TBT on tv?

What is this target score nonsense? lol
Elam Ending

It’s pretty good when the game is close
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Said attendance was under 4,000. It looks like more than that in there. I can't remember exact number Fanta said but I'm only watching at home so idk.
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Elam Ending

It’s pretty good when the game is close
I agree, it’s made this Indiana game interesting.
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Thanks, I couldn’t find that for anything. We lost, I don’t bunk anyone expected Kanter to play, much less be the focal point of the offense
Only one I was confident in was WCS pts under . I didn’t know what to expect for the guards that they had listed .

I would have been wrong on Bledsoe since he didn’t do anything in the second half .
They seriously need to drop all tickets to the 25 or 10 dollar range. They need to encourage families to come. I think the overanticipated demand and scalpers did too. I know you gotta make money on tickets but you also have to build interest.
I think it will get pretty crowded if they advance deep. Looking good so far. I agree tickets should be $25 max and it would be great for the family to go.
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3500-4000 seems right. Lots of purchased tickets unused, likely scalpers who got burned
I was just kind of judging it from wat I could see on tv. The sides looked pretty crowded and then the one end zone had quite a few ppl and if it holds 20,000 I just thought it'd be more than 3,500-4,000 ppl. I probably need to stay away from any guess how many jelly beans are in the jar contests 😂. I always thought I was pretty good at guesstimating crowds but I guess I been living a lie.

And you've got it right when you said they need to make it more reasonable on tickets because ppl would go to this. We should have more folks showing up than Witcita St.
Elam Ending

It’s pretty good when the game is close

The NCAA needs to experiment with it in the exhibition games and NIT/CIT games this year.
What are the prices for this?

My son watched and wants to go Sunday lol.
It’s on Ticketmaster. Cheapest seats end up about $30 per person after fees. If it’s anything like today, just get the cheapest seat and sit wherever the hell you want. Plenty of empties.

Prices might drop a little by Sunday
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Didn’t know what to expect but man I love watching the twins, WCS, and Bledsoe again. I wish I could make it to Rupp on Sunday but the family is headed to the beach.

I hope big blue nation packs Rupp on Sunday.
Why hell the beach ain't a bad consolation. Lol. Go in and watch it on tv then go back out to the when it's over.
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Oh and they have a FULL bar, not just beer. They kept advertising Russ Smith’s bourbon and people would boo the ad lol.

Also they were cranking the AC

Canada got $1000 for hitting the game winner, they were forcing it to him so he could do so