UK Decommit Quinton Baker Says Marshall is His #1

I don't know the Bakers, however I am a dad and it's a tough balancing act at that age. Your kid is transitioning into adulthood but still needs guidance. Quinton is talented and I would love to see him at UK. He may become a star at UK or could also become a roll player on kickoffs where at Marshall he may have a better chance to become the star and not get lost in the shuffle. I'm selfish, so come to UK!
Tough choices for a lot of players, and a very important one. Both he AND his Dad have to do what they think is best for him in the long run, but I think being from Kentucky and a legacy player any contribution he made at UK would make him a well known and appreciated player, maybe best for him in the long run even if he isn't star, There s also the chance that he won't be offered that chance.

I wish him and his Dad the best whatever they choose, I will be pulling for him to be successful whereever he goes------but of course I will hope he gets smeared at least once a year if he goes to either Thug U or Transfer U. Both he and his Dad should know about those programs.
UK already has the 5'9" Boom and the 5'8" King. How many of these small RBs can you take in the SEC?
Originally posted by mrschwump:

UK already has the 5'9" Boom and the 5'8" King. How many of these small RBs can you take in the SEC?
Been saying that for a while now. Need some Horton types to go along with the scatback type. I would love to see what Pinner would've done in this offense.
Marshall has a heck of an offense. Came close to being undefeated last season. Can't blame him for looking at the Head for a landing spot especially since it's only a 15 mile drive from his house.
Originally posted by mrschwump:

UK already has the 5'9" Boom and the 5'8" King. How many of these small RBs can you take in the SEC?
Boom is actually somewhere between 5'10 and 5'11, and he's built like an ox with gazelle speed. Not quite the same lol.
Originally posted by mrschwump:

UK already has the 5'9" Boom and the 5'8" King. How many of these small RBs can you take in the SEC?
I don't care how tall an RB is. It's about the power. 5'8" 210# packs lots of power. 180-185 - not so much.
Originally posted by vhcat70:

Originally posted by mrschwump:

UK already has the 5'9" Boom and the 5'8" King. How many of these small RBs can you take in the SEC?
I don't care how tall an RB is. It's about the power. 5'8" 210# packs lots of power. 180-185 - not so much.
Who is 210 or are you just speaking generally?
Originally posted by mrschwump:

UK already has the 5'9" Boom and the 5'8" King. How many of these small RBs can you take in the SEC?
Stoops needs to take a quarterback and a running back in each class. He needs to have at least 3 running backs ready to play every week, but 4 is better. Baker is a legacy and obviously a good football player. But as you said, he is similar to Boom and King, products of Georgia high school competition who are already on scholarship. In the 2016 class, Stoops has already offered scholarships to better running backs. If he gets 1 of them, then there would not be room for Baker at Kentucky. As things look now, Baker seems to have this figured out.
Marshall would be a great option, but my understanding is that he may not have a committable offer from UK right now and Stoops has backed off.

Seems like it was mentioned by Baker that UK hasn't been in contact in awhile.
It would appear if he did want to come to UK that he blew it by decommitting. Getting commits from the two Ohio RBs probably means UK is no longer interested. If he was trying to imitate Harris he made a big mistake because he is not that important of a recruit.

UK would have taken him because he was a Kentucky kid and the son of a very good past UK RB . I do not think however they wanted him bad enough to play "Ring Around The Rosy" with him like they did with Harris and take the chance of losing kids that were as good or better than him and willing to commit. IMO their thinking now is if he really wanted to come to UK he wouldn't have decommitted . Harris and a couple of other kids burned them last year so I don't think they are in the mood for much BS this year.
Kid made a huge mistake decomitting but when it is all said and done he may very well do much better for himself going somewhere that allows him playing time and he can hang with the competition. He may in fact be able to handle SEC caliber opposition, but the staff has made it clear with the two commits that they do not feel he is a game changer like Harris (we shall see) appeared to be and was not worth the effort or headaches trying to sell his home state program and Dad's alma mater again.
Nothing wrong with head for a landing spot.
What is with everyone calling Marshall "Head?" It's Herd, as in the Thundering Herd.
I think defense was a error,I was just being stupid.
Originally posted by THE_OAK:
What is with everyone calling Marshall "Head?" It's Herd, as in the Thundering Herd.
Originally posted by TeoJ:
I think defense was a error,I was just being stupid.
Originally posted by THE_OAK:
What is with everyone calling Marshall "Head?" It's Herd, as in the Thundering Herd.
The Thundering Heads... I like it....
Originally posted by BengalWACO:
I feel good about Horton this year.
the only thing holding him back is pad level. if he has worked the last few months and the next few months on getting lower while running... he's gonna be a stud.
My only hope for Horton is for him to hold onto the football like a man. If he does that, as well as lowering his pad level when he runs, he'll be hell on wheels.