Taylor Swift

Her lyrics can be inane. And if you hear her in every store you go into it can get annoying. I certainly don't hate her. But I really don't need to hear Shake It Off ever again.
If you want to crap on her lyrics or the content of her songs, okay, but at the end of the day every '70s and '80s rock band just sang about sex, drugs, and their dicks. "I wanna give you every inch of my love" screeched Robert Plant back in the day. I like Zepp, but why would we hold something like that up while knocking Swift's lyrical content? Same with 'Girls, Girls, Girls'. It's about strippers in case the lyrics were too deep for ya.

I guess some may not get that it's not just a man's world out there. Girls and young women need their entertainment too. Most girls aren't going to be into Motörhead and Point Break. Swift has been the thing in music for so long that she's clearly not overrated. And if she's got 70 Grammys by the time she retires, that's not her fault, it's the fault of the rest of the music industry for not stepping up.
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Motley Crue are horrible lol. I think Swift is okay. But popular doesn't always mean good.I like her earlier stuff better. Her new songs sound manufactured and overproduced to me. My sister is really into her.
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Two of her best songs are duets, with Bon Iver and The National (best band going at the moment), Anti Hero is decent. Beyond that I don't get it at all.
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Motley Crue are horrible lol. I think Swift is okay. But popular doesn't always mean good.I like her earlier stuff better. Her new songs sound manufactured and overproduced to me. My sister is really into her.
Well, my point in bringing 'Girls, Girls, Girls' up is because it's still well-liked by some older folks, it still gets radio play, and not always, but sometimes people who act like TS is a simpleton who isn't talented are more inclined to listen to something simple themselves, like 'Girls, Girls, Girls.' I'll take your word on her new music being overproduced, but pop usually is in general. I also think she isn't above criticism. There are countless singers with far more talent who will never have the shine she has, but there is something there with her, and I don't think it's all media or label driven. 98 Degrees were pushed on the masses and we saw how that worked out. Timberlake was as well, but he thrived and survived the boy band craze. Some artists have "it". TS is one of those. At the end of the day, I think it's fine to say Prince and Michael Jackson were both talented, but so is Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.
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I'll take her any day over the boyband and "white girl singing like black chick" era of pop music. That era from the late 90s into the late 2000s was the worst for the pop genre.
Her new songs sound manufactured and overproduced to me.

This pretty much nails it. Auto-tune and incredible marketing, and not having to produce songs that require actual "music" = instruments. I will admit her appeal is contagious if you can't overlook the songs, and this is what sells. In terms of a musical artist, she doesn't crack any top list, imo.
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My wife went to her concert in Nashville a few weeks back. It was storming and got delayed, concert didn't start until 10:15pm (scheduled for 8:00 I think). Swift then did like a 3 hour concert in the rain and finished around 1:30am or so. She's not my cup of tea, but she's got my respect just from that.
In my opinion, her music is the drizzling shits and written for teenage girls. The subject matter is the same and has been for at least 15 years.

I’m not her target demo, so I never got the appeal, but I can’t knock the hustle. She seems to be doing well for herself.
Not a fan of her music, but she is a singer songwriter and multi instrumentalist and I respect that.

Never found her attractive when she was younger but baby all grows up...she has a woman's body now, not an effeminate boy body...
Yeah, well there happens to this whole other thing. I think they call it like... songwriting? Yeah, she seems to be pretty dope than that.

You know, it's that thing that actually matters.
That's her true long term career. She can't sing without studio and autotune. Her songwriting is elite for country. Her voice and looks? Meh not a fan.
Whenever I think of Taylor Swift, I’m reminded of the three O’s of drama: overdramatic, overrated and orchestrated.

The hype Swift is gaining is too much for what she does. Yes, she’s a good artist, but the popularity she’s garnered recently is overrated.

After Swift made a comeback with updated versions of her music, her popularity skyrocketed, and she became a sensation all over again. Many of her fans flocked to TikTok to share their reactions to her new song, “All Too Well” yet another song about an ex of hers.

Swift’s popularity is based on bashing her exes through her music. When her fans discover the man she’s written the song about, they go after him and it could harm his reputation. No, not all of her songs are about a man but a good majority of them are. She doesn’t even have that many exes. After listening to her song, “Look What You Made Me Do”, I thought it sounded like she’s trying to make her life seem more complicated than it is.

Swift is too predictable to be exciting: break up, love song, break up, love song and repeat. Her music, while well-written, is emotionally simplistic and doesn’t show any real depth. All of her songs have the same message, same theme and same melody.

Sad love songs are a popular genre of music, but there are other artists in that genre who deserve the hype and popularity Swift gets. Kacey Musgraves is an artist that comes to mind. She has an ‘Album of the Year’ award under her belt already and none of the recognition she deserves. Is Swift a good artist? Yes, but she sounds just like any other pop artist on the radio. There’s nothing unique about her music.

I’ll give credit where credit is due; she’s a good artist, but the hype she’s getting now is unwarranted.

Then there’s the “Eras Tour.”

Her fans on social media went crazy when the tour was announced, and tickets started disappearing by the second. Tickets to a Swift concert are some of the most costly and in-demand tickets on the concert market right now. For her upcoming performance in Texas, floor seats are starting at$1,706. Who has that kind of money for a concert? Some concertgoers are paying up to $5,000 for floor seats.

Concert tickets are not worth that much money no matter who the artist is. Unfortunately, Swift and multiple other artists have turned to dynamic ticket pricing using Ticketmaster. Dynamic ticket pricing raises the price of tickets the higher in demand they are. So, as Swift’s concert tickets start to sell out, the price continues to increase.

Swift fans have taken Ticketmaster to court in December for unlawful conduct in her tour sales. Fans were upset with Ticketmaster when pre-sale tickets were released in November. Once tickets started selling, outages started happening and fans were outraged when they couldn’t secure a ticket. Because of the stadiums Swift is playing at, she has no choice but to continue to work with Ticketmaster.

Swift isn’t a bad artist by any means. She’s worked hard to get where she is, but she isn’t able to reach all of her fans because of the ticket prices. It’s unfair to the fans who aren’t able to afford her concerts, no matter how popular they are.

Cliff notes please.
Aimee Mann deserves to be way more popular than TS, but that is not the world we live in.

I had a huge crush on her when I saw 'Til Tuesdays' Voices Carry video; I was 8 or 9 years old, probably. I almost have her entire discography. I don't have any of her soundtrack appearances except for Magnolia. =)

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I could care less about her, but my daughter (16) has been a nut about her for 10 years, has been to 5 concerts, etc. She was offered $10000 for her two Nashville tickets, but told them nope (she has tickets to Cincinnati as well)

My wife drove them to the Nashville show and went to some bars around and then went to the stadium (it was at that football stadium). She said there was probably 25,000 just sitting outside the stadium listening
I could care less about her, but my daughter (16) has been a nut about her for 10 years, has been to 5 concerts, etc. She was offered $10000 for her two Nashville tickets, but told them nope (she has tickets to Cincinnati as well)

She said there was probably 25,000 just sitting outside the stadium listening
Heckuva lot cheaper than going thru Ticketmaster;)
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In a world where one can instantly call up any song in recorded history... why would anyone listen to her drivel?

If you listen to her... that's your fault.
This. I mean to each their own, but there is a ridiculous amount of musical talent out there to listen to in every genre.
To me she is the female equivalent of a contrived manufactured boy band only there because of their looks.
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I can't imagine any straight dude regardless of age actually likes her for her music.
That's silly. As functioning adults, let's get past the "if you like a certain type of music or artist you must be a gay" mindset. Perceived "manly" groups in the '80s wore makeup and dressed in drag/leather and did the occasional catchy ballad. Ronnie James Dio was a metal icon and wore dramatic blouses with big sleeves on stage and sang about sorcery. Never be embarrassed by the music you like.

This. I mean to each their own, but there is a ridiculous amount of musical talent out there to listen to in every genre.
To me she is the female equivalent of a contrived manufactured boy band only there because of their looks.
As I've said before - not a fan of TS, but she's not manufactured. From my understanding, she began in country and perhaps saw how Katy Perry was doing in pop and moved in that direction. No one writes for her and while she's cute, she's not unbelievably hot either. Manufactured boy bands had their run for a few years and then went away. She didn't. Also, Justin Timberlake (not my type of music either) is insanely talented and loves Memphis blues.
That's silly. As functioning adults, let's get past the "if you like a certain type of music or artist you must be a gay" mindset. Perceived "manly" groups in the '80s wore makeup and dressed in drag/leather and did the occasional catchy ballad. Ronnie James Dio was a metal icon and wore dramatic blouses with big sleeves on stage and sang about sorcery. Never be embarrassed by the music you like.

As I've said before - not a fan of TS, but she's not manufactured. From my understanding, she began in country and perhaps saw how Katy Perry was doing in pop and moved in that direction. No one writes for her and while she's cute, she's not unbelievably hot either. Manufactured boy bands had their run for a few years and then went away. She didn't. Also, Justin Timberlake (not my type of music either) is insanely talented and loves Memphis blues.

I'm not making fun of anyone. I'm simply stating outside of adult men watching her because she's hot, I don't think there are many straight men into going to see a bunch of choreographed dance routine pop. Not sure how anyone could avoid hairband era makeup on dudes anyway. Yeah, Dio was a peculiar dude to be sure. But his vocal talent is undeniable and world apart from Swift's vocal ability. Sorry, her actual talent is very suspect to me. And I'm not saying that because i don't like the genre. For example, you couldn't give me a free ticket to see lady gaga, but her vocal talent is undeniable.
Puts on a hell of a show. Stunner that a bunch of 40something dudes on a sports message board don’t vibe with it.

A show...nothing more. It definitely isn't a musical concert.

Is Taylor talented...perhaps, but she is predominantly the product of excellent marketing to the target audience. She knows the game and is playing it well, despite being subpar in the overall "musicianship" category, including vocally.
Should be less traffic for me going to Riverbend tomorrow for Noel Gallagher concert so thanks Taylor
I'd like to hear your review of NG. I've become a pretty big Oasis fan but the solo NG stuff hasn't really grabbed me. A little too soft, too singer/songwriter, I suspect too 'artistic' and taking itself too seriously for my taste. While there are at least 20 Oasis songs I think are damn good, I've only heard a couple of his solo stuff that I think measure up (vastly different genres, imo, at this point). I've actually liked more of Liam's solo material although it's pretty derivative of Oasis. I'd be interested to hear if he puts on a good live show. TIA
A show...nothing more. It definitely isn't a musical concert.

Is Taylor talented...perhaps, but she is predominantly the product of excellent marketing to the target audience. She knows the game and is playing it well, despite being subpar in the overall "musicianship" category, including vocally.
"Perhaps" she is talented...come on, that's just silly. Regardless if you like her or not, to deny or question her talent is being ignorant.
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She makes music for teenage girls going through boy problems. Her music isn't really meant for most/any of us. I don't like a lot of shit but just because I don't like it doesn't mean its overrated.