The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

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So Ukraine is still asking the US to target and provide missiles to hit targets deeper in Russia....

If Ukraine is winning by such huge margins, then why keep upping the pressure on Russia? Seems like they could just keep bleeding Russia dry without the risk of provoking a nuclear strike....
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CNN has become Putin’s mouthpiece?

Andrew Korybko​


I'm a Moscow-based American political analyst specializing in the global systemic transition to multipolarity.
So Ukraine is still asking the US to target and provide missiles to hit targets deeper in Russia....

If Ukraine is winning by such huge margins, then why keep upping the pressure on Russia? Seems like they could just keep bleeding Russia dry without the risk of provoking a nuclear strike....
What's whether they're winning or not got to do with it?
Looks like you guys are finally going to get WWIII you’ve been pushing for. Congrats.

Need to earn that Dick Cheney endorsement.
So you're convinced that if NATO allows Ukraine better weapons that Russia will start a nuke war? If so, you probably think Trump won the 2020 election too.
So you're convinced that if NATO allows Ukraine better weapons that Russia will start a nuke war? If so, you probably think Trump won the 2020 election too.

I assign a probability greater than 0% to the chance Russia uses its nuclear arsenal if the U.S. allows Ukraine to strike deep in Russia with US weapons. Supplying the weapons and allowing the use certainly increases the chances.

Nuclear war would be the worst thing to ever happen in the written and oral history of our planet.

When it’s a non-0% probability that the worst human caused catastrophe in the history of our planet could happen, you do what you can to avoid it, unless there is no other option.

Ukraine is not worth increasing the probability of nuclear war, certainly not when there’s a potential off ramp laid in two months with a non-Warhawk non-Dick Cheney endorsed president elect.
I assign a probability greater than 0% to the chance Russia uses its nuclear arsenal if the U.S. allows Ukraine to strike deep in Russia with US weapons. Supplying the weapons and allowing the use certainly increases the chances.

Nuclear war would be the worst thing to ever happen in the written and oral history of our planet.

When it’s a non-0% probability that the worst human caused catastrophe in the history of our planet could happen, you do what you can to avoid it, unless there is no other option.

Ukraine is not worth increasing the probability of nuclear war, certainly not when there’s a potential off ramp laid in two months with a non-Warhawk non-Dick Cheney endorsed president elect.
So you think there's 0% probability of nuke war now? And anytime someone in Russia says don't do this or it's war - no mention of nukes BTW - the odds of nuke war increases?

I don't think as Putin is FOS. Using his invasion of Ukraine as a basis for thinking nuke war is a greater possibility is defeatist thinking.
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So you think there's 0% probability of nuke war now? And anytime someone in Russia says don't do this or it's war -no mention of nukes BTW - the odds of nuke war increases?

I don't don't as Putin is FOS. Using his invasion of Ukraine as a basis for thinking nuke war is a greater possibility is defeatist thinking.
It depends on how simple of an ask the "don't do this" is. Ukraine isn't our friend or ally. Why would you want to even risk it just so Blackrock and State Street and Lockheed Martin can rake in billions of dollars? What could possibly be the benefit to the US and you and me from this war escalating?
Never forget

Obama: "Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one"

Crazy how the spin changes from putin will take over the world last week, but today oh yeah hes bluffing he wont go to war with nato.

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If we get involved in a nuclear war with Russia we'll have like 20 minutes before we're all dead. In that time I'm going to go to my neighbor's house (the one with the Ukraine flag) and kick him in his ass.
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Never forget

Obama: "Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one"

Crazy how the spin changes from putin will take over the world last week, but today oh yeah hes bluffing he wont go to war with nato.

Good post.

This “if Putin says it, we must do whatever he says not to do” tough guy approach we are seeing from some of the pro-war posters is laughable, because it completely negates deciding issues for our country by focusing on our interests. We are seeing a shell game here, rather than decisions made in our best interest. Or, the best interests of Ukraine, for that matter.
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I have the utmost confidence that if Putin told Caveman, Cosby, & 5000 to turn around, drop trow, and bend over that they wouldn't hesitate.
We need a strong, moral leader! Quick! Someone call Donald Trump, I’m so scared! I need a strong leader to make it all ok!
You want us to do everything else he says to do. Why not this? What's the distinction? You, Trump & the WWIII crap is out of control.

Why don’t you actually respond to one of my posts here, instead of this petty strawman crap you like to pursue, constantly forcing people to correct you and explain how your perception is faulty?

Seriously, go back and find an actual post where I commented about the subject of this thread and explain why I am wrong.

Otherwise, your curmudgeon one-liner schtick does not deserve a response.
Why don’t you actually respond to one of my posts here, instead of this petty strawman crap you like to pursue, constantly forcing people to correct you and explain how your perception is faulty?

Seriously, go back and find an actual post where I commented about the subject of this thread and explain why I am wrong.

Otherwise, your curmudgeon one-liner schtick does not deserve a response.
I responded to the whole theme you've expressed on here, not one specific post. Again, the theme is hysteria about Russia, Russia, Russia. It's sickening.
You want us to do everything else he says to do. Why not this? What's the distinction? You, Trump & the WWIII crap is out of control.
I thought the whole reason we were funding Ukraine is bc ww3 and how much bigger the conflict and his taking over countries would run wild if we didn't? I thought we were supposed to learn that this was just as Hitler was and we were letting history repeat itself otherwise.

Now this isn't true?

Putin and his 4d chess man. Sometimes when he says things he's doing it so you think otherwise bc it's a ploy. Other times he says things and he wants you to believe it but it actually is otherwise. He clearly manipulates a lot of ppl, the true puppet master...bc he obviously gets the unexpected even ppl that think it's the others being manipulated.

He's fine with this war lasting decades. Ukranians will keep dying, and he doesnt care if his ppl do, bc he has more bodies, and we'll keep spending treasure. The MIC wants it that way too.