Sheppard in practice

Don’t know many coaches that continue playing unproductive players who make numerous mistakes over others who are actually showing promise but come out after one mishap. That’s a cal staple. Other coaches play players who perform not just who they want to perform and give them chance after chance after chance to do so.
Yes, Cal gives some players much longer leashes especially if it’s someone he’s trying to get to the NBA on the fast track. He doesn’t seem to always place winning for UK over getting his One-N-Dones to the NBA.
I don’t agree, respectfully.

They’re 18 and 19. Push and redline them if it means winning. Find your group and just go. I’ve never heard of a Team winning in march and April because they’re rested.
But we saw what happens two years ago when they aren't.

Grady and Tyty beat up and exhausted from too many minutes and the injuries that helped to cause.
But we saw what happens two years ago when they aren't.

Grady and Tyty beat up and exhausted from too many minutes and the injuries that helped to cause.
Every kid/guy is different.

Never once heard anything about Wall or Bledsoe needing rest. I think today's kids are just soft by comparison.
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Fans tend to forget that coaches see the guys everyday in practice. They also know exactly where each guy is supposed to be offensively and defensively at all times during the game.

I am not saying Cal's substitution patterns and minutes are right. But they are what he believes to be best, based on what he sees. All the "Oh, I forgot to play so-and-so", thats coach speak BS for "I did what I did".

So Reed plays if he earns it, in practice. All these kids are good players, you could put 20 people in a room with all the time and knowledge the coaching staff has about our squad ...... and still have valid debates why Player G really should be getting more minutes than Player E. Or Vice Versa. All that matters is, did it work or not TODAY.

Coaches want to win games. Everything else is 2nd. Cal has to hear the drumbeats, even if they're distant. He has a big personality. He wants to win. He'll play who he thinks gives him the best chance.
Yes, coaches see these kids in practice every day, but Cal is a different guy. He uses different logic than most coaches.

Cal watched Askew, Boston, Wheeler, Hagans, Greene, Whitney, Skal etc… in practice every day, but he played them endlessly for wayyyy too long and watched those guys lose games all because, in Cal's mind, they need to play through it.

Those guys didn't earn those spots in practice, Cal just gave them their starting positions. He already had it in his mind that they were starters and nobody, or nothing was going to tell him any different.

Tyty should have been the pg over Wheeler. Askew never should have been on scholarship, Skal was never a back-to-the-basket center, he was a face up 4, Greene was not UK starter caliber, Boston was a huge mess every game, he single handedly lost many games for that 20/21 team and Maxey should have been the pg on the 19/20 team.

It doesn't matter what Cal sees in practice, he has his lineups pre-determined, so if Reed wants to see minutes this year, he's going to have to be very patient, because I can about guarantee he is not in Cal's pre-determined lineup at this point.
Yes, Cal gives some players much longer leashes especially if it’s someone he’s trying to get to the NBA on the fast track. He doesn’t seem to always place winning for UK over getting his One-N-Dones to the NBA.
Sensible UK fans have known this since this blowhard started coaching at UK.
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Had one other SG on the team in IQ and Hagans nd quade green were the only other guards on the roster. If Reed is ready and can contribute would love to see that happen. Cal seems reluctant however on in state talent despite their star ranking. They get shorter leashes and thus fewer chances to prove their worth to the team. Heck just last year, while not an instate kid, Theiro was constantly making good things happen during games yet would go stretches of games without seeing a minute of meaningful action. If you’re not one of Cals chosen you have to play 2-3 times better than those in front of you. Sorry just the way cal is.
I would agree. The question that begs an answer is "why" does Cal do this ... year after year?
I don't know why people throw out the "if he stays 3-4 years" stuff. He won't be here 3-4 years. Nobody is. Plus, he is going to be a star. I'll be elated if we get him for year 2.
I think you are all setting yourselves up for disappointment with Reed because he is a legacy guy and grew up in KY. Hope he proves me wrong.
I’ve watched reed play numerous times in person. I watched him single handedly beat Noah’s Clowneys team (reed was only a JR). Reed had 1 player besides himself that was good at basketball, and somehow willed his team to beat a much more athletic team. He’s done this his entire high school career.

Reed can score if needed, can also make full court passes left handed in tight windows, he can play damn good defense… he can break a press by himself. Some people are forgetting that reed played against some of the best high school competition in the US
I’ve watched reed play numerous times in person. I watched him single handedly beat Noah’s Clowneys team (reed was only a JR). Reed had 1 player besides himself that was good at basketball, and somehow willed his team to beat a much more athletic team. He’s done this his entire high school career.

Reed can score if needed, can also make full court passes left handed in tight windows, he can play damn good defense… he can break a press by himself. Some people are forgetting that reed played against some of the best high school competition in the US
I don't think he is a bad player by any means, I just think Dom Hawkins' impact or a little more is what we'll see from his time at UK.
I watched Reed in 4 games last year. I question 2 things:

1) Can he create a shot in UK’s offense? He can shoot, but the question will be will anything be run to get him (or anyone really) an open look. Maybe Welsh will help revamp the offense some to help.

2) I saw him have good anticipation off the ball. I was not overly impressed with him staying in front of his man. He gambled quite a bit and could get away with it in HS. He may be able to, but I just didn’t see it in 4 games.
Yes, coaches see these kids in practice every day, but Cal is a different guy. He uses different logic than most coaches.

Cal watched Askew, Boston, Wheeler, Hagans, Greene, Whitney, Skal etc… in practice every day, but he played them endlessly for wayyyy too long and watched those guys lose games all because, in Cal's mind, they need to play through it.

Those guys didn't earn those spots in practice, Cal just gave them their starting positions. He already had it in his mind that they were starters and nobody, or nothing was going to tell him any different.

Tyty should have been the pg over Wheeler. Askew never should have been on scholarship, Skal was never a back-to-the-basket center, he was a face up 4, Greene was not UK starter caliber, Boston was a huge mess every game, he single handedly lost many games for that 20/21 team and Maxey should have been the pg on the 19/20 team.

It doesn't matter what Cal sees in practice, he has his lineups pre-determined, so if Reed wants to see minutes this year, he's going to have to be very patient, because I can about guarantee he is not in Cal's pre-determined lineup at this point.
Very well stated. Those that do not see this are in complete denial of cal and his ways. If you aren’t in that pre-determined group you don’t just have to be good to play you have to bring all star level talent to the floor almost every minute your on the floor because as soon as you misstep (especially early when on the floor) out you go and likely will not see meaningful time the rest of the game.
I don't know why people throw out the "if he stays 3-4 years" stuff. He won't be here 3-4 years. Nobody is. Plus, he is going to be a star. I'll be elated if we get him for year 2.
Yep its funny because people said the same things about Herro that they do about Reed. Reed Sheppard has the talent to play in the league.
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Yep its funny because people said the same things about Herro that they do about Reed. Reed Sheppard has the talent to play in the league.
I think (or better stated - not much better than a wild guess at this point) that Shepherd could possibly play in the NBA. But I think he'll have to do so as a PG. One of those game manager PGs that don't make a lot of mistakes and kill you from the perimeter if left open.
I watched Reed in 4 games last year. I question 2 things:

1) Can he create a shot in UK’s offense? He can shoot, but the question will be will anything be run to get him (or anyone really) an open look. Maybe Welsh will help revamp the offense some to help.

2) I saw him have good anticipation off the ball. I was not overly impressed with him staying in front of his man. He gambled quite a bit and could get away with it in HS. He may be able to, but I just didn’t see it in 4 games.
Quick first step and he can score at all 3 levels. Finisher as well. UK can run some of the offense that they used for Lamb, Murray and Grady for him to get shots but he’s more creative than those 3 off the dribble. No worries he’s a team first guy.

Do think he’s a pg and can help there as well. Best long outlet passer I’ve seen in a long time. If teammates run the floor he’ll get it to them.

Thought his d was good and I’m sure he was told not to get around anyone and risk getting fouls.
People dwell on what players don’t do well more than what they do do well. He’s got a ton of attributes not to mention a terrific role model for Ky kids. He’s one of us. Nice to see.

Looking forward to watching this group develop.
Every kid/guy is different.

Never once heard anything about Wall or Bledsoe needing rest. I think today's kids are just soft by comparison.
Yeah I agree. I sometimes think its got something to do with the fact that everyone talks about it so much that it puts the idea in the players minds and kind of manifest itself into an issue. I feel like if it wasn't talked about or of it was kind of expected that the players are going to play every minute they can then it wouldnt be as big of an issue. I dont remember tired legs ever being an issue or something that was worrisome even just 5 years ago. It seems like the incident with Kellen Grady is what got everyone talking about this all the time.
Damn there are some awful takes in this thread. From what we’ve seen I don’t know what there is to complain about. Kid looked awesome and way ahead of where almost any other freshman we’ve had has looked at this point. I just hope we have him for a couple of years and not just one. Regardless, thank you to Mr and Mrs Sheppard!
I don't think he is a bad player by any means, I just think Dom Hawkins' impact or a little more is what we'll see from his time at UK.
@chroix I'm revising my statement after seeing him at GLOBL Jam. Even if his shot isn't falling he's a very headsy player. I do think he got away with a bunch which made him look very good, but he won't get away with that in the SEC. That said, his instincts are really good on defense as far as getting steals and blocks but a lot of those were gambles so we'll have to see how it translates to the NCAA and their uneven officiating.

I don't really know what to expect out of him now, but I've certainly revised my ceiling to somewhere much higher.
@chroix I'm revising my statement after seeing him at GLOBL Jam. Even if his shot isn't falling he's a very headsy player. I do think he got away with a bunch which made him look very good, but he won't get away with that in the SEC. That said, his instincts are really good on defense as far as getting steals and blocks but a lot of those were gambles so we'll have to see how it translates to the NCAA and their uneven officiating.

I don't really know what to expect out of him now, but I've certainly revised my ceiling to somewhere much higher.

Agreed. Hard not to get excited the way he handled himself up north. Let’s hope it translates over in the states.