Trilly update on Lanier visit

Omg, I thank God you were never my teacher, hallelujah. There was a specific program of exercises based on my age that I followed. The exercises had directional tasks included to help me concentrate on leading letters first, how to see punctuation differently, etc. I remember my mom doing these same tasks with me after school. I remember my first few months how frustrating it was for me. I'd rip up papers, break models, stomp off in anger. With the repetition I slowly made it and became an honor student. No way I would have made it without that help. So you can live in your little bubble of judgement and arrogance, idgaf.
LOL My students ADORE me. that's one reason I don't care what some random barefoot guy on the Internet thinks about me.
Several people have come close to understanding this Lanier recruitment from the proper perspective. It wasn't going to help his leverage that everyone knew he was going to end up at Tennessee. So his agent and he created some leverage that wasn't there before. It's just good business sense.
No but Lanier is following Robinson on Instagram along with Coach Brooks, Coach Fueger, Amari Williams,Andrew Carr and some Tennessee players. I'm not sure he knows yet but one thing is for certain, he's invested in this decision and he knows it big.

Go Cats!
Just a pure guess, as I know nothing at all. Lanier ends up at Tennessee. Poplar and Robinson end up visiting here, we get Robinson and poplar ends up at nova/oregon
Butters Dad is a troll guys, dont feed the trolls. had like 30 posts since 2011 before this thread.
Nah, but i've lurked on this site for so long that I know the way you deal with opinions that you don't like is just to label them a troll. that's a psychological lie you tell yourself to make it seem like I'm the one with the issues.
He could be paid five billion and it would not make him omnipotent or even magical.

It isn't that there are no areas within his control but your asks seem out of scope for mortals.
Even God doesn't override free will.
All i've asked for is ONE top scoring portal guy but that seems to be too much to ask for.
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Sounds like although not a lock.....Robinson will most likely be taking his name out of the draft....he has beem advised and LIKELY will follow this route...seems like close to a uk lock if we are without lanier for sure from whats been discussed
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LOL My students ADORE me. that's one reason I don't care what some random barefoot guy on the Internet thinks about me.
Most male teachers I’ve met have been massive creeps. Allowing the education system to be dominated by women and effeminate men has been a disaster.
Butters Dad is a troll guys, dont feed the trolls. had like 30 posts since 2011 before this thread.
Sounds like although not a lock.....Robinson will most likely be taking his name out of the draft....he has beem advised and LIKELY will follow this route...seems like close to a uk lock if we are without lanier for sure from whats been discussed
Most male teachers I’ve met have been massive creeps. Allowing the education system to be dominated by women and effeminate men has been a disaster.
I had a male teacher who was pretty badass. He was a UL fan and we'd talk about sports after we did our work for the day. But yeah most of my teachers were females. And they all seemed to enjoy screaming at boys. Never yelled at the girls, lol.
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Several people have come close to understanding this Lanier recruitment from the proper perspective. It wasn't going to help his leverage that everyone knew he was going to end up at Tennessee. So his agent and he created some leverage that wasn't there before. It's just good business sense.
Few things about that…
1. Even if that is that case that still means he showed up on campus and listened to your pitch before signing somewhere else so things can always change

2. We are what 2 days past his final visit which was to Tennessee and still no official word, the longer that goes the less likely your scenario seems imo
Few things about that…
1. Even if that is that case that still means he showed up on campus and listened to your pitch before signing somewhere else so things can always change

2. We are what 2 days past his final visit which was to Tennessee and still no official word, the longer that goes the less likely your scenario seems imo
Yeah, absolutely. You can't fault Pope for trying. I even saw someone suggest he should have not recruited Lanier if this is what it was really about. Ridiculous. You have to take your shot. Not criticizing Pope for trying. This is just the way I think it goes down.

2 days 3 days it's still going to be Tennessee. i think we all know that More than likely contracts are being drawn up and that's the delay.
Back to the conversation about the Lord of the Rings.

I think I know what happened to the Tree Ent wives. I don't think Sauron destroyed them at all. I think there's a good chance they switched genders and began going to a nonbinary gender forest in eastern Middle Earth.

That was Sauron's plan the whole time. Turn Middle Earth into a nonbinary habitat. Saruman was already going the way of the cross dresser. He tried to turn Gandalf, but Gandalf wasn't having it.
Back to the conversation about the Lord of the Rings.

I think I know what happened to the Tree Ent wives. I don't think Sauron destroyed them at all. I think there's a good chance they switched genders and began going to a nonbinary gender forest in eastern Middle Earth.

That was Sauron's plan the whole time. Turn Middle Earth into a nonbinary habitat. Saruman was already going the way of the cross dresser. He tried to turn Gandalf, but Gandalf wasn't having it.
You are braver than I am, Sir. I would be too afraid JRR Tolkien himself would rise from the grave to kick my ass for uttering such nonsense. The Ent Wives left the Ents because they were stiffs! Do you get it? Stiffs?
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Back to the conversation about the Lord of the Rings.

I think I know what happened to the Tree Ent wives. I don't think Sauron destroyed them at all. I think there's a good chance they switched genders and began going to a nonbinary gender forest in eastern Middle Earth.

That was Sauron's plan the whole time. Turn Middle Earth into a nonbinary habitat. Saruman was already going the way of the cross dresser. He tried to turn Gandalf, but Gandalf wasn't having it.
Not laughing at the content of your post. This thread is just all over the place & random af. The last several pages are littered with a little bit of everything with the exception of updates on Lanier. Hilarious.

Nothing on this point its clear in general no one knows anything....was just reading UT fans prediciting him to UT bc barnes quoted a bible verse and talked god to his family and lanier came out w a bible verse after his visit....clearly means tennessee 🤪🤔
Nothing on this point its clear in general no one knows anything....was just reading UT fans prediciting him to UT bc barnes quoted a bible verse and talked god to his family and lanier came out w a bible verse after his visit....clearly means tennessee 🤪🤔
Our coach also retweeted that which is funny
Back to the conversation about the Lord of the Rings.

I think I know what happened to the Tree Ent wives. I don't think Sauron destroyed them at all. I think there's a good chance they switched genders and began going to a nonbinary gender forest in eastern Middle Earth.

That was Sauron's plan the whole time. Turn Middle Earth into a nonbinary habitat. Saruman was already going the way of the cross dresser. He tried to turn Gandalf, but Gandalf wasn't having it.
This thread should turn into our version of GYERO