SIAP: Bronny James Summer League Debut

Bronny's contract will make him qualify for the NBA's pension and life-long health coverage. You have to be under contract for at least 1 game in three different seasons to qualify. Bronny's contract is structured to guarantee him through year 3 and the club option is year 4. A lot of other second-round players have their club option in year 3 with no guarantee.
It's a real shame that the "NBA" gives pensions, but hard-working people in NORMAL jobs can't get one.

Bronny James stats vs. Kings​

Final: Kings 108, Lakers 94

  • Minutes played: 21
  • Points: 4
  • Rebounds: 2
  • Assists: 2
  • Steals: 1
  • Blocks: 0
  • Turnovers: 0
  • FG: 2-9
  • 3FG: 0-3
  • FT: 0-2
  • Fouls: 0
5 Million for that folks. The Lakers are a DUMPSTER FIRE.
Bronny with the 5-Star name & the 3-Star game.
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and daddy got a new 2 year contract yesterday 100 mil per year for 2 more years.

Bronny James stats vs. Kings​

Final: Kings 108, Lakers 94

  • Minutes played: 21
  • Points: 4
  • Rebounds: 2
  • Assists: 2
  • Steals: 1
  • Blocks: 0
  • Turnovers: 0
  • FG: 2-9
  • 3FG: 0-3
  • FT: 0-2
  • Fouls: 0
5 Million for that folks. The Lakers are a DUMPSTER FIRE.
Thought I read yesterday LeBron opted out and resigned for less to help get more free agents??

Most people's hate of LeBron on this board is 100% because he is black, intelligent and had the opposite political beliefs of most who type here.

If he were a white Republican you'd want him as Trumps VP pick

LeBron has always conducted himself with class. Never been in trouble, helps countless people and has been a great role model. Oh and also is one of the 2 best basketball players to ever live.

Keep on hating and let politicians who dont give a shit about you continue to fill you with hate.

Oh and that was Bronnys 1st Summer League game lol is he gonna be a great absolutely not. Can he be a decent NBA role player, maybe, who knows. Can't tell after 1 Summer League game though
Total bullshit!!!! How does one hate lebron because he’s black but love Michael Jordan. You race baiting assholes are a total ****ing joke.
Folks, they retained the best player in the modern game at the very least if not ever. That's worth a second-round draft pick.

People are talking about the NBA, lakers, and specifically summer league ball which basically never happens. Another win...again, worth a late round pick. They did the NBA a solid there...I mean when does anybody in the eastern time zone, specifically football loving Rust/Bible belt/Midwest-southeast ever care about west coast professional basketball let alone summer league?

It would be one thing if Bronny was the first ever "project" taken in the league and that the draft was primarily guys who had produced at the college level for 3-4 years.

They will make that 5 million on jersey sales easy. That "James II" will be a hot fashionable commodity. Bronny has a demographic of young fans that he brings to the table even if he doesn't play much. Then obviously he has a cohort of fans who will pay attention just so they can bitch about how unproductive he is...that bumps the price tag when dealing with media/streaming talks.

XYZ media/streaming/social platform "okay lakers, what's your pitch for that price"

Lakers: "first off we have LeBron James. Secondly, we have young gen-Zers who don't give a f*ck about basketball watching Bronny and buying his jersey. Third, we have people in the Midwest/southeast who generally only follow football and a few blue blood CBB programs in the eastern time zone talking about us in July...."
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Thought I read yesterday LeBron opted out and resigned for less to help get more free agents??

Most people's hate of LeBron on this board is 100% because he is black, intelligent and had the opposite political beliefs of most who type here.

If he were a white Republican you'd want him as Trumps VP pick

LeBron has always conducted himself with class. Never been in trouble, helps countless people and has been a great role model. Oh and also is one of the 2 best basketball players to ever live.

Keep on hating and let politicians who dont give a shit about you continue to fill you with hate.

Oh and that was Bronnys 1st Summer League game lol is he gonna be a great absolutely not. Can he be a decent NBA role player, maybe, who knows. Can't tell after 1 Summer League game though
Bullshit. The LeBron apostles like you think that. Hell, you get off on the thought of it. You fantasize that is why LeBron is disliked. It would pleasure you if it were true because of your own dislike for white conservatives. I assume, to you, if anyone has a dislike towards Lebron, it is solely because they’re an angry white person. Sycophants like you have a HUGE blind spot for him.
If Bronny is a bench player then this is a nonissue. Now if he gets voted to the all star team then that would be entirely different.
Don't care either way but LeBron did take less on his latest 2 yr contract

The James basketball family implosion is imminent.
Popcorn is ready. Im day 1 on this!

And oh yea Bluegrass is back after 6 month suspension lol. !

Praise be
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Don't care either way but LeBron did take less on his latest 2 yr contract

101.3 million instead of 104 million. He’s really taking one for the team! Really sacrificing!

LeBron is such a gigantic asshat.
Yeah, no one thinks the Lakers are contenders for a title. So not sure what implosion these posters are predicting.

It's just mindless theater at this point for the Lakers. The franchise is a joke until Lebron leaves.
Yup and if Bronny isn’t good it wouldn’t be an implosion because it would be shocking if he is actually good in the NBA .

Also don’t be shocked if this happens again once Bryce enters the league .
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You all are so ate up with trump it is hilarous. Blaming not liking him on racism is lazy and predictable. Not even close to reality though. LeBron is not that smart, especially outside of basketball. In the game he’s a savant. A lot of reasons people are put off is because he speaks on issues he has no idea about and takes stances that are very hypocritical. Those are some reasons most don’t like him has zero to do with his color. More about claiming GOAT status when he’s been a super team chasing player most of his career. Longevity is the reason he has so many records but honestly he’s a top 10, and most likely top 5 player ever. Just not the GOAT. Add in the signing and ridiculous contract they gave to his son and that is another reason. He’s not an NBA player and nobody else would have ever gotten a deal or drafted like that, even some of the other best players in the world. He took the max btw so it was all talk like usual.
I've said the same thing for years
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Don't care either way but LeBron did take less on his latest 2 yr contract

My bad, he took max-ish money. He took less to help with the new apron style caps, but he basically just subsidized Bronny's deal with that "discount."
Thought I read yesterday LeBron opted out and resigned for less to help get more free agents??

Most people's hate of LeBron on this board is 100% because he is black, intelligent and had the opposite political beliefs of most who type here.

If he were a white Republican you'd want him as Trumps VP pick

LeBron has always conducted himself with class. Never been in trouble, helps countless people and has been a great role model. Oh and also is one of the 2 best basketball players to ever live.

Keep on hating and let politicians who dont give a shit about you continue to fill you with hate.

Oh and that was Bronnys 1st Summer League game lol is he gonna be a great absolutely not. Can he be a decent NBA role player, maybe, who knows. Can't tell after 1 Summer League game though
I'll say it again, Lebron said "There ain't no party like a Diddy party." I can't like this dude and it has nothing to do with him being an intelligent black man. There are a lot of of reasons not like him. He is a great basketball player, but to me, he is not a likable person.
“Hate Lebron because he’s black”

Good grief is this a real person? Who tf thinks like that? What an idiot it would take a real dumbass to think people are walking around hating people because they’re black. Then add in just hating Lebron because of his being black that’s even dumber. You can like him fine but trust me there are plenty of reasons basketball and personality related to despise that guy.

Man it’s insane to me there are people that have this mindset that the MSM has created using fear and paranoia to maintain the voter bloc. It’s CLEARLY bullsht, lol. But I guess it works. Parties are able to swindle the living f out of people.

If you believe people are walking around seeing black guy thinking “man I hate that guy, I hate that color” you are an IDIOT and please go away. It’s as nice as I can say it
Why are you bringing up Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant?

Yea Jordan is way above Lebron. Very few guys who played for a living even question it. I’d also take Kobe over Lebron if I were picking a team. I’d also take Magic over Lebron, and a few more. Lebron isn’t in my top 5.
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“Hate Lebron because he’s black”

Good grief is this a real person? Who tf thinks like that? What an idiot it would take a real dumbass to think people are walking around hating people because they’re black. Then add in just hating Lebron because of his being black that’s even dumber. You can like him fine but trust me there are plenty of reasons basketball and personality related to despise that guy.

Man it’s insane to me there are people that have this mindset that the MSM has created using fear and paranoia to maintain the voter bloc. It’s CLEARLY bullsht, lol. But I guess it works. Parties are able to swindle the living f out of people.

If you believe people are walking around seeing black guy thinking “man I hate that guy, I hate that color” you are an IDIOT and please go away. It’s as nice as I can say it

Big Kari hates white people. Imagine if a short mustache guy but on Big Kari’s face. Dude hates white people. Everything in your post is him
“Hate Lebron because he’s black”

Good grief is this a real person? Who tf thinks like that? What an idiot it would take a real dumbass to think people are walking around hating people because they’re black. Then add in just hating Lebron because of his being black that’s even dumber. You can like him fine but trust me there are plenty of reasons basketball and personality related to despise that guy.

Man it’s insane to me there are people that have this mindset that the MSM has created using fear and paranoia to maintain the voter bloc. It’s CLEARLY bullsht, lol. But I guess it works. Parties are able to swindle the living f out of people.

If you believe people are walking around seeing black guy thinking “man I hate that guy, I hate that color” you are an IDIOT and please go away. It’s as nice as I can say it
I'll play slight DA; I'm sure there are people who hate him because he's a successful black man. There's 8 billion of us so, I'd take that bet.

That being said, I doubt there's many of them on this board.
Bronny was the lead story on ESPN yesterday. 55th pick summer game bring a lead story is ridiculous. Was there not a pickleball tournament somewhere yesterday?
He was the lead story for the same reason there is a 2 page thread on here about his first game. He generates attention right now.
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It's a sad world these days folks. The fact that the majority of our fans can't admit we absolutely have a segment of our fan base that are racist is sad

I've been on this board for probably close to 20 years. I've read so many racist posts on this board it's insane.

I sit here and get attacked by other intelligent people who have seen and read the same things but won't acknowledge the truth

That makes you culpable as well by sitting in silence and not calling them out. Is everyone who hates LeBron racist, of course not. Do some who hate him do so because of his skin tone and opinions, 100% they do. Funny that so many felt guilty and needed to attack me. If it doesn't pertain to you, ignore it dude

I'm not ignoring the ignorance anymore on this board when it comes to race stuff. I've seen it to much over my years here on the forum.

And for those who want to call me racist, lol you might be wrong. The reason I choose to fight back, to stop staying silent is personal for me. My wife is black, my child is mixed race, I see this shit everyday in KY when we are out together. So don't tell me everyone just hates LeBron because of his politics, attitude or wtf ever. Some hate him because he is an educated black man with different opinions than yourself.

If intelligent people can't admit that there is indeed a faction on this board that fits that mold, then you're lying, ignorant or don't pay attention. Sorry the truth is so unpleasant for some. It's a raleality I see daily in my life.

Edit:::and those wanting to insert political shit here and think you know me lol again. Biden is old and can't function and destroying our economy. Trump is moron felon who is hell bent on division. I hate politics and think both parties are a complete shit show and embarrassment. We've gotta have a fee 40 somethings in each party who could do much better for our great Nation.
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LeBron isn't even close to the best player in the league anymore. Never made any sense to me.
26 PPG / 7.3 RPG / 8.3 APG and 41% 3FG% says different. Name me 5/10 players who put up better numbers. 8.3 assist per game is elite. He shares the scoring with AD, but still scored 26 per game. I can't stand LBJ. but to say he is still not one of the best players in the NBA is just dumb, and agenda backed. Not to mention he runs the offense, gets double teamed. Age will eventually catch up to him, father time is undefeated, but right now, he is still a top baller.
It's a sad world these days folks. The fact that the majority of our fans can't admit we absolutely have a segment of our fan base that are racist is sad

I've been on this board for probably close to 20 years. I've read so many racist posts on this board it's insane.

I sit here and get attacked by other intelligent people who have seen and read the same things but won't acknowledge the truth

That makes you culpable as well by sitting in silence and not calling them out. Is everyone who hates LeBron racist, of course not. Do some who hate him do so because of his skin tone and opinions, 100% they do. Funny that so many felt guilty and needed to attack me. If it doesn't pertain to you, ignore it dude

I'm not ignoring the ignorance anymore on this board when it comes to race stuff. I've seen it to much over my years here on the forum.

And for those who want to call me racist, lol you might be wrong. The reason I choose to fight back, to stop staying silent is personal for me. My wife is black, my child is mixed race, I see this shit everyday in KY when we are out together. So don't tell me everyone just hates LeBron because of his politics, attitude or wtf ever. Some hate him because he is an educated black man with different opinions than yourself.

If intelligent people can't admit that there is indeed a faction on this board that fits that mold, then you're lying, ignorant or don't pay attention. Sorry the truth is so unpleasant for some. It's a raleality I see daily in my life.

Edit:::and those wanting to insert political shit here and think you know me lol again. Biden is old and can't function and destroying our economy. Trump is moron felon who is hell bent on division. I hate politics and think both parties are a complete shit show and embarrassment. We've gotta have a fee 40 somethings in each party who could do much better for our great Nation.
Or………nobody dislikes Lebron because he’s black. And people like you want to insert this shit into everything, every day.

If I like 20 African American basketball players and I dislike 1………RACIST!!!!!!!!

Lebron and Donald Trump both narcissists. I dislike them both. Racist!!!!!!!!

26 PPG / 7.3 RPG / 8.3 APG and 41% 3FG% says different. Name me 5/10 players who put up better numbers. 8.3 assist per game is elite. He shares the scoring with AD, but still scored 26 per game. I can't stand LBJ. but to say he is still not one of the best players in the NBA is just dumb, and agenda backed. Not to mention he runs the offense, gets double teamed. Age will eventually catch up to him, father time is undefeated, but right now, he is still a top baller.

Yeah, no he's not.
It's a sad world these days folks. The fact that the majority of our fans can't admit we absolutely have a segment of our fan base that are racist is sad

I've been on this board for probably close to 20 years. I've read so many racist posts on this board it's insane.

I sit here and get attacked by other intelligent people who have seen and read the same things but won't acknowledge the truth

That makes you culpable as well by sitting in silence and not calling them out. Is everyone who hates LeBron racist, of course not. Do some who hate him do so because of his skin tone and opinions, 100% they do. Funny that so many felt guilty and needed to attack me. If it doesn't pertain to you, ignore it dude

I'm not ignoring the ignorance anymore on this board when it comes to race stuff. I've seen it to much over my years here on the forum.

And for those who want to call me racist, lol you might be wrong. The reason I choose to fight back, to stop staying silent is personal for me. My wife is black, my child is mixed race, I see this shit everyday in KY when we are out together. So don't tell me everyone just hates LeBron because of his politics, attitude or wtf ever. Some hate him because he is an educated black man with different opinions than yourself.

If intelligent people can't admit that there is indeed a faction on this board that fits that mold, then you're lying, ignorant or don't pay attention. Sorry the truth is so unpleasant for some. It's a raleality I see daily in my life.

Edit:::and those wanting to insert political shit here and think you know me lol again. Biden is old and can't function and destroying our economy. Trump is moron felon who is hell bent on division. I hate politics and think both parties are a complete shit show and embarrassment. We've gotta have a fee 40 somethings in each party who could do much better for our great Nation.
No one here is claiming that there aren't racists in this world, unfortunately, there are. But there you sit on your high horse calling everyone that doesn't agree with you a racist and that proves that you're an idiot. The majority of people never look at Lebron and think about his color; that doesn't enter their mind at all, but obviously it does enter yours, so I'd have to question who the racist really is.

I don't like Lebron because he's a jerk. He's overpaid and overrated. I wouldn't consider him a top 5 all-time NBA player at all and it's nothing to do with race.
I'll play slight DA; I'm sure there are people who hate him because he's a successful black man. There's 8 billion of us so, I'd take that bet.

That being said, I doubt there's many of them on this board.

I think the broader point is it’s no longer a reflection of society to the point that poster is taking it. Who is watching an elite billionaire (basketball no less) and thinking man look at his blackness. Lebron is in an elite class, he’s not your run of the mill guy and so no I don’t think there’s anyone thinking anything about what color he is. Just like I doubt all of the people that support Jordan fall short of that support because he’s a black guy. This isnt 1955.

Lebron is an annoyance, he’s likely ruined the NBA and his antics (reading page 1 of the autobiography of Malcolm X), his interpretation of broad political topics (stupidity), among many other stupid statements and actions lead people to detest Lebron. Now this stunt with his kid I mean come on. The guy above who threw out a slew of attacks on people that detest him does so to protect his party interests that’s clear. And how do those types do this? By slandering people as racists - how do we not understand this playbook by now. If Lebron wore a trump hat tomorrow that poster would put on a full attack against Lebron. We should ask him what he thinks about Ben Carson, I’d bet he’s not so quick to point out racism then. He’s not fooling anyone, he’s a typical racist leftist who uses black causes to bolster their position. And once those types have what they want they don’t return….

And there’s no ignoring politics, to make a factual
Rebuttal to clowns like that you have to bring up the truth. This country would do well to rid our system of those types.
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List 10 better than him ? You can't. So LOL at yourself, you are WRONG, per usual.

Dude, stop being a moron. You're worshipping someone that doesn't care about you. Lebron is still good at basketball, no doubt about it, but he's not what he used to be, and he's never gonna be the best player on a title team ever again. Continue blabbering on though.
I'll never understand why on a UK fan site with posters who proudly say they don't watch the NBA or outright hate the NBA, that LeBron and Bronny is such a lightning rod discussion that leads to posters calling each other names and accusing each other of this and that. It all seems pretty silly and guys here are allowing themselves to get worked up and act like jerks to each other...over Bronny James lol. I just don't get the Bronny obsession here and it is an obsession. Since his days in high school, I'm willing to bet there's been no less than 30 threads about this one west coast player. I mean, I think we get it. A majority here believe he's terrible and some probably wish he wasn't continuing to play for whatever reason. Not sure how many times posters need to say the same thing. Everything that one could say about Bronny here over the years has been said. Sheesh...I'm going for a run.
Dude, stop being a moron. You're worshipping someone that doesn't care about you. Lebron is still good at basketball, no doubt about it, but he's not what he used to be, and he's never gonna be the best player on a title team ever again. Continue blabbering on though.
If I would you, the last thing I would do is call someone else a moron. You are ONE of if not THE worst posters on here. Congrats ? Like I said, name 10 better ?????? Funny, you keep ducking that part. I can not stand Lebron, as stated before, which you seem to not grasp (shocker there), but 26 / 8 / 8 is not just "good" as you said. One last time and I am done with your ignorance, name 10 players in the NBA TODAY, better than Lebron James. I will anxiously wait for your response. Which it will just be another BS beat around the topic and more Gibberish instead. By the way, what does Lebron James not caring about me have to do with his basketball ability ? You are simply being stupid and using NOTHING to debate your side, just ignorance and then more ignorance. NO FACTS.
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