaxing.
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Maybe but I understand how hard it is to change careers or businesses. It’s rough especially if you don’t have a huge savings to try it. I hope it gets better my man. Try not to let them overlap the best you can and take some me time and find something ultra relaxing.
Thank you brother.
prayer GIF
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From one BWO to the other, thoughts and prayers my friend. I pray everything works out with the current struggles you're going through buddy
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Can some of you guys send some thought my way in whatever way you choose to do it. I’m going through it man. Really going through a patch. TIA. Love you guys.
To our BBN brother BWO:
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Like I've said before, we may fuss and argue on here, but we are FAMILY. We got your back, buddy. I'm always available if you need to get it off your chest, or just scream at someone. I'm a good listener and my gums don't flap (if you know what I mean.). Take care, BWO.
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Started 100% business, but it’s really wreaking havoc on my personal life now. Starting to affect my health at this point. Probably means I’m in the wrong business.
Just my opinion BWO74, if your business is wreaking your life, move on to something else. I know that can be easier said than done but put your life ahead of your work. Again, God Bless.
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