Great defense all day and pitching, and to leave him in after struggling and loading the bases with control issues for a lefty -righty matchup is absurd. Horrible game management there by Ming.
Don’t disagree but the larger problem is the collapse of the entire staff, outside Pooser. You’ve heard hitting is contagious, but bad pitching? Seems like they all lost their confidence collectively as we entered the tough stretch of the season. Now, they’ll struggle against anyone. It’s a real shame because we had such a great shot at Omaha.
Just now tuning in…of course have multiple work meetings today so haven’t been able to keep up. Let’s go Cats!
... and we keep walking batters ... wow ... free passes get you beat
Every bullpen inning is either a disaster or a near disaster. Doesn't even matrer if it's the bottom of the lineup.
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That man is going to make some money swinging the bat I think.
Beleive that the 15-1 start to sec kinda hurt our BP with location account our staters we’re going 6-8 for several weeks. Hopefully this weeks work load will get them back in the groove. Of course the quality opponents increased as well. May not win anything going forward but we will be tough to beat. All you can ask for.

seems every pitcher that Arkansas puts out there throws it 90+