UNCheat Gets Probation from Its Accrediting Agency

“It’s the most serious sanction we have,” said Belle Wheelan, president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Well, that is your problem, right there. If your most serious sanction is to tell the worst offender in history not to do it again or else, you are wasting your time. And, by the way, if 'Probation' is your most serious sanction, what happens when someone violates probation? Double Probation? That must really worry a university that has expressed no remorse for 20 years of blatantly abusing the ethics of academia.
It appears there is a level of severity leveled by the NCAA and SACS that I believe UNC will have a hard time demonstrating a commensurate level of contrition.
It appears there is a level of severity leveled by the NCAA and SACS that I believe UNC will have a hard time demonstrating a commensurate level of contrition.
Shameless folks down there. There is no contrition I've seen.
Someone with knowledge about these things answer this. Will this have anything to do with the NCAA punishment. Can they use this in anyway?
“It’s the most serious sanction we have,” said Belle Wheelan, president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Well, that is your problem, right there. If your most serious sanction is to tell the worst offender in history not to do it again or else, you are wasting your time. And, by the way, if 'Probation' is your most serious sanction, what happens when someone violates probation? Double Probation? That must really worry a university that has expressed no remorse for 20 years of blatantly abusing the ethics of academia.

Yea, I mean it sounds contradictory doesn't it? "we're giving you a year probation and btw this is the most serious penalty we can hand down." alrighty then but what exactly does this mean? they'll just be watched closely for a year? they'll have to submit reports monthly regarding academics? I think for the vast majority of people that hear the words "probation" they'll associate it with what people believe the word probation to mean which is usually: "you're free to go but our eyes are on you big time and you'll have to routinely check in."
“It’s the most serious sanction we have,” said Belle Wheelan, president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Well, that is your problem, right there. If your most serious sanction is to tell the worst offender in history not to do it again or else, you are wasting your time. And, by the way, if 'Probation' is your most serious sanction, what happens when someone violates probation? Double Probation? That must really worry a university that has expressed no remorse for 20 years of blatantly abusing the ethics of academia.

So, SACS can't yank accreditation? You're not presenting out-of-context (miss)information right?
“It’s the most serious sanction we have,” said Belle Wheelan, president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Well, that is your problem, right there. If your most serious sanction is to tell the worst offender in history not to do it again or else, you are wasting your time. And, by the way, if 'Probation' is your most serious sanction, what happens when someone violates probation? Double Probation? That must really worry a university that has expressed no remorse for 20 years of blatantly abusing the ethics of academia.
The most serious sanction is actually pulling accreditation. But it's actually pretty damn serious. If UNC doesn't do certain things within that year (I do't know what they are though), having their accreditation pulled is very much in the conversation.
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It is a direct quote from the president of the organization, imbecile. That's the context. And, no, pulling a university's accreditation is not a serious threat, as evidenced by the fact that the SC State case today where the probation was simply continued despite endemic and deep rooted financial and academic fraud. Congratulations to your alma mater. That is the company you are keeping. When are you going to have the dignity to acknowledge how disgraceful that is?
Direct quote or not, it's still wrong. Pulling accreditation is much worse than probation. SACS must consider that something different than sanction.
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Someone with knowledge about these things answer this. Will this have anything to do with the NCAA punishment. Can they use this in anyway?
I don't know if this will have any effect on the NCAA's decision but the NCAA had furnished information to SACS and they apparently used that information in their decision to charge UNC with failure to monitor their athletics programs. Since part of the SACS violations involved athletics that would probably be a factor in the COI's decision on the severity of UNC's punishment, but considering the lengths they have already gone to to avoid punishing UNC they could choose to just ignore the SACS charges.
Guess word hasn't reached their fans. Still nothing about this over at THR.
They are celebrating on Inside Carolina because their university was "only" placed on probation, along side the dregs of American Academia, for shoddy, abusive and unethical performance. Some victory. UNC fans, outside the few who have expressed embarrassment and called for real sanctions, are like O.J. Simpson's entourage: If they could skate punishment by whatever tortured and flawed means, they'd be all too happy to pretend nothing ever happened. But I've got news for them. To the rest of the world, the verdict has already been rendered and the taint is not going away.
I bet Texas is really sweeting right now. The NCAA is going to bring the hammer down on Texas because of UNC*** cheaters. :)
They are celebrating on Inside Carolina because their university was "only" placed on probation, along side the dregs of American Academia, for shoddy, abusive and unethical performance. Some victory. UNC fans, outside the few who have expressed embarrassment and called for real sanctions, are like O.J. Simpson's entourage: If they could skate punishment by whatever tortured and flawed means, they'd be all too happy to pretend nothing ever happened. But I've got news for them. To the rest of the world, the verdict has already been rendered and the taint is not going away.

Well, now we know how stupid their fans are. Probation is nothing to celebrate. But, these are the same idiots who were happy to only get charged with LOIC.
They are celebrating on Inside Carolina because their university was "only" placed on probation, along side the dregs of American Academia, for shoddy, abusive and unethical performance. Some victory. UNC fans, outside the few who have expressed embarrassment and called for real sanctions, are like O.J. Simpson's entourage: If they could skate punishment by whatever tortured and flawed means, they'd be all too happy to pretend nothing ever happened. But I've got news for them. To the rest of the world, the verdict has already been rendered and the taint is not going away.
I'd say Vitale and his butt buddies at ESPN are partying too.
Yea, I mean it sounds contradictory doesn't it? "we're giving you a year probation and btw this is the most serious penalty we can hand down." alrighty then but what exactly does this mean? they'll just be watched closely for a year? they'll have to submit reports monthly regarding academics? I think for the vast majority of people that hear the words "probation" they'll associate it with what people believe the word probation to mean which is usually: "you're free to go but our eyes are on you big time and you'll have to routinely check in."

It is a black eye for sure. SACS is sending a message that those who live in the academic world understand quite well.
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Someone with knowledge about these things answer this. Will this have anything to do with the NCAA punishment. Can they use this in anyway?

If UNC had lost accreditation then yeah, they would have been screwed. But their accreditation was maintained. Getting "probation" is literally nothing in terms of potential NCAA punishment. In fact, it makes it nearly impossible for the NCAA to do anything. If the classes in question are accredited, what can you really do?

But yet again, people on here are completely clueless about this situation and just regurgitate extremely biased perspectives and answers about this. LMAO at the people on here acting like probation is serious. Well no shit the accreditation people are going to say it's "serious." They want to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean "probation" is actually serious in reality. UNC is happy about this.
They feel like the murderer who was just acquitted and given home detention while the prosecutor had video evidence of the guilt.
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Well, now we know how stupid their fans are. Probation is nothing to celebrate. But, these are the same idiots who were happy to only get charged with LOIC.

You are obviously clueless about this situation if you think that LOIC and "probation" are even remotely close to the worst that can come out of this for UNC. LOIC and probation are exactly what UNC wants. Those are vague terms that are just juicy and might "sound" bad, but in reality, they don't impose any specific punishments.
You are obviously clueless about this situation if you think that LOIC and "probation" are even remotely close to the worst that can come out of this for UNC. LOIC and probation are exactly what UNC wants. Those are vague terms that are just juicy and might "sound" bad, but in reality, they don't impose any specific punishments.

You are as clueless as they come if you believe what you just wrote. Show me one case of LOIC that resulted in little or no punishment for the offender. I will be waiting.
UNC now joins great academic schools like SC State in standing![roll]

– Failure to correct deficiencies or failure to make satisfactory progress toward compliance with
Principles of Accreditation, whether or not the institution is already on Warning, may result in the
institution being placed on Probation. An institution may be placed on Probation for the same reasons as
discussed above regarding Warning if the Commission’s Board of Trustees deems noncompliance with the
Principles to be serious enough to merit invoking Probation whether or not the institution is or has been on
Warning. Probation is a more serious sanction than Warning and is usually, but not necessarily, invoked as
the last step before an institution is removed from membership. Probation may be imposed upon initial
institutional review, depending on the judgment of the Board regarding the seriousness of noncompliance or
in the case of repeated violations recognized by the Board over a period of time. An institution must be
placed on Probation when it is continued in membership for Good Cause beyond the maximum two-year
monitoring period (see section on “Good Cause” below). The maximum consecutive time that an institution
may be on Probation is two years.
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It is a black eye for sure. SACS is sending a message that those who live in the academic world understand quite well.
UNC doesn't care about academics , hence the win . Before anybody suggests otherwise I point to the current mess and the the fact that UNC is willing to falsely blame academics , so no they are not a good academic school anymore .
If UNC had lost accreditation then yeah, they would have been screwed. But their accreditation was maintained. Getting "probation" is literally nothing in terms of potential NCAA punishment. In fact, it makes it nearly impossible for the NCAA to do anything. If the classes in question are accredited, what can you really do?

But yet again, people on here are completely clueless about this situation and just regurgitate extremely biased perspectives and answers about this. LMAO at the people on here acting like probation is serious. Well no shit the accreditation people are going to say it's "serious." They want to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean "probation" is actually serious in reality. UNC is happy about this.

Sounds like you are anyway. Still posing as a Duke fan?
It will be interesting to see if their research funding and corporate and private donations take a hit.
“It’s the most serious sanction we have,” said Belle Wheelan, president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Well, that is your problem, right there. If your most serious sanction is to tell the worst offender in history not to do it again or else, you are wasting your time. And, by the way, if 'Probation' is your most serious sanction, what happens when someone violates probation? Double Probation? That must really worry a university that has expressed no remorse for 20 years of blatantly abusing the ethics of academia.
The thing is UNC is already showing a complete lack of remorse for their gigantic cheating scandal and only seem to care that they were caught rather than being angered by the fact that their entire university and athletic departments created this nightmare. Extending Roy Williams contract and continuing to publicly lionize Smith are both poorly timed moves that clearly show they not only don't "get it" but actually are not even capable of getting it.

The only real response from athletics has been to throw the reputation of the university under the bus and to extend the contract of Roy Williams. If the NCAA does not hammer UNC then their cheating will simply get worse and even more pervasive. Somebody with integrity somewhere in that sorry mess needs to step up and bring some perspective to these folks as clearly they cannot be trusted to meaningfully correct the problem. The athletic tail is wagging the dog that is their university. Literally the entire athletic department is an out-of-control runaway train that the university cannot control and so it needs the NCAA to carpet bomb them back into some semblance of being manageable and the only way to do that is to nuke them so hard that the current rot is reduced to ashes, shoveled up into a garbage can, and carted to a dump somewhere. Then maybe, if they are lucky and can keep the Rams Club influence at bay, then in a few decades they might be able to get their college back.
And just once again, for anyone that wants to keep proclaiming Williams's and Walden's lack of culpability, or that they were not active participants in this thing, just enjoy this clip. 1:28-3:30 is the meat.

If UNC had lost accreditation then yeah, they would have been screwed. But their accreditation was maintained. Getting "probation" is literally nothing in terms of potential NCAA punishment. In fact, it makes it nearly impossible for the NCAA to do anything. If the classes in question are accredited, what can you really do?

But yet again, people on here are completely clueless about this situation and just regurgitate extremely biased perspectives and answers about this. LMAO at the people on here acting like probation is serious. Well no shit the accreditation people are going to say it's "serious." They want to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean "probation" is actually serious in reality. UNC is happy about this.
I think it speaks loud and clear about UNC-CHeats that fans like you (and yes, don't think you are fooling anyone) see it as a victory to be lumped with the stains on the toilet bowl of academia who have been shamed with probation by the SACS and tagged with the charge of Lack of Institutional Control by the NCAA. It means nothing to you because the academic standing of your university has come to mean nothing to people like you. Charles Kuralt and other UNC grads from another era who took pride in the reputation of the university would find you repugnant.
"It's a big deal," said BelleWhelan, SACS president. "This issue was bigger than anything with which we’ve ever dealt, and it went on for longer than anything else. This is the first one I can recall in the 10 years I’ve been here that we put an institution on probation for academic fraud or academic integrity."

They directly link it to athletics. This should put the NCAA in an even deeper corner. While probation doesn't really do anything to them, in academia they are sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on for the next year. I'm sure the faculty are PO'D.
And just once again, for anyone that wants to keep proclaiming Williams's and Walden's lack of culpability, or that they were not active participants in this thing, just enjoy this clip. 1:28-3:30 is the meat.

Bingo! If this video doesn't prove Roy's involvement in his players' academics, I don't know what would. Brings his academics guy from KU, who obviously knew how to game the system for player eligibility. And Roy coyly proclaims he stays out of his players' classroom work? I call bs. The guy's a cheater, pure and simple.
"It's a big deal," said BelleWhelan, SACS president. "This issue was bigger than anything with which we’ve ever dealt, and it went on for longer than anything else. This is the first one I can recall in the 10 years I’ve been here that we put an institution on probation for academic fraud or academic integrity."

They directly link it to athletics. This should put the NCAA in an even deeper corner. While probation doesn't really do anything to them, in academia they are sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on for the next year. I'm sure the faculty are PO'D.

I wonder when UNC hangs a banner for that?[banana][banana][banana][banana][banana]

“It’s the most serious sanction we have,” said Belle Wheelan, president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Well, that is your problem, right there. If your most serious sanction is to tell the worst offender in history not to do it again or else, you are wasting your time. And, by the way, if 'Probation' is your most serious sanction, what happens when someone violates probation? Double Probation? That must really worry a university that has expressed no remorse for 20 years of blatantly abusing the ethics of academia.


Paper Class Inc.‏@paperclassinc 17s18 seconds ago

UNC-Chapel Hill gets probation from its accrediting agency…

Gutless. Just plain gutless. Probation means nothing. Just implement a few procedures and prove that you put them in place. Good job SACS, way to punt and flush higher education down the toilet.

Pull accreditation and let them get the chance to get their accreditation back in full after 2 years in the desert. Not this.

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