Spinoff: defunct Fayette Mall stores

Was the Turfland incident caused by the Blue Boar Cafeteria?

My grandparents loved that place.
Blue Boar was the HQ for the older folks. Those ladies with the hairnets would get pretty pissed if you didn't say right away what you wanted.

The managers photo would be on the wall, and I'd swear he rubbed his greasy hands through his coiffe before the photo was snapped.
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Speaking the mall shops, you could be standing still looking innocent all you wanted--but as a kid, your ass had no business being in Steinways (and they'd let you know it).

McAlpins escalator? Fell down it once as a pup jackal. Also got yelled at by a mall cop for going up the down escalator.
Blue Boar was the HQ for the older folks. Those ladies with the hairnets would get pretty pissed if you didn't say right away what you wanted.

The managers photo would be on the wall, and I'd swear he rubbed his greasy hands through his coiffe before the photo was snapped.

The clientele hated kids. I also remember the lady who took the money in the restaurant's last days had a beard.