The Jet Sweep pass/run plays


Jul 29, 2016
What's everyone's thoughts on this? We probably won't be able to run those plays as much against good competition...but I like throwing those plays in at times. It's an easy touch for someone like Barion Brown and if it's blocked even half can be a 10+ yard gain.

My first thought too was Hamdan must have been playing a lot of CFB 25 😂 because that is used on that game almost religiously.
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Agreed. Jet sweep and designed qb runs are gonna get somebody killed
I can't recall ever seeing a UK team run that many jet sweeps in a game. Hell we probably ran it more yesterday than we have in the last several years combined. If we are gonna run it we need to throw in some fake jet sweeps too and pass it.

I'm ok with the QB runs if Brock learns to slide. He took a few pretty good shots last night.
Coach is using the fastest player on College 2K to run a sweep.
Wouldn't you?
Gotta see if he can outrun pursuit each game.
Better disguise it well and he better jet
I don't mind us getting reps where we stress the defense by using the full width of the field. So much of Kentucky football has been runs up the middle and bombs downfield. I loved the outside runs and sweeps. It feels like we utilized our speed properly for the first time in years.

It gives us something to build on and add complexity to later with fakes. If defenses have to respect the boundary runs and QB keepers, it helps the whole offense out immensely.

We can't/(hopefully) won't do too many of those types of runs/"passes" in future games, but it's nice to see this kind of play getting reps.
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Barion Brown should've been used exactly like last night by Liam.
Barion Brown is the definition of a player who you want to give the ball in space. The Jet sweep is one way to efficiently do that. Block it well and BB has more than enough ability and speed to house it anytime it's called.

So again, IMO bush is doing a much better job being a college OC than Liam did.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Brown attempt a pass next week out of that same play. You know DBs are going to attack the LOS when they see BB or Macklin get the jet sweep.

I think Hamdan used both the jet sweep and the shovel pass last night to setup some more things from that lateral action.
USC will need to spend a lot of practice time defending jets. Mission accomplished. We will use it but not as much as we did last night
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