Yeah I've been scratching my head on this one. So what , Wolfpack fans found some dirt on a hated rival(only to them) down the road. I could care less about hurting their feelings.I got big revelation , gonna open lots of eyes and drop large knowledge . Just hit the little button and it will set you free , it's ok , now awaken from your slumber .
Spoiler fail , technology no work .
Everybody hates us and they always have , we have nary a friend . We didn't have any friends before Cal either , they just liked that we weren't good .
But like I said earlier, and you just alluded to it, is there a fanbase out there that doesn't hate us? The answer is no. Everybody hates us, even Bama fans that are in the same boat with us hate us.
But there's this, NC State fans have Mark Freakin' Gottfried as their coach. Wahh wahhhh. So there's no need to fire back, they are already being punished.