UK MMB is holding a televised pro day

The key is being marketable enough to get a job that can enable you to pay back massive college loan debt while taking care of yourself and family. Just an education and not enough money in your bank account will make you homeless and hungry, just saying.

You notice the other poster hasn't responded to our posts right? Just makes goofy takes and ignores counterpoints by other posters. All college students only purpose for taking classes is to get a good job in their chosen field. Same with sports. The ones that are pro material are there to hone their craft so they can make money. That doesn't mean they also aren't competitors and want to win in college.

Unless the other poster is a homeless college student in their 30th year of college, their point is ridiculous. You need money and support for your family. If any of us were good enough to go pro into sports, we would have done so.
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You win championships by getting good players.
Good players likely have dreams of making it to the NBA at some point.

It doesn't have to be one and done NBA factory like it was under Cal, but you can't turn off big time recruits either.

I see nothing wrong with continuing "pro day". I like it. We should not go from one extreme to another here.
Welp, not a fan of this. Players auditioning for the NBA before the season even tips off. How do you square the conflict of midsets, coach? You're projecting two different things before the season even starts. Do this crap AFTER the season. Being worried about an in-season injury and not being able to have a pro day looks like you're prioritizing the NBA.

...and we were off to such a great marriage. Guess the honeymoon is already over.
Every major program in the nation does a Pro Day - maybe not televised, but every major program does this. If UK was to NOT do this, it would be a major hinderance in recruiting. It's also incredibly naive to think the UK coaching staff doesn't have an obligation to help their student-athletes reach their dreams. And finally, if we have so many players that care primarily about winning championships instead of the NBA, I'm sure they're allowed to NOT participat in the Pro Day if they don't want to
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No, it's not what "college is for". College is for getting an education, with the hopes that the obtained education will lead one to greater opportunities, for most it would be to prosper doing something they trained for. The key is EDUCATION. College is not there to prepare them for the NBA, or to help students with their NBA dreams. That thinking needs to go away, yesterday!
This was a valid take in the 1980s and 1990s. Players don't go to Duke for the elite education these days. Players don't go to Alabama for the education. Michigan has a terrific academic institution, but JJ McCarthy didn't go there to hang a diploma on his wall. It's naive to think that, at the elite level, kids are making college decisions based on diplomas. I can assure you that Caleb Wilson isn't critically weighing the differences in college curriculums amongst his Top 5. Furthermore, I bet Reed Sheppard and Travis Perry grew up dreaming of wearing the UK jersey, but did NOT dream of going to Woodward Hall or Kincaid Auditorium
Last i checked you didn't get paid 100k a year to stay in college forever.
You keep it going, man, you keep those books rolling. You pick up all those books that you're gonna read and not remember and you roll, man. You get that associate's degree, okay? Then you get your bachelor's. Then you get your masters. Then you get your masters' masters. Then you get your doctorate. You go, man

And then, when everybody says quit, you show them those degrees, man. When everyone says, "Hey, you're not working, you're not making any money."

You say, "You look at my degrees, and you look at my life. Yeah, I'm fifty-two, so what? Hate all you want, but I'm smart, I'm so smart. And, and I'm in school. All these guys out here, uh, making money all these ways. And I'm spending mine to be smart. You know why? 'Cause when I die, buddy, you know what's gonna keep me warm? That's right, those degrees"
Ambivalent on Pro Day stuff.....

When this culture at UK being a stepping stone to NBA will come down to who comes back to college as the common sense option.

1. The days of guys like BJ Boston playing like crap but declaring nonetheless is what killed me. Same for why Wenyen Gabriel, Chris Livingston, Dakari Johnson, etc.. leaves so fast. And then guys like Juzang, Jermal Baker, DJ Wagner, Brooks, etc... that felt like they had to transfer vs. feeling like they could develop at UK.

2. So, if we get to end season and guys like Oweh, Garrison, Chandler, etc feel like they can't wait to leave as they have little future for UK....then this culture crap will still be a problem under Pope. (But I don't feel it will turn out this way)

But a UK pro day doesn't really matter one way or the other IMO.....just how the offseason unfolds is what I'll be paying attention to.
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No, it's not what "college is for". College is for getting an education, with the hopes that the obtained education will lead one to greater opportunities, for most it would be to prosper doing something they trained for. The key is EDUCATION. College is not there to prepare them for the NBA, or to help students with their NBA dreams. That thinking needs to go away, yesterday!

Actually it is there to help them prepare for the NBA. If college basketball programs were ranked in terms of future prep for the next level, Kentucky is Ivy League.

No shit we are doing a pro day. It’s Kentucky. Unless you want to suck and recruit a bunch of 2-3 star guys. See how that works out
Surprisied this is even a debate in 2024 (although I probably shouldn’t be). This isn’t 1970. The NBA is a huge factor. Always will be
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This right here. Have said that for a while

And yes, I know the NBA is going by then. They send scours everywhere
The NBA combine is in May. The NCAA season ends in March, at the earliest. Measurements are not going to drastically change in a two month period. If you have players that are elite, they will be at the NBA combine. It makes ZERO sense to have them have a combine in April or March.