Again, grade school has failed you, Sir. Context tells the real story and it's telling that you are cherry-picking my post(s) to bolster your point. Alas, I expected as much.Originally posted by Cats78: The post of yours I responded to says nothing about "ifs". It's about you acting like a fool. It's very telling that you're criticizing folks for being happy that Marrow is staying. Are you happy about it? Doesn't seem like it. If you're even a UK fan, please go find another team. Doubt you're a fan though. Just a troll looking for entertainment. Sad, really.
I'm not criticizing folks for being happy that UK retained VM. Quite the contrary, as proven thru other posts by me on this very forum. What I was criticizing, and here's where your reading comprehension and/or stubborn attitude is failing you, was the casual dismissal of VM's worth to UK and the cretins bashing those who chose to post their opposing opinions on the issue. Again, it has proven difficult to argue with those that lack common sense and are easily offended when simple opinions differ. I'm sorry if your mind is having trouble digesting that logic.
As for me being a troll, I'd wager I've been on this forum and a UK fan longer than you have. I don't expect you to know what this picture depicts, as I doubt you've been around this forum as long as I have. But, others will, and their knowledge will exemplify your ignorance and further prove my point.
Have a good day, Sir.
This post was edited on 1/5 9:40 AM by FusterCluck