walking dead

That dumpster had to be on cinder blocks. No way, Glen who definitely has gained weight, would've been able to slide up underneath that dumpster unless he was Taylor Swift. Bullshit on that.

I bet that punk shoots out Carl's eye.
The show is ruining all the characters. We see one then you don't again for three episodes and all their momentum is lost. And as expected it's taken the whole entire first part of the season for anything to get accomplished...let's waste 15 minutes just adding some nonsensical part about the guy trying to scale a rope over the walkers.
And again, 90 minutes to tell Morgan's crappy story but only 60 for the big mid season finale.
The show is ruining all the characters. We see one then you don't again for three episodes and all their momentum is lost. And as expected it's taken the whole entire first part of the season for anything to get accomplished...let's waste 15 minutes just adding some nonsensical part about the guy trying to scale a rope over the walkers.
Yep they pretty much botched the story arc for this season, much better developed in the comics than than in the TV show
I can't believe so many people didn't realize Glenn wasn't going to die. I called it with the dumpster from the beginning. He probably won't make it back to Maggie and they will still kill him off with her witnessing it and the stress causes her to lose the baby.

The building falling across the fence was predictable with the constant pieces crumbling off of it. How they didn't realize that building was a danger is beyond me. How many people were crossing their fingers that the kid was going to shoot Carl?

What was the point with Morgan involving the doctor woman in the situation with the wolf if they were going to have all Hell break loose with the zombies getting in town? Is Morgan going to let the guy go unless Carol stops him? I could see her trying to kill him and Morgan ends up killing Carol trying to stop her.

With the town getting overrun, I would bet the people in town try and make it to that sewer and hope the walkers left the exit due to the commotion.

They never did say who was on the other end of the walkie talkie. Unless the timeline of when Darrel heard the voice on the radio is after the town is overrun and it is someone needing help now. Maybe Glenn is captured by Negan or about to be.

Eugene was on the walkie talkie. The timeline was out of wack as you suggested. I'm pretty sure it was Eugene anyways, sounded like him.

And yes, anyone who thought Glenn was really dead was delusional. His escape was totally unrealistic (in a show about zombies that is tough to do) and kinda lame, but people love the character so no one really cares. I agree with you that he does not survive season 6 regardless.

Morgan wanted the Dr. Woman to help the Wolf with his infected wound. I seriously doubt Morgan kills Carol as he is against killing. If he won't kill the bad guys why would he randomly kill Carol? I just don't buy it.
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Eugene reminds me of one of those idiot savants who ends up getting caught having goat sex.
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Most of the story this season is beyond poorly developed and most of the Alexandria characters seem to serve no purpose other than to be pointless filler and annoy us.
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I'm not sure why some of you are so anxious to kill off a major character. TV shows are successful partly because of the writing but also, in large part, due to the cast. People get invested in certain cast members. And I don't give a rats ass what happened in the comic books.
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I just think that Carol will try to kill the wolf if they have time to do it before the zombies come in and Morgan will be forced to kill her even if he doesn't want to. He thinks he can change him since the Wolves are a lot like how he used to be before getting help, but he knows Carol will not and he either has to let her kill him or she will force him to kill her.
I'm not sure why some of you are so anxious to kill off a major character. TV shows are successful partly because of the writing but also, in large part, due to the cast. People get invested in certain cast members. And I don't give a rats ass what happened in the comic books.

I'm still wondering why Glen is above reproach of death. He's barely in there and he comes off as a prude. I'll say it. Glen can kiss my ass. I can't wait till Negan beats his skull in with Lucy.

I hope Carl dies, Rick, eff Darryl, Morgan. Abraham is one step away from dying in a trailer park. Eugene sucks. Rosita can blow me but I hope she dies too. Carol. I love her. Maggie can be eaten too. Michonne. Hope she becomes President of the New World USA
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pretty much exactly how I feel, cept I like Rick. I'll have to rely on updates from you guys since I won't be watching anymore. Wife asked me tonight "Why were you wanting Glenn to die so bad?" and I said "Because there's no way anyone survives the situation he was in, apparently he's narrowly escaped certain death like 10 other times, and eventually people just get tired of that shit. I have no ties to this imaginary person. It's a show. They all have to die at some point anyway. The series either ends with everyone dying or all the zombies dying first... at the latter ain't happening. They ALL gonna die sometime.

She didn't like that.

Well. Spears. Your ol lady is going to tell you a lot of shit. Especially when your kid is born. Wait. Sprears. You're kid should be 2 by now.
Why do you guys like Michonne? All she does is make bitchy faces and read off 3 or 4 angry lines each season. Rick and Daryl are still likable to me, I don't understand the hate there.
I know it's unlikely Glenn survives that situation, but if it means we get to see his brains beat out by a barbed wire baseball bat, i'm willing to forgive that unlikely survival. I really don't have favorite guys/girls on the show and don't care who survives or who dies. It's way more entertaining watching the show this way. I too have a few people from the show i hope dies soon. It's mostly just Carl. When that kid dies, we all win. I still haven't caught up on the last few minutes from last week's episode yet. I forgot all about it until i read this topic.
I'm not sure why some of you are so anxious to kill off a major character. TV shows are successful partly because of the writing but also, in large part, due to the cast. People get invested in certain cast members. And I don't give a rats ass what happened in the comic books.
Well that's Originally what made the show great because no one was safe, so it gave you the tense feeling anyone could go at any time. Now they are too obvious, they'll bring a new character on just so they can kill him an episode later
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Looks like it but it was stupid to draw them out of the quarry in the first place.
if you remember the episode, they actually escaped from the quarry right as they were about to do a dress rehearsal. one of the semi trucks fell off the ridge allowing them to escape
If he doesn't appear until the final episode of the season, then they wouldn't have filmed the bat scene already since filming wont' start for next season until next summer. Unless they're filming more than 1 season at a time?
I dont trust ANY of that TWD "leak" info. A sneaky bunch they are! They film a bunch of stuff they never plan to use just to throw off the public. Last year they purposely leaked a pic of Glenn at terminus with the termite butcher standing over him about to swing the bat. Everybody thought it was Negan, of course we found out later it wasnt.
Midseason finale, through 47 minutes, has only been intense if compared to the Morgan episode. Is quite unbelievable they managed to have screwed up a walker herd episode.

The return of covering yourself in walker blood and guts though!
How many episodes are they going to drag out this walker herd invasion? Sam is going to get some folks killed because he's a pussy b****.
Worst midseason finale in the show's history. Very lacking in intensity. Whole first half of the season has been mostly mediocre. They really need to step their game up in the second half.