Ugo surgery?

Thought it was a sprain?

Foot broken
Surgery needed
Flew to NY
Got surgery
Two months out

Probably more - my opinion

Bradshaw - bout the same
This is what happened Boyd.
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We'll see him in January, and there will be constant chatter / rumors from his "handlers" about sitting him out to avoid further injury before draft work-outs.
Just based on what I saw last yr, not sure how anyone drafts him and why he would be held out- slow, not a good outside shot, no way can he defend the pick and roll- should be a good rim protector in college but the NBA is a whole different animal, just my opinion
Thanks everyone. Hopefully he stays off of it. I know how stubborn they are to heal.
Hopefully someone on the staff ferrets out exactly where he is in the process and when he's healed up the staff does the right thing by making sure he's ON that foot. If it ain't broke, then get to work.
UK has an open scholarship.

With two of our big men coming off surgery, it would be a smart move to add another big man, if one becomes available.

We shall see if Cal will make the smart move.
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The way these things play out here, take how long you think he’s going to be out and add a month.
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For coaches it is a P.C. nightmare. You can no longer questions an injury or you do not care about the kids, for guys seeing the player as $$ only they will tell them to do nothing (shut it down) and coaches cannot question it any more. These 18 to 21 year old guys have no idea what is best for themselves. They just follow the most dominate guy in the inner circle. Ugo coming back was a bigger win than most want to think. Now they have more ammo (being his inner circle) to shut it down. I would be surprised if we see him. I know UGO wants to GO out and play but will he cave to his "people"? That will be the question. Same for Bradshaw.