Star Wars: The Acolyte


Mar 21, 2008
I haven't watched it and have zero interest in it, but I'm happy for the people who are enjoying it. The OT is all the Star Wars I need; except for Andor (which I like), I haven't watched a single Star Wars movie or TV show since the last Star Wars movie I watched, The Last Jedi. None of that stuff's for me.

But The Acolyte -- I've never seen such divisive show. People are absolutely enraged over a freaking Disney sci-fi TV show, especially episode three. It's ridiculous.

Here's one example. The threads are insane.

Has anyone here watched it? What are your thoughts?
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It must be review bombing for audience scores so low.

But, there is nothing questionable about an over the top critic score.


Some of these critics need critics.

New “Star Wars” series “The Acolyte” sits at 84% positive amongst critics on Rotten Tomatoes, and at a disastrously low 15% with audiences.

The story is similar on IMDb where 47,000 votes have resulted in a 3.6/10 score with 54.8% of those votes being a 1/10 score. The most recent episode in particular has scored just a 3.4/10 with 61% of scores being a 1/10.

While plenty of people legitimately don’t like the series, such skewed scores would suggest potential ‘review bombing’ may be going on, but is there any way to prove it?
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It must be review bombing for audience scores so low.

But, there is nothing questionable about an over the top critic score.


Some of these critics need critics.

New “Star Wars” series “The Acolyte” sits at 84% positive amongst critics on Rotten Tomatoes, and at a disastrously low 15% with audiences.

The story is similar on IMDb where 47,000 votes have resulted in a 3.6/10 score with 54.8% of those votes being a 1/10 score. The most recent episode in particular has scored just a 3.4/10 with 61% of scores being a 1/10.

While plenty of people legitimately don’t like the series, such skewed scores would suggest potential ‘review bombing’ may be going on, but is there any way to prove it?

I'd argue that in this case, there isn't just one side that's skewing the reviews due to politics. For every person blasting it it's wokeness, some professional critic" is giving it high praise for the exact same reason. You can't have an 84 to 15 split and not have SOME of that happening.
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Mandalorian was great until season 3. I tried watching Andor but just couldn't get into it, probably because my wife has to ask billions of questions about paint drying, and really turns it up a notch when it comes to sci-fi.

Disney just absolutely pillaged what little value there was left in that franchise. Sad, I guess, but it wasn't like George Lucas is Werner Herzog or anything.
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For every person blasting it it's wokeness, some professional critic" is giving it high praise for the exact same reason. You can't have an 84 to 15 split and not have SOME of that happening.

They're calling that -- the opposite of "review bombing" -- they're calling it "fairy dusting" over on Dark Horizons. I'd never seen that term before recently, and I like it.
It’s fine. Probably the worst live action series so far, but it’s still Star Wars, so I like it. The story is at least interesting and has no Skywalkers or Palpatines (so far).

That being said, it has some of the worst acted scenes I’ve ever seen.

Still watching.

Yeah but it is not Star Wars. The kung fu and other stuff mentioned along with the worst acting makes it unwatchable. I am done after 3 eps. Might revisit if the story leads to a better show down the road and I need the backstory of some characters. Other than that it can rot on Disney for me.
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It’s fine. Probably the worst live action series so far, but it’s still Star Wars, so I like it. The story is at least interesting and has no Skywalkers or Palpatines (so far).

That being said, it has some of the worst acted scenes I’ve ever seen.

Still watching.
This is pretty much my opinion as well. It’s not great, but it’s fine. Any Star Wars is better than no Star Wars. I’m perfectly happy spending 45 minutes or so a week giving it a watch.
What is next Star Wars the Gay Blade where we find out that Darth Vader and Palpatine were in a relationship? I don't get why Hollywood thinks they have to turn every freaking thing into a LGBTQLMNOP issue. I'm not being homophobic but not every movie or show has to go there to show you are not a homophobe.
It must be review bombing for audience scores so low.

But, there is nothing questionable about an over the top critic score.


Some of these critics need critics.

New “Star Wars” series “The Acolyte” sits at 84% positive amongst critics on Rotten Tomatoes, and at a disastrously low 15% with audiences.

The story is similar on IMDb where 47,000 votes have resulted in a 3.6/10 score with 54.8% of those votes being a 1/10 score. The most recent episode in particular has scored just a 3.4/10 with 61% of scores being a 1/10.

While plenty of people legitimately don’t like the series, such skewed scores would suggest potential ‘review bombing’ may be going on, but is there any way to prove it?
Yea. I loved that one "positive" review claimed the show had obvious problems with pacing, dialog, camera work and plot but it was still a good show... LOL. That is the definition of a bad show.
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Having watched 4 episodes and it is not good. Some spoilers in the post so don't read if you care at all.

I think the overall plot would be good if executed well but it sadly is not. Not one character is likeable or makes you really care about them. I can forgive a lot of sins of a show if I like one or more characters in them. They are all just boring.

The acting is rough, and they kill off the biggest name attached to the project in the very first scene of the very first episode. Then they kill the most interesting idea of the whole show (Wookie Jedi) in episode 4.

It all looks so cheap. I can't get over how Party City the Jedi robes look. In the scene where they are initiating the twins to be witches, I swear they play a stock stereotypical witches cackle twice for no reason. It is like they had one of the motion detected Halloween decorations lying around and thought it would be cool to add to the show.

The twins have not seen each other for 16 years yet they show up with the same haircut? Tell me you are cheap without telling me you are cheap.

Lastly the writing is just horrible.:

Assassin goes in to kill Jedi. She fails to do it and escapes through an opening in the roof. Someone comes in and looks up signifying he knows that is where she went. Later she uses the same roof opening to get in and kill the Jedi because they were too dumb to secure that entrance.

Witches accuse Jedi wanting to take their children to which he says, "Jedi don't take children." Uh that is literally what they do!
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Having watched 4 episodes and it is not good. Some spoilers in the post so don't read if you care at all.

I think the overall plot would be good if executed well but it sadly is not. Not one character is likeable or makes you really care about them. I can forgive a lot of sins of a show if I like one or more characters in them. They are all just boring.

The acting is rough, and they kill off the biggest name attached to the project in the very first scene of the very first episode. Then they kill the most interesting idea of the whole show (Wookie Jedi) in episode 4.

It all looks so cheap. I can't get over how Party City the Jedi robes look. In the scene where they are initiating the twins to be witches, I swear they play a stock stereotypical witches cackle twice for no reason. It is like they had one of the motion detected Halloween decorations lying around and thought it would be cool to add to the show.

The twins have not seen each other for 16 years yet they show up with the same haircut? Tell me you are cheap without telling me you are cheap.

Lastly the writing is just horrible.:

Assassin goes in to kill Jedi. She fails to do it and escapes through an opening in the roof. Someone comes in and looks up signifying he knows that is where she went. Later she uses the same roof opening to get in and kill the Jedi because they were too dumb to secure that entrance.

Witches accuse Jedi wanting to take their children to which he says, "Jedi don't take children." Uh that is literally what they do!
Did you enjoy a temple made of stone on top of a mountain of rock going up in flames?
I enjoyed Ahsoka but only cause I watched Rebels. If you hadn't watched Rebels not sure you would have enjoyed it.
No. Stop enabling low quality sh!t like this series.

Hell, it's already TL,TL. Eff it.
It seems simple to me. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Find something you like and move on.

Andor was way too slow for me. So I didn’t watch after the first episode.

I didn’t whine and carry on about what other people like though.
It seems simple to me. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Find something you like and move on.

Andor was way too slow for me. So I didn’t watch after the first episode.

I didn’t whine and carry on about what other people like though.
Andor picked up in Ep. 3. I think they caused many to lose interest after the first two episodes. It was excruciating how slow they started the series.
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It seems simple to me. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Find something you like and move on.

Andor was way too slow for me. So I didn’t watch after the first episode.

I didn’t whine and carry on about what other people like though.

Exactly. They're doing the exact opposite of the most important lesson the original trilogy teaches: that we shouldn't carry around and be controlled by negative feelings and use them to bash other people. But those posters are all like:


It's weird.
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Kinda mid so far. Final scene of 4th ep showed some promise.

My one big concern right now: Why do I care about ANY of these people? This has been a constant weakness in Disney's Star Wars. They do not write and develop characters you care about with the exception of Grogu, and he never speaks a word anyone understands. (Loved the Wookiiee Jedi, and they killed him off immediately. Sigh.)

But, as someone who was sitting in theater in 1977 with my mom, I find something to enjoy in every series and every episode. Even mid Star Wars is good for me.
It seems simple to me. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Find something you like and move on.

Andor was way too slow for me. So I didn’t watch after the first episode.

I didn’t whine and carry on about what other people like though.
That attitude isn't helping either. So weirdo feminist take over a popular IP and we all just have to go away and shut up about it?... How about we call out how inept these weirdo feminists are at making good Star Wars and try to get it back in good hands... Star Trek is dead, Star Wars is dead, Marvel is on life support... Hell... Mad Max last movie didn't even Mad Max in it.

If you just shut up and consume, they will keep feeding you crap. Demand better. expect better.
Can't wait for the all girl women power project Kathleen Kenedy is putting together. All women writer, producer, director with an all girl lead cast. If that happens it would be awesome!
Can't wait for the all girl women power project Kathleen Kenedy is putting together. All women writer, producer, director with an all girl lead cast. If that happens it would be awesome!
The next movie up is Rey building a new jedi order (like Luke did in the books) and she will have twins (like Luke and Leia) and one will go dark and one light (like the Acolyte)... It is being directed by a foreign female who has only done documentaries about violence against women in muslim countries... but she thinks its just the way men treat women everywhere.

This is who is in charge of Lucas Film. Just accepting it won't get you good stuff. In sports... we fire coaches and gm's who underperform. Somehow, this chick gets to blow $4billion and keep her job. LOL. Sexism I guess.
I had high hopes for this show but it's just meh for me.
Don't know the dude's name cause I don't care to learn anything about the characters but the scene where the masked sith guy force pulls a Jedi into the light saber as a double skewer is kind of sick
The only character names I know are Osha because my mind went to the Death Star not having any railings anywhere and Mae because her evidently her full name is Mae Ho which is self-explanatory. Everyone else is forgettable.
That was a good episode. This show keeps you on your toes trying to figure out whatTF is actually going on. I’m guessing Sol turns out to be a bad guy or at least dark/light neutral. He’s too good.
I haven't watched it and have zero interest in it, but I'm happy for the people who are enjoying it. The OT is all the Star Wars I need; except for Andor (which I like), I haven't watched a single Star Wars movie or TV show since the last Star Wars movie I watched, The Last Jedi. None of that stuff's for me.

But The Acolyte -- I've never seen such divisive show. People are absolutely enraged over a freaking Disney sci-fi TV show, especially episode three. It's ridiculous.

Here's one example. The threads are insane.

Has anyone here watched it? What are your thoughts?
It's ok. I think it's very predictable honestly.
Why is Kathleen Kennedy still allowed to be involved in Star Wars? The rise of skywalker was absolutely awful, and while the acolyte isn’t awful, it’s a whole lot of “ meh”.
Can't wait for the all girl women power project Kathleen Kenedy is putting together. All women writer, producer, director with an all girl lead cast. If that happens it would be awesome!
That's what happened to rings of power too. It's awful and pedantic making galadriel the lead and dumb.
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Let's introduce all these characters that may develop into interesting characters and kill them off immediately. They weren't given room to earn those deaths and for the audience to care. Oh no they killed bad haircut gen z dick jedi! Anyway....

My suspicion who Darth Bullet Bill was turned out to be true. Solid. He looks cooler with out the helmet btw.

If I want to watch something where two sisters are at odds with each other yet still care deeply for each other, I'd watch Arcane again which is brilliant.
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Let's introduce all these characters that may develop into interesting characters and kill them off immediately. They weren't given room to earn those deaths and for the audience to care. Oh no they killed bad haircut gen z dick jedi! Anyway....

My suspension who Darth Bullet Bill was turned out to be true. Solid. He looks cooler with out the helmet btw.

If I want to watch something where two sisters are at odds with each other yet still care deeply for each other, I'd watch Arcane again which is brilliant.
Episode 2 Whatever GIF