Ulis staying??

Jan 26, 2021
He’s a Grad Assistant. I gotta believe that there is a spot on the bench for him if he wants it. I’d really love to see him get some coaching experience with someone else besides Cal. I think that Tyler is loyal to the University over Cal, but I could be wrong…

But if we’re claiming things as part of this divorce, I wanna keep Tyler around the program.

Any updates? Insights?
I would love to have Ulis on the staff if possible. Unfortunately, I don't think that would happen.
I love Ulis, but he needs to do a stint a lower tier school to prove himself. Needs to get recruiting connections and more seasoned before joining the bench here.
One of the best bulldog defenders we have had....put him on staff.
That doesn't qualify him as a coach. If he becomes a grad assistant, then maybe he can get on staff after that. Plus, he was a coach under Calipari. Cal's tree tends to fail. If Ulis does well at another uni or under Pope, then let's give him a chance.

One of my favorite players of all time, but coaching isn't playing.
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He cannot be a grad assistant, his 2 years in that role are up. He would have to be hired as a regular assistant and I don’t see it.
He was a student assistant working on his bachelors degree. If he has not completed his undergrad studies yet, nothing prevents home from keeping that role. If he graduates and starts grad school, he is eligible to be a graduate assistant.
This is correct, I don't see him being a full assistant now
I don't believe this is correct. He wasn't a graduate assistant, but an undergrad assistant. No idea when he's getting his degree, but he could still have freedom to do either one depending on his graduation status. Also there are GA's who do more than 2 years I know Matt Jones said differently on air, but I think he's mistaken. So there isn't necessarily a 2 year limit on being a GA anyways even if Ulis had been a GA the last 2 seasons
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He cannot be a grad assistant, his 2 years in that role are up. He would have to be hired as a regular assistant and I don’t see it.
Even though this doesn’t apply to Ulis, I saw another poster assert this same statement the other day and another poster questioned it, but I never saw an answer. Is that actually a rule that you can only be a Grad assistant 2 years? Probably doesn’t happen often, but if you had the connections for it, it could be possible. I know people who were grad assistants at D2 schools, but once that’s over you pretty much gotta go coach at HS unless you’re really hot shit and have the connections. So I’m saying why couldn’t someone grad assist at a D2 school then if they had an opportunity to move up to D1 but only as a grad assistant, why couldn’t they pursue another degree and assume the same role at another school? Plus, it’d probably be worth doing that than taking an assistant job back at your high school.
That doesn't qualify him as a coach. If he becomes a grad assistant, then maybe he can get on staff after that. Plus, he was a coach under Calipari. Cal's tree tends to fail. If Ulis does well at another uni or under Pope, then let's give him a chance.

One of my favorite players of all time, but coaching isn't playing.
There are several support staff positions available that allow people like Ulis to be involved with the program. We shouldn't box him with an assistant coach title, but that doesn't mean that he can't have a role on the staff beyond grad assistant that could eventually lead into an assistant coach role if that's what he wants.
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Even though this doesn’t apply to Ulis, I saw another poster assert this same statement the other day and another poster questioned it, but I never saw an answer. Is that actually a rule that you can only be a Grad assistant 2 years? Probably doesn’t happen often, but if you had the connections for it, it could be possible. I know people who were grad assistants at D2 schools, but once that’s over you pretty much gotta go coach at HS unless you’re really hot shit and have the connections. So I’m saying why couldn’t someone grad assist at a D2 school then if they had an opportunity to move up to D1 but only as a grad assistant, why couldn’t they pursue another degree and assume the same role at another school? Plus, it’d probably be worth doing that than taking an assistant job back at your high school.
My understanding is that there are stipulations to doing more than 2 years, but it happens. I know the football team has had several 3-4 year graduate assistants
There are several support staff positions available that allow people like Ulis to be involved with the program. We shouldn't box him with an assistant coach title, but that doesn't mean that he can't have a role on the staff beyond grad assistant that could eventually lead into an assistant coach role if that's what he wants.
Very true. I love having Ulis around. In a culture that emphasized "me," Ulis bled blue for the team. I think he's one of the Cal players that gets it and could be a great asset going forward.
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I don't believe this is correct. He wasn't a graduate assistant, but an undergrad assistant. No idea when he's getting his degree, but he could still have freedom to do either one depending on his graduation status. Also there are GA's who do more than 2 years I know Matt Jones said differently on air, but I think he's mistaken. So there isn't necessarily a 2 year limit on being a GA anyways even if Ulis had been a GA the last 2 seasons
Just going but what I have read. I hope they are wrong. Don't listen to KSR, but if he says it's only two years, they chances of that being wrong went up exponentially!
Very true. I love having Ulis around. In a culture that emphasized "me," Ulis bled blue for the team. I think he's one of the Cal players that gets it and could be a great asset going forward.
I hope that Pope does have a role for him. I think that he is legitimately deserving of an opportunity, but I also think it is wise to have a former Calipari player in a visible role that keeps the continuing relationship and respect of other former Calipari players.
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He can be a grad assistant, he was a student assistant the last two years as he not yet graduated. Once he graduates then he can become a grad assistant
This is what I had thought, since I thought it quite unlikely he had already graduated (was just here 2 yrs before NBA). That's probably not close enough that a few summer classes would have graduated him before 2 yr ago.
Ulis is extremely high bball iq and an assett . If he wants in room should be made it will pay off. Same with Rondo and DA
Or maybe we should hire guys who have a proven track record of coaching college kids to get better at basketball

Seriously- do y'all want UK basketball to just function as a jobs program for former players? Or do you want to freaking win college basketball games?
Or maybe we should hire guys who have a proven track record of coaching college kids to get better at basketball

Seriously- do y'all want UK basketball to just function as a jobs program for former players? Or do you want to freaking win college basketball games?
You aren't getting that with ANY Grad Assistants.
And last year you could tell watching him that Ulis was good in helping the players understand the game, and that he has a great knowledge of the game.
Ulis should have stayed 4 years at UK and got his degree. His NBA career would have been the same and he’d be better off today.

Of course, Cal ran him off to the league because he had Fox ready to come in. It was best for Cal but not Ulis. Always the same grift.
Ulis should have stayed 4 years at UK and got his degree. His NBA career would have been the same and he’d be better off today.

Of course, Cal ran him off to the league because he had Fox ready to come in. It was best for Cal but not Ulis. Always the same grift.
No doubt ….tho Ulis struck while the iron was hot. SEC POY that yr
Give him a COVID year and let him coach another FFS. There are kids older than him playing for mid majors.
I know, in just a short time IF TU could be around Coach Pope, TU would go through a wall for Coach Pope... if that's something you wouldn't want to have on your side then.....