The official 2024 Olympics thread.

Remember when angry people online attacked Simone Biles because of her mental health struggles and she just couldn't make it happen for herself? Her teammates stood by her and it seems she got the help she needed. And look at her today.
So much bullshit in one post:

"attacked Simone Biles" = Me pushing back on the narrative that Biles was a hero at the last Olympics when she didn't win.

"mental health struggles" = getting the twisties

The fact of the matter was that Biles had a mental block at a very important time in her life. No one was attacking her, we were just saying she didn't perform well when it mattered most. Usually that's sort of the mark of a great athlete. She clearly redeemed herself this time. You "yass queen" pussies can get bent.
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So much bullshit in one post:

"attacked Simone Biles" = Me pushing back on the narrative that Biles was a hero at the last Olympics when she didn't win.

"mental health struggles" = getting the twisties

The fact of the matter was that Biles had a mental block at a very important time in her life. No one was attacking her, we were just saying she didn't perform well when it mattered most. Usually that's sort of the mark of a great athlete. She clearly redeemed herself this time. You "yass queen" pussies can get bent.
Really defensive response. I don't have a clue what you in particular said but its ironic someone as defensive as you seem to be which results in immediate name-calling wants me to know that you did nothing wrong and were certainly not attacking anyone. Cool, thanks.

In real life, your post would be like screaming obscenities at a stranger and then making sure they know you're a good person. And as I said in a thread yesterday, I'm 40 and beyond name-calling at randoms online.

Oh, and for the record, Biles was attacked online by strangers as her teammates stood with her. Can't change history, my friend. Regardless, she's certainly not a 'weak' person.
All reports indicate she was born with full female parts (vagina, uterus, etc) and lived her life as a girl in a country has strict anti trans laws. There are plenty of pictures online of her as a young girl. Do we really think a Muslim country with strict anti trans laws is going to allow a transgender to compete for them? That is what tweets like that from Riley Gaines yesterday causes a lot of problems. I saw that she essentially doubled down on it today. The argument the anti trans (though this isn’t a trans issue) folks have constantly made was a penis equals male and a vagina equals female. Now all of a sudden that isn’t the case from that side. Are we making up rules as we go?

I agree with you that there is a question as whether it’s fair or not but she reportedly met all the requirements to compete as a female.

The IOC Adams says Khelif has female on a passport. What a dumb ass thing to say. He would have been better to lay out the Olympic requirements to compete as a female. If testosterone levels are not a factor, then my post is spot on. The flood gates to hormone use are wide open.

I don’t know who is reporting Khelif has a vagina and a uterus. I have read plenty of articles. Who is reporting that and what is the source?
On this topic.. allowing those with DSD, and therefore having male Chromosomes present, to compete against females... IDK. I see the advantage it imposes, but I also get that this is something from birth that no one has control over (assuming these chromosomes weren't manipulated through doping mechanisms).

Create a DSD Olympics? lol.

It’s a tough issue. Intersex means different things. It does not rule out testicles which could mean that muscle mass and other advantages exist because of hormonal activity during puberty and thereafter, if hormone “treatment” is not applied. In that case, you have XX women competing with a person who is not an XX woman and has benefited physically from their genetic makeup in a chromosomal manner that is not available biological women.
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They have been asked.

The IBA said the test’s “specifics remain confidential,” refusing to explain it.

They are using a 8 year old test result from Rio in 2016 to determine eligibility. WHY do they not text ALL athletes every Olympic instead of using a 8 year old test result ? HMMM. Seems to me, a LOT of things can change in 8 years.
They are using a 8 year old test result from Rio in 2016 to determine eligibility. WHY do they not text ALL athletes every Olympic instead of using a 8 year old test result ? HMMM. Seems to me, a LOT of things can change in 8 years.
I don’t disagree but that still doesn’t explain the refusal of the IBF to produce their test results.
I don’t disagree but that still doesn’t explain the refusal of the IBF to produce their test results.

Some of those test results could present information that the organization sees as private. The IOC should conduct its own scientific tests to protect the athletes.
Some of those test results could present information that the organization sees as private. The IOC should conduct its own scientific tests to protect the athletes.
Absolutely that’s possible or it’s just as possible that the test results don’t show what they claim especially considering Khelif was never deemed ineligible to compete until after she had beaten a Russian boxer. Russian agencies would never cheat or lie.

Two of the same exact situation? That to me says some in the fighting world found a bit of a loop hole.

I also further question if this was truly a condition from birth, or was it created through doping, testosterone treatments, medical procedures, etc. I've never met someone who had DSD, and honestly I think I only remember hearing that genders can present some of the opposite chromosomes ONCE back in like 10th grade health science.. So it's interesting that out of no where, we've seen multiple cases of this, and they just so happen to be in a sport where, yes, it "pays" to have XY chromosomes. Or are we to believe that these two countries just happened to stumble upon these DSD unicorns?
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On this topic.. allowing those with DSD, and therefore having male Chromosomes present, to compete against females... IDK. I see the advantage it imposes, but I also get that this is something from birth that no one has control over (assuming these chromosomes weren't manipulated through doping mechanisms).

Create a DSD Olympics? lol.
I mean there's also the reverse of this. There are people with XX chromosomes who are born and are boys, go through male puberty, have penises, can grow beards, and then all of a sudden later in life start growing breasts and lactating. Is a person like that allowed to compete against women because they have two XX chromosomes? I would imagine the people outraged over Khelif allegedly (remember zero of this has actually been proven) having XY chromosomes would be equally outraged if a guy with a beard who happened to have XX chromosomes was fighting.

The safe thing to do is probably to admit nature is messy, nothing regarding humans is binary, and that none of us really know the answers. So instead of letting Twitter outrage porn get us all upset let's just leave it in the hands of the organizations who employ experts to figure this stuff out. Because let's be honest, this doesn't affect a single person here.
Two of the same exact situation? That to me says some in the fighting world found a bit of a loop hole.

I also further question if this was truly a condition from birth, or was it created through doping, testosterone treatments, medical procedures, etc. I've never met someone who had DSD, and honestly I think I only remember hearing that genders can present some of the opposite chromosomes ONCE back in like 10th grade health science.. So it's interesting that out of no where, we've seen multiple cases of this, and they just so happen to be in a sport where, yes, it "pays" to have XY chromosomes. Or are we to believe that these two countries just happened to stumble upon these DSD unicorns?
We also wouldn’t hear about it if Riley Gaines and others don’t immediately jump to conclusions and share false information. The only reason we are hearing about it no (at least to the degree we are) is because people like her erroneously labeled Khelif as a transgendered individual and MAGA believers jumped on and continued to spread that misinformation. Thats the only reason it’s the story it is.
We also wouldn’t hear about it if Riley Gaines and others don’t immediately jump to conclusions and share false information. The only reason we are hearing about it no (at least to the degree we are) is because people like her erroneously labeled Khelif as a transgendered individual and MAGA believers jumped on and continued to spread that misinformation. Thats the only reason it’s the story it is.

But we ARE hearing about this from the 2nd fighter. Now maybe the 1st led to the 2nd.. but this was bound to get out there. You can't hide "cheating" (or if we must, the allusion of cheating) for long in sports.

There's really only one thing left to do.. these two winners must face the final boss in the Olympics: Logan Paul.
I mean there's also the reverse of this. There are people with XX chromosomes who are born and are boys, go through male puberty, have penises, can grow beards, and then all of a sudden later in life start growing breasts and lactating. Is a person like that allowed to compete against women because they have two XX chromosomes? I would imagine the people outraged over Khelif allegedly (remember zero of this has actually been proven) having XY chromosomes would be equally outraged if a guy with a beard who happened to have XX chromosomes was fighting.

The safe thing to do is probably to admit nature is messy, nothing regarding humans is binary, and that none of us really know the answers. So instead of letting Twitter outrage porn get us all upset let's just leave it in the hands of the organizations who employ experts to figure this stuff out. Because let's be honest, this doesn't affect a single person here.

Does the bearded lady with XX chromosones from "Ripley's Believe it or Not" have a physical advantage? It's extremely rare, so I really don't know, but I doubt it. More muddying the waters.

Yes, organizations should gate-keep and handle this fairly, but since they're nearly all controlled by radical pRoGrEsSiVes, they can't be trusted. And don't make me prove this with the facts.
Does the bearded lady with XX chromosones from "Ripley's Believe it or Not" have a physical advantage? It's extremely rare, so I really don't know, but I doubt it. More muddying the waters.
This is kind of the problem though, y'all don't really know what you have a problem with. Is it chromosomes or is it physical advantage? Because there is absolutely zero proof the boxer you're so worked up about has a physical advantage. Last Olympics she didn't even medal. Her opponent who withdrew during the match has apologized for starting this controversy and has stated that Khelif has every right to compete.
Yes, organizations should gate-keep and handle this fairly, but since they're nearly all controlled by radical pRoGrEsSiVes, they can't be trusted. And don't make me prove this with the facts.
And this is another problem. You think everyone who you disagree with is part of some progressive cabal hell bent on destroying the world instead of just admitting you have no idea what you're talking about. You should try it sometimes.
The IOC Adams says Khelif has female on a passport. What a dumb ass thing to say. He would have been better to lay out the Olympic requirements to compete as a female. If testosterone levels are not a factor, then my post is spot on. The flood gates to hormone use are wide open.

I don’t know who is reporting Khelif has a vagina and a uterus. I have read plenty of articles. Who is reporting that and what is the source?
Apparently, she was determined to be female at birth, based on a vagina, and her birth certificate indicates female. This is what I’ve understood the situation to be.
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I'm pretty confused about the entire situation myself but as others have said, it's really not black and white because people, and life, isn't black and white. I hated that some with agendas (not speaking of anyone here but in general) took half-truths, lies, and didn't know the entire story and became really emotional and spread information that was either incorrect or not available at the time. Glad we're learning a bit more as the days progress but man, really wish everyone on whatever side you choose to be on would stop rushing to judgement and raging about a complicated situation. Someone posts a paragraph and an emotional take on twitter and thousands just run with it like it's fact. Between this and the opening ceremony, how many who could've just enjoyed the Olympics have chosen to rage about them instead? And again, so I don't get lambasted like the other day...not talking about anyone here. We all see the same emotional takes on social media.
So there’s a former woman competing as a man in the Olympics. No fanfare there.

Who is it? That shouldn't be allowed either. But chances are that person isn't going to take someone else's spot by going into a "higher" tier of competition (unless the spot was given to her, then it's a DEI issue).. so it's not a huge problem. Her existence in the sport isn't likely hurting anyone else, as she's likely creating a harder path for herself.

Where people ARE starting to get upset, is the premise that changing genders for some also means getting additional benefits. And those benefits usually come at the detriment of someone else. In the case of Lia Thomas, she not only took away another girl's spot on the races, but was also essentially handed the win/gold/medal, because "she" is really a "he".

Most people don't care about the basic existence of someone who is trans. You are your own person and it's your life. But society shouldn't give you anything for it.
This is kind of the problem though, y'all don't really know what you have a problem with. Is it chromosomes or is it physical advantage? Because there is absolutely zero proof the boxer you're so worked up about has a physical advantage. Last Olympics she didn't even medal. Her opponent who withdrew during the match has apologized for starting this controversy and has stated that Khelif has every right to compete.

And this is another problem. You think everyone who you disagree with is part of some progressive cabal hell bent on destroying the world instead of just admitting you have no idea what you're talking about. You should try it sometimes.
The apology proves nothing. I'm surprised she had the nerve to complain in the first place. Female college athletes across the country forced to compete against XYs have recounted the institutional and social pressure they had to endure in order to compete. You act like you've never heard of that.

The physical advantage of XY vs XX is basic Biology. Testosterone is a hell of a chemical. It's legal doping in this case. This isn't as complicated as you want it to be.

Yes, the radical left does have a destructive gender agenda which is a bane on society. Just one example is the child puberty blockers (PB) and genital mutilation surgery industry. Surprisingly, even European countries like the UK have outlawed both. Are you guys still claiming PB are reversible? We can go into other destructive idiocy if you want to start a new thread.
Been busy with work the last few days and haven’t checked in on the Olympics. What’d I miss?
The incredible irony hasn’t escaped me that the loudest raving lunatics like Riley Gaines, Idacat, Clay Travis, etc have twisted themselves into a pretzel arguing that men can have a vagina, ovaries, and breasts.
The science is that women do not have XY chromosones and high testosterone levels. It wouldn't surprise me if pRoGrEsSives are now rewriting the Biology books to change that.
Total medal count vs. total gold medal count? Which is more important?
Absolutely that’s possible or it’s just as possible that the test results don’t show what they claim especially considering Khelif was never deemed ineligible to compete until after she had beaten a Russian boxer. Russian agencies would never cheat or lie.

Uh yeah. Sure. But, Khelif was not the only boxer disqualified. And, Khelif never followed through with the appeal. Seems more likely it was legit.
Uh yeah. Sure. But, Khelif was not the only boxer disqualified. And, Khelif never followed through with the appeal. Seems more likely it was legit.
We don’t know why she didn’t follow through either. Maybe she knew it wasn’t worth it, maybe she knew she would fail, or maybe she was threatened. We’ve never heard of Russia threatening people to get their way at all.
Total medal count vs. total gold medal count? Which is more important?
I like that some real estate agent in Kazakstan could have a bronze in 1500 steeple chase she shows her grandkids. So total. But really, neither. Who cares what country has most of either. Relic of cold war mindset 50 years ago.