Things people say that make you wonder if they have any brain function

Originally posted by ymmot31:
Originally posted by -LEK-:
People who think global warming is a myth or evolution is just a guess.
Any run of the mill idiot that equates these two viewpoints. Guarantee his family tree resembles a telephone pole.
Or that they are considered science deniers? Please don't interject when you can't keep up. Stupid monkey.
Originally posted by DSmith21:
"I voted for Obama, twice"
Congratulations!!! you get my vote for post of the says so much with so little effort.
Have honestly heard this: 'don't confuse me with the facts...' during a discussion/argument over religion, I think, but have heard it a few other times, too.

"It's all part of God's plan" whenever a tragedy strikes.
Anyone who quotes a politician as support for a particular viewpoint or issue. By definition, politicians lie 100% of the time.
"He/she is in a better place" at a funeral - how the f*ck do you know?
'I don't know what he stands for but I'm going to vote for him anyway', i.e., all low information voters.
'I seen"

"Net neutrality is a bad thing"

"It snowed a lot so climate change is a hoax"

"I owe my life to a man living in space who watches my every move and hates when I masturbate or use curse words and will punish me for eternity if I don't devote my entire life to worshipping him"
I've been there with the "daddy" thing. Very creepy. As for favorite it has to be when referring to Walmart or Kmart as plural. A great example. Ima head on up to the Walmarts see if I can't get me a new raffle and some britches so I can take my sons kid huntin this weekend.
I hate it when the media uses a plural verb for a singular noun...Example: The Miami Heat rolls past the Clippers (correct) but a newspaper will write "The Miami Heat roll past the Clippers (incorrect). Though the name Heat is for a team of multiple individuals, Heat is a singular matter how someone chooses to use it.

Another: Using the word "an" before a word that begins with a consonant. Example: That was an historical event (incorrect). That was a historical event (correct). The "h" is neither a vowel, nor is it silent. I've never taken an "istory" class.
Originally posted by argubs2:
"I really enjoy The Big Bang Theory."

Anyone claiming to have an open mind yet criticizes anyone and anything they don't agree with.