The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

Sad? Why? I'm not consumed with the idea that WW3 is around the corner every time Putin opens his mouth. I had fun last night.

Your ridiculousness was on full display yesterday. You may as well just be debating yourself, because you either don’t understand others’ positions or you just want to make them up so you can pretend to knock them down. Have a good day.
That guy was radicalized, just like y’all in here. He was radical blue, you, radical red.

Come on man... come on Ricchie.

The guy believed the exact same thing you do about the war for the exact same reasons. The'res no daylight between him and you guys in my little laughy face emojjiarmy.

The difference between him and anyone here is not that he is more radical, but that he's got more gumption, maybe an even further degraded prefrontal cortex.
Come on man... come on Ricchie.

The guy believed the exact same thing you do about the war for the exact same reasons. The'res no daylight between him and you guys in my little laughy face emojjiarmy.

The difference between him and anyone here is not that he is more radical, but he's got more gumption, maybe an even further degraded prefrontal cortex.
Sooooo a radical? Yeah, like some of you.
If you define his beliefs to be radical, and he shares the same beliefs as you, then it is you who is a radical.

Not them.
Id consider a radical someone who tries to kill a president or other political figure. After all, I’m sure this guy believed in “democracy” just like the rest of you.
Id consider a radical someone who tries to kill a president or other political figure. After all, I’m sure this guy believed in “democracy” just like the rest of you.

Ok... then it's action which defines radical for you.

No one here, ostensibly at least, tried to do that. So none of them can be a radical.
Ok... then it's action which defines radical for you.

No one here, ostensibly at least, tried to do that. So none of them can be a radical.
Idk man, there was a guy in the political thread, saying he has guns and is dying for a civil war to spark.
Well then the best thing to do for him and us all would be to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Just like Ukraine, incidentally. Could've been easily prevented to the benefit of all except those profiting from it.
The whole “Putin won’t stop with Ukraine” is no longer a thing?

The U.S. and NATO placed restrictions upon Zelensky with regard to his use of weapons provided to him. Why was that?
I dont recall harping on that much as I know he can't deal with NATO. I could have said it in regards to a couple border countrys but not as a general statement.

There is no need to just stir the pot but at the same time, we've let Zelensky go way into Russia.