Scariest Movie You’ve Ever Seen?

I just don’t get how you can actually be scared sitting in a theater with 50 other people watching tv that you know isn’t real.

How does that scare anyone?

I don’t watch John Wick and be like “DAMN BRO he just literally murdered 132 people!! Keanu Reeves is going to prison…”
None, never seen one that was “scary”. They’re all so fake and unbelievable that I can’t watch them anymore. Horror and scary films are a waste of time to me.

Rogue, you don't believe in the power and magic of cinema?

Surely you got a little queazy the first time you saw Cake Farts 2: The Frosting Is Runny (1983) or dude there's no way you're convincing me you didn't squirm in your seat the first time you watched Fishhooks Into The Peehole, Then Pulled Apart Very Slowly (1990). If so, you're a better man than me, that's for sure.
Thought Event Horizon was a pretty good scary sci-fi flick.
An underrated film combining my two favorite genres. A shame they never sold the director's cut, which apparently included 2-3 minutes of seriously disturbing scenes when sh*t hit the fan.

I thought The Conjuring was decently scary. It's hard for me to get creeped out by a movie. Some of the scenes from Lights Out were pretty well done, but just an OK movie overall.
That movie disturbed me for some reason, lol.
Yup. It really had me on edge.

Supposedly they had significantly *more* gore from the period that the ship traveled to “hell” but the footage was lost. They had to rush editing and just got jumbled and then lost hence no director’s cut.

I’m not really a horror movie fan but do love space flicks….so I like this one but was edgy. Similarly I liked Ad Astra (obviously not a horror flick) but felt the freakiness of him not knowing what he was going to find on his dad’s ship somewhat in the same way.
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An underrated film combining my two favorite genres. A shame they never sold the director's cut, which apparently included 2-3 minutes of seriously disturbing scenes when sh*t hit the fan.

The footage wasn’t stored properly and is mostly gone. The odds are it’ll never be released.

I really liked 1408 and It Chapter One. Most horror movies don’t do much for me, but those I felt were really well done.
Rogue, you don't believe in the power and magic of cinema?

Surely you got a little queazy the first time you saw Cake Farts 2: The Frosting Is Runny (1983) or dude there's no way you're convincing me you didn't squirm in your seat the first time you watched Fishhooks Into The Peehole, Then Pulled Apart Very Slowly (1990). If so, you're a better man than me, that's for sure.
I can't properly express my feelings about this post, other than to say, lines to cross, or not cross can be pretty subjective, and even though I can't pinpoint it, well, something definitely feels "off/awkward" here... LOL
I'm not 5 anymore so things that scared me then like Lepracaun and Pumpkin Head are silly now.

I will say movies like The Strangers and the Purge series are at least anxiety at times. The former could happen with random psychos breaking in and murdering u. The second seems unlikely but we live n an increasingly bizarre world.

Movies with demons and ghosts are intriguing and sometimes unsettling. Again, idk if I believe n that crap but some movies do a good job with the suspense.
Aside from the usual movies that would make this list (The Shining, The Exorcist, etc).. I'd say "The Dark and the Wicked" was about as dread inducing of a movie as I've seen in quite some time. As one of this forum's resident Horror experts.. I've seen a lot of scary movies. That one had me shook and unable to sleep for a few nights. It was basically a story about some form of an evil entity terrorizing an already fractured family.. but there was no "fighting" it, no answers to why it was happening. It was simply permeating evil and how there was nothing they could do. Unrelenting and hopelessness... that's what makes for a scary movie.
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We always had a lot of spiders in our unfinished basement and they would jump on your feet sometimes. After I saw Arachnophobia, I was a mess for awhile. Couldn't sleep, wouldn't go in our basement if it was dark and was pretty convinced a spider would kill me in my sleep.

Yup. It really had me on edge.

Supposedly they had significantly *more* gore from the period that the ship traveled to “hell” but the footage was lost. They had to rush editing and just got jumbled and then lost hence no director’s cut.

I’m not really a horror movie fan but do love space flicks….so I like this one but was edgy. Similarly I liked Ad Astra (obviously not a horror flick) but felt the freakiness of him not knowing what he was going to find on his dad’s ship somewhat in the same way.

Ad Astra conceptually is scary as hell. Do you have the mental tenacity to not absolutely lose your shit in space? Only one way to find out. No thank you.

For scary movies I’ll add the Road. All the zombie slasher stuff is just not scary. Bleak and fatalistic view of our future much scarier.
Not the scariest movie I've seen but tye most dread inducing film I think was hereditary. Just felt dirty watching that when he kills his sister
Gonna have to disagree. It's an unintentional comedy and not a very good one. It was built up to be this horror masterpiece, "the best thing since The Exorcist," but the entire audience (folks from all walks of life) where I watched it was laughing by the end. It tried to be creepy but was just campy and overwrought.
I think a lot of how scary a movie is, is factoring in when you saw it (age). I had night mares for weeks after Salems Lot, I was probably about 8-9 when I saw it. Literally, had nightmares about the brother floating outside his house and scratching at the window saying "let me him" trying to kill his own brother.