Tubby gone...


Nov 15, 2008
Beaver Lick

There’s another school that didn’t want the guy. He might be a great person, but he’s a very mediocre coach.
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Wondering how they'll do with an AAU/ High School coach? Might work in the short term with local prospects but seems like another dicey move to me.
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Not really. He’s never won anything of any value that he did on his own without Pitino’s players.

Think you just echoed a lot of comments in this thread. Tubster has trouble getting the talent but can coach it pretty well when he has it.
Or back to Georgia...

I'm not so sure.

The game at the P5 level has progressed passed what Tubby Smith does and believes in as a coach. UGA needs to get in the OAD and elite level recruiting game and let the talent loose up and down the court. Tubby isn't going to do that.

Tubby is a good guy and pretty good coach. His philosophies, Xs, and Os, are more suited for the ranks that aren't so dependent on the OAD/elite talent, hybrid/positionless athlete ball arms race.

SEC, in the last few years, finally started moving towards coaches who would really go after talent and play a more modern game. Mark Fox didn't do it. As UGA, if Tubby is on your list you might as well keep Mark Fox who's a good guy decent coach but more suited for the likes of Nevada in this era of basketball.
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Not really surprised
Cal spoiled them into expecting more

Be a good place for Pitino to land
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Memphis fans actually should be raked across the coals for running him off. He was performing to the level of their program, maybe even a bit above.

For some reason, they think they're a real basketball school just because the city loves hoops, but historically, they aren't a great program.

Tubby was plenty good enough for Memphis, especially with as corrupt and political as that city is and how they tie the hands of everyone who tries to coach or succeed there.

If they'd actually let the guy coach instead of forcing him to babysit the Lawsons or staying home because the team isn't competing for a title, they might have had a little success. But with the way they're running things, it'll take a guy like Cal to make them relevant, and a guy like Cal isn't taking that job unless it's someone who gets fired for the FBI stuff.
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Jeffries' commitment is only verbal and it was quoted that if Hardway is hired by Memphis he would take that under serious consideration.

Would be a lose-lose...Penny's not going to replicate Cal which is what they're after...microwaved success...