So, the threats to Higgins were released. ONE was a direct threat and it was for a slap

Yeah I saw that.Someone told him they hoped he blew his brains out.Since when are things like that considered death threats?
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None of them were death threats.Hoping he kills himself,dies in a plane crash or falls off a roof are mean things to say but hardly a threat.Nice that all this money and time were wasted while killers and rapists roam the streets.
IMO, The investigations results didn't meet the hyped expectant results. Not condoning any of the threats.
I thought something was off when they 1st released that people had been IDed but nothing on the actual threats.
Not only is the guy a bad ref, he has some sensitive skin. Maybe the number of calls over whelmed him.
Bad choice on anyone who made any calls.
I realize that these people are boneheaded idiots for calling him personally, but when did "I Hope" become "I Will"?

From the way the National Media portrayed this thing, I would have thought that list would have been MUCH MORE threatening. Still no excuse for ANY threat.

Just goes to show you that anytime UK fans are involved, the story gets blown up.

I still would like to know who the 2 media outlets are that the prosecutor turned into the FCC?
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Hilarious.These were those terrible death threats?The only threat was the weak one where a guy said if he ever saw him in public he would slap him.What would these people be charged with?It was all I hope something bad happens to him.The BS media lied about the death threats.
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Unless someone directly said I'm gonna or I will toward him or his family then there is nothing criminal about it. I think calling him up and saying anything to him is out of line but what has been reported is not threatening, it's just talking crap about him to him.
kinda surprised no one was indicted for the bad reviews posted about his business. I think that is what really caused his butthurt.

At least no one said anything about his mom.
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When I lived in Virginia, I had a guy threaten to kill me. Went to the Magistrate to press charges and she asked if he approached me physically and I said no. She said he couldn't be charged because he was exercising his Freedom Of Speech.
It said they are still deciding if they face charges.What possible charges can you face for telling somebody you hope they die in a plane crash?
When the news first broke, I assumed some knuckleheads had lashed out in the moment and said some hollow (but inexcusable and criminal) threats. I was way, way off.

This is incredibly tame. Nothing more than Higgins playing the victim to deflect blame. If the police allocated this many resources to investigating his officiating, I bet they'd come up with worse.
If this was any other team, this board would be crushing them for being horrible humans. Because it's UK fans, it's tame and no big deal. Bottom line, a few UK fans embarrassed themselves and the rest of us. I don't care what happens, if you call a ref or his business, you're in the wrong.
If this was any other team, this board would be crushing them for being horrible humans. Because it's UK fans, it's tame and no big deal. Bottom line, a few UK fans embarrassed themselves and the rest of us. I don't care what happens, if you call a ref or his business, you're in the wrong.
This is a terrible take. Higgins claimed he and his family feared for their lives. These recordings illustrate why the investigation was killed and no charges were filed. It was all fake news and a huge exaggeration. Griffin's "Trump broke me" press conference was not at all dissimilar.
If this was any other team, this board would be crushing them for being horrible humans. Because it's UK fans, it's tame and no big deal. Bottom line, a few UK fans embarrassed themselves and the rest of us. I don't care what happens, if you call a ref or his business, you're in the wrong.

I kind of felt that way at first myself but how you can now come up with that sort of explanation baffles me. Do you not understand that the rest of the country viewed us as backward, unintelligent, violent, and just plain stupid people from the backwoods of the South? This report vindicates all of that and shows that Higgins way overreacted. No, I do not approve of the way some fans contacted him or said the things they did but it is a far reach from what was first reported as attacks by UK fans and threats of death. Do you not see the difference in that? I could care less about other schools and IF they had been put in this position and how we would have reacted. I do care about how UK fans are seen by the rest of the nation especially when it is a totally wrong take. I had friends and family out on the West Coast who had contacted me about what is wrong with you people to threaten the life of a person over a basketball game and I doubt the media will bring it to their attention that it was false. You need to step back and understand where UK fans are coming from over this topic.
I hope he chokes on his whistle lol. Damn I guess I'm a horrible person now.
I kind of felt that way at first myself but how you can now come up with that sort of explanation baffles me. Do you not understand that the rest of the country viewed us as backward, unintelligent, violent, and just plain stupid people from the backwoods of the South? This report vindicates all of that and shows that Higgins way overreacted. No, I do not approve of the way some fans contacted him or said the things they did but it is a far reach from what was first reported as attacks by UK fans and threats of death. Do you not see the difference in that? I could care less about other schools and IF they had been put in this position and how we would have reacted. I do care about how UK fans are seen by the rest of the nation especially when it is a totally wrong take. I had friends and family out on the West Coast who had contacted me about what is wrong with you people to threaten the life of a person over a basketball game and I doubt the media will bring it to their attention that it was false. You need to step back and understand where UK fans are coming from over this topic.

I've said this many times, Kentucky people and Kentucky fans are the best sports have to offer. I travel all over the South and beyond to sporting events. Talk to other fans at home games. The reviews of Kentucky fans are higher than most by a long shot. To me Kentucky and stl cardinals are two of the classiest fan bases in sports.

The media hates Kentucky, always has. It's a southern state with traditional values, and UK isn't producing New York bound journalist and East coast groupies. For validation of this, take a look at the treatment of Syracuse fans by the media. One of the most unstable and violent fan bases in the country and you never hear a word about it. Why?

There's an arrogant few who hate UK fans because they buy into the false narrative and really, they just think they're better than other fans. Always looking for anything to preach and feel superior. Willing to throw other fans under the bus without evidence or cause. They are truly the worst of the worst we have to offer.
What, you disappointed the death threats weren't more explicit? That we have filth in our fan base that would do this is embarrassing. You seem to rejoice over it.
Lol you're a joke. There were no threats. That's why we told you to chill out on labeling our fans but shocker you couldn't have that.

My last paragraph in the other post was deticated to you.
I've said this many times, Kentucky people and Kentucky fans are the best sports have to offer. I travel all over the South and beyond to sporting events. Talk to other fans at home games. The reviews of Kentucky fans are higher than most by a long shot. To me Kentucky and stl cardinals are two of the classiest fan bases in sports.

The media hates Kentucky, always has. It's a southern state with traditional values, and UK isn't producing New York bound journalist and East coast groupies. For validation of this, take a look at the treatment of Syracuse fans by the media. One of the most unstable and violent fan bases in the country and you never hear a word about it. Why?

There's an arrogant few who hate UK fans because they buy into the false narrative and really, they just think they're better than other fans. Always looking for anything to preach and feel superior. Willing to throw other fans under the bus without evidence or cause. They are truly the worst of the worst we have to offer.
Brilliant post. Very well done sir.
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If this was any other team, this board would be crushing them for being horrible humans. Because it's UK fans, it's tame and no big deal.
I couldn't disagree more. If I was sold a line that another fan base had made thousands of death threats....Only to later learn that these were the 7 most "threatening" calls.... I would feel bad for that fan base. Unless it was IU fans because I couldn't ever feel bad for them.
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If this was any other team, this board would be crushing them for being horrible humans. Because it's UK fans, it's tame and no big deal. Bottom line, a few UK fans embarrassed themselves and the rest of us. I don't care what happens, if you call a ref or his business, you're in the wrong.

Calm down burger boy, the discussion comes from the original news that said he received death threats which we now know is untrue. But embarrassing? I've been around a long time and this doesn't make the top ten.
Hilarious.These were those terrible death threats?The only threat was the weak one where a guy said if he ever saw him in public he would slap him.What would these people be charged with?It was all I hope something bad happens to him.The BS media lied about the death threats.

Higgins, the pvt investigator and the prosecutor did all the lying, The media did what they always do. They swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

All three should be laughed out of town. Expected no more from that low life Higgins or those who associate with him.
I've said this many times, Kentucky people and Kentucky fans are the best sports have to offer. I travel all over the South and beyond to sporting events. Talk to other fans at home games. The reviews of Kentucky fans are higher than most by a long shot. To me Kentucky and stl cardinals are two of the classiest fan bases in sports.

The media hates Kentucky, always has. It's a southern state with traditional values, and UK isn't producing New York bound journalist and East coast groupies. For validation of this, take a look at the treatment of Syracuse fans by the media. One of the most unstable and violent fan bases in the country and you never hear a word about it. Why?

There's an arrogant few who hate UK fans because they buy into the false narrative and really, they just think they're better than other fans. Always looking for anything to preach and feel superior. Willing to throw other fans under the bus without evidence or cause. They are truly the worst of the worst we have to offer.
But when you have a few idiots that do something like this, it plays into the narrative that uk fans are crazy. Stop for a second and think about the fact that this man has a family and kids, would you want someone doing this to one of your kids? Over a ball game? Totally out of control and stupid. Get a freaking life.
I kind of felt that way at first myself but how you can now come up with that sort of explanation baffles me.
Do you not understand that the rest of the country viewed us as backward, unintelligent, violent, and just plain stupid people from the backwoods of the South? You need to step back and understand where UK fans are coming from over this topic.

Why does it matter how the rest of the country views us? My take: If they don't see me/us as highly educated, intelligent, etc....that just shows they are idiots. Personally, I don't care how other people see me or the rest of the population of Kentucky.
Back in my college days, I had a gf that lived in northern ohiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio. They were the most condescending group of people I ever met. It was comical in a way. I think they were offended when their comments didn't have a negative impact....and when I had the gall to fire back.
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But when you have a few idiots that do something like this, it plays into the narrative that uk fans are crazy. Stop for a second and think about the fact that this man has a family and kids, would you want someone doing this to one of your kids? Over a ball game? Totally out of control and stupid. Get a freaking life.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.
It's interesting that a few are so determined to be embarrassed by this personally that they're digging in, facts be damned. Is it wise or a good thing to call a ref after a game? Of course not. But there's a big difference between "I know where you live, I know where your wife works and where your kids go to school." or something sinister like that, versus "I hope you have a poopy day, good sir!" Facts matter, context matters. If you've already made up your mind on this and particulars be damned, why?